My step kids are ruining my life. Their symptoms started after taking Abilify for at least a year and continued despite stopping the drug. Then after that, your doctors will engage you in the recommended treatment available. Just my 2cents. At the very least, Otsuka should warn doctors about combining antidepressants with higher doses of Abilify, and educate them as to how it interacts with various antidepressants in different strengths. If you need to take Abilify for a longer period of time, your healthcare provider may try to find the lowest effective dose to manage this risk. As much as I support this website and its goals I cant help but point out how clear the sampling bias is in the dataset. Three took Abilify for other diagnoses, two for poorly-defined stress and three for unknown reasons. Firstly, observe for any allergic reactions, and even though it is one you notice, consult your doctor immediately. The huge nursing home market, full of elderly patients with dementia and difficult behavior, was one Abilify sales reps coveted. ADMIRE had actually found what many in the RxISK group learned the hard way: Higher doses of Abilify led to worse side effects, with no extra benefit. Bizarre and frightening thoughts led her to assault her husband, whom she remembers confusing with someone from her childhood. In May of 2016, the FDA finally issued a warning about the antidepressant medication aripiprizole, sold under the brand name Abilify as well as in generic form. I think it is a difficult drug to come off completely. Taking Cymbalta 120 QD, Xanax 1 mg QID. Intravenous fluids assist the body to reestablish fluid balance and reduce the number of drugs in circulation. His demeanour hasnt changed though. I also agree that the effect size for depression is quite small and I do NOT use this drug as an adjunct for depression, ever. The worst part of it all? It would just come and hit me out of nowhere, which is a symptom I never had before taking Abilify., I was on Abilify for 6 years when one day I ran out of it. On 5 mg again, anxiety, energy, pain the same. Below are the major side effects or complications of Abilify that have been observed from the study of 34 people using Abilify: Some people reported akathisia, and others reported unusual aggression or anger. Families and doctors need to both be involved in the process and clearly define the criteria and expectations of what theyre trying to accomplish. Sedation and cognitive problems, however, always began on the drug, and improved on stopping in most cases. It was like his brain had been slowed down by 10x, along with his voice. I still have a ways to go in terms of feeling my emotions - but definitely have improved since writing this post. The medication may be more likely to cause gambling problems than other related drugs with similar impulse control effects. I was intolerant to Venlafaxine also, it gave me suicidal impulse and bone loss. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1656c34cdbfda5 People are shallow and fatphobic. I was not physically agitated. I do fucking care what others think. It first made me manic which almost landed me in the hospital. Excellent reporting here from the RxISK reports. He was given Abilify of10mg per day and sent home after 7 days. The anxiety was so bad, I went back on. Just had a meeting with both my therapist and my mom We talked about schizoaffective and bipolar, how it affects both myself and others with it, and some challenges I face daily. I have been sent home the past two times of my shift because i've nearly passed out or puked. When I was (briefly) on Abilify, I literally could not sit still for 5 minutes. My friend has now been off ability for about 3 months. But definitely the magnesium and chamomile helps a lot. One man regretted this state, but felt it was better than his prior severe depression. My first doctor dropped me as a patient after becoming manic since i refused to go to the hospital. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die ungewhnlichsten Eon praline auf dem Markt gegenbergestellt und die entscheidenden Merkmale, die Kostenstruktur und die Meinungen der Kunden vergleichend untersucht. Another man described a less intense yet pervasive anger and irritation. Nine people reported gaining large amounts of weight. As a result, it became one of the best-selling medications of all time. Submit Feedback Was that why Abilify clinical trials continued to be so short? Initially, Abilify was a life-saver. M: 32 1 months: 12/9/2008: 5: bipolar management/anxiety: slight weight gain, active dream cycle: This is a great pill. Looking for any kind of support right now? Abilify saved my life. Lets face it..he is a 22yr old make and we live in a collage town. I understand that it takes a long period of time to do this, taking into account that withdraw comes after completely taking the drug and then there is still the 3/4 life, 1/2 life and 1/4 life to deal with in the body. Fortunately was able to return most of it after coming off the drug. In addition, the compulsive behaviors may place individuals at a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, destroy families, cause loss of employment or other damages to the overall quality of life. Did you relapse? I had horrible insomnia the whole time. OVERVIEW: Abilify (aripiprazole) was approved by the FDA in 2002 for the treatment of a number of psychological disorders. But if these symptoms develop, they may have you stop taking the medication. This led to a four-year downward spiral of akathisia, hostility, depression, and more medications. "Abilify is an antipsychotic drug used to treat schizophrenia. We are a haven for people with Bipolar Disorder and those on their journey towards a diagnosis to discuss Bipolar-related issues; a community, not just a help page. Very interesting article (my son has schizophrenia). This seemed to help until a couple of years ago I developed tardive dyskinesia. If your next dosage is approaching, omit the missing dose and resume your usual dosing regimen. Editorial Note: This is part 2 of Johanna Ryans series that started with Dodging Abilify. My new one just keeps telling me she doesnt understand how I have anxiety if Im also on hydroxyzine. The TV ad lists the side effects casually, as if they are minor, or will go away if the drug is stopped. Newsletter archive, Data Based Medicine Global Ltd. The sales pitch they crafted invited staff to picture a new resident who sat hunched over, staring into space all day supposedly due to depression, since antipsychotic drugs are officially off-limits for frail elders with dementia. In the 13 years since. Three days later he hanged himself. I bore it and got all all drugs a couple years ago. Im sending positive thoughts your way. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1000000 percent! 2,25 Abilify is sometimes used as an adjunct to antidepressant drug therapy. Abilify marketing records, released during court cases, suggest Bristol-Myers recognized this. I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 in 2004. Can I safely stop taking this drug since Ive not been on but about three weeks? In the past, this would have sent me over the edge - I would have been suicidal. Like starting with an every other day doing. Odudu Abasi Mkpong January 16, 2023 Can you ever get off of Abilify? It takes roughly a year to fully expel the drug, especially the high dosage injection. The sales pitch they crafted invited staff to picture a new resident who sat hunched over, staring into space all day supposedly due to depression, since antipsychotic drugs are officially off-limits for frail elders with dementia. But if these symptoms develop, they may have you stop taking the medication. And the following sub-headings after the review will further let you know how this drug can ruin your life because by reading their contents, you will know the side effects of this drug, what happens if you miss or overdose on it, and possible harmful interactions this medication has with other drugs, supplements, and substances you take in every. That's hardly surprising. At the other extreme, 14 people reported over-sedation and cognitive slowing, with memory, concentration, and word-finding problems. Staying On section). At the least, I think doctors underestimate how much pain this causes. I really hate living like this and feel so hopeless. In last weeks column, Dodging Abilify, I described the fan-club enthusiasm for this drug among doctors Ive met, my own reluctance to try it, and what Id learned about Abilify from casual research. Less was reported about the third suicide, a young woman treated for schizophrenia. Four others had tardive dyskinesia (TD), a pattern of severe involuntary movements linked to antipsychotic drugs; one woman also had seizures. In the last couple of weeks my Bp is up and my heart rate is from 95 to 110. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After reading these reports, I began to think of Abilify as a Tardive Drug. About movement and cognition and meaning. So all these reviews are negative reviews from Abilify users who claimed that the side effects of this drug are capable of ruining your life if you continue to use it, and the drug is not worth the side effects it brings. Even 2 mg was bigger than it seemed and doses over 5 mg could put you on a par with patients taking Abilify for psychosis. He was recently on ability for about 3 years, and became someone I didnt know. 3 of us were OK about taking the drugs longer term, 5 of us werent. My psychiatrist who prescribed it was so surprised that I developed this. Navigating through life in the eye of the storm gives you back control, rather than being thrown around by the whirlwinds of the past and the future. How Alendronic Acid Destroyed My Life. Some people had their worst problems with stopping Abilify; others primarily had problems while taking the drug. Three people reported being coerced or pressured to keep taking Abilify: one by her employer, another by her doctor, while a third said simply because I am obligated to. One man did not explain why he stayed on the drug. Thank you for this article, Joanna. How Abilify Ruined my Life and What I Did About It to Become Better and Well Again, Warnings, Contraindications, and Precautions to take note of when taking Abilify, Common Treatments to Treat the Side Effects Of Abilify And Whether You Should Take Them or Not, Treating the Damages Caused by Abilify - Stopping vs. And everyone just tells me to keep taking the medication. Long-term Abilify usage (more than 3 months) has not been extensively explored. Read More I'm also on Abilify 5mg right now. I have to disagree with the slant presented in these arguments. All she does is push pills on me and they make everything worse. Despite taking a gradual approach, symptoms may yet develop to a severe and intolerable level. Make sure you have a very competent mental psychiatrist and make sure that you have your antipsychotic medications verified by another renowned and competent doctor before taking them because wrong antipsychotic medications easily bring dangerous side effects to a persons mental health. 0 (0) Peoples Experiences with Abilify Withdrawal Effects. What Will Happen When You Misuse Abilify and What is the Treatment? A couple of months ago my psychiatrist switched me to 120mg Cymbalta. A liquid is pushed down the esophagus and into the stomach through a tube inserted via the nose or mouth. He felt he couldnt complete familiar tasks, like replacing a part in his car, because the simplest obstacle would make him too angry to focus. And, of course, the final reason is that polypharmacy is increasingly the norm, and most of us dont track side effects, nor are we encouraged to do so (and when we do, we too often get the types of responses from prescribes as I did)or we are guilt-tripped and shamed into believing that any side effect is better than the risk of mental distress. One woman felt Abilify had helped her depression, but the restlessness was so intense she had to decrease the dose to one too low to be helpful. Physically I feel broken, emotionally oppressed and mentally fogged. Abilify, which is also known as aripiprazole, is an antipsychotic drug prescribed for the treatment of people with mental health disorders and conditions like schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, and other related mental health conditions. Didnt work for me. Combining this medicine in conjunction with any of the following medications may raise your risk of certain adverse effects, but using both treatments may be the best option for you. Since no exact figures are available, lets assume your effective dose could double. On day 3, it was like someone flicked a switch. Doctors may be using it as they use stimulants, when patients appear fatigued or slowed down and activation seems a good idea. True happiness? Or just research this stuff for Curious people??? Abilify seriously fucked with my mind and body. I felt so great. I decided to quit taking it. (Now Abilify is available in a generic form as aripiprazole, so sales of the brand name have slowed substantially. He has been on this medication at 5mg per day for the last two months. There has also been weight gain. Staying On. 4/34 of your sample were mortalities, 3 of which are reported as confirmed suicides. Heres the trouble, people report on this website because theyve been wronged or perceive they were wronged by a drug. My work mantra is: "I can, and I will", Are you looking for a way to calculate how many calories youve burned during your, Get the latest creative news from Healthsoothe about health and dentalcare. It wasnt the thoughts themselves that distressed him, however, so much as his resulting inability to concentrate and work on his creative writing, the main source of meaning and purpose in his life. Tapered the drug with my support, under a psychiatrist, in Fife, Scotland. We finally tried to abilify in May and we finally have are almost perfect little boy. Its a horrid one to quit. Hypersexuality is another manifestation of Abilifys effects on impulse control. What About the Withdrawal Symptoms of Abilify? My son has been on Risperdal for 12 years, but is being slowly weaned off and is coming alive again. In other words, the little baby dose was an illusion. My brain feels like its melting and my eyes are continuing to run despite me not crying. It seems like Ive tried a number of antidepressant drugs and not had results, really. We initially started him in Invega after a ten day hospitalization, but that was too sedating and that was no life at all for him, he was miserable. Things got so bad we could not control with methylphenidate. Abilify is not suitable for everyone. One was a college student prescribed Abilify and Wellbutrin for depression and stress. Three confirmed suicides and one possible suicide were reported. My God. (In 2007, they paid $515 million to settle charges alleging bribery and other shenanigans to promote Abilify for unapproved uses.). Abilify has ruined my life I was unwillingly put on Abilify 400mg injection after my 2nd (hospitalised) manic episode at the end of 2021. So many people get put on antipsychotics because they present some depression or anger problems or emotional sensitivity, and it just BREAKS them!!! Let's just put it this way: my untreated bipolar brain likes to lie to me. In recent years, it has been heavily marketed as an antidepressant augmentation strategy.Despite the fact that this has been one of the most profitable medications of recent years, some research has suggested that its efficacy appears to . I didn't take the injection (wasn't available when I was on it) but the pill form of it made me extremely OCD. Its your body you know whats working and whats not. He used to smoke a lot of weed. It wasnt the thoughts themselves that distressed him, however, so much as his resulting inability to concentrate and work on his creative writing, the main source of meaning and purpose in his life. Why Would Someone Take Abilify Long-Term? To see the entire medical profession falling for it made me really scaredand angry. The first time I abruptly quit Abilify, I began rapid cycling from high to low moods. He was treated at a center that was only allowed to keep patients for No longer than 14 days. I have posted some of their reviews in this post above, so you can check their reviews and see why they said; Abilify ruined my life. Two people described their akathisia as intense physical restlessness, saying they literally could not keep still. Some of the side effects you might incur could be serious and life-threatening, as I have outlined such side effects above in this post, and they are certain conditions you might be in that you should never take this drug at all, and also certain things you should never take this drug in combination with. She was already on two antipsychotic drugs and a barbiturate; her suicide came a few days after Abilify was added. You are in a difficult situation and on your own. Leukemia is cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. I have tried everything, and my depression wouldn't lift. 26, No. All those psych drugs are just poison used by people with no real understanding how they actually work (based only on theories). Sonny arrives at his restaurant and gives Dex, who is there, the night off. The first time I noticed that opiates stopped the akathisia was when I was prescribed opioid painkillers when I had my wisdom teeth removed at close to 19.. For the first time in years, I felt happy for no reason. Vraylar (cariprazine) and Lamictal (lamotrigine) are alternatives to Abilify. abilify It depends on the half- life of the drug. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He stayed on Abilify longer than any other anti-psychotic he had previously been on and his quality of life was immensely improved. 08/12/2016 at 4:58 am. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They knew I had ADHD, but were of the impression back then in the early 2000s that ADHD just went away in teens.. Of the four people with Tardive Dyskinesia, all were women and only one was under fifty. Are there any alternatives to Abilify that are safer? 1, pp 80-83 You should have gotten a dog." (Kevin Purkiser, letter to the editor) 13. Submit Feedback Umberto Albert, David De Cori, Filippo Bogetto & Giuseppe Maina: HYPOMANIA ASSOCIATED WITH ADJUNCTIVE LOW-DOSE ARIPIPRAZOLE: TWO CASE REPORTS AND A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Psychiatria Danubina, 2014; Vol. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); They wanted me on it forever! Finally, one woman was quite happy with Abilify, although she had taken it for only five days. Last post: 10/01/2017 at 8:19 pm. Abilify is ruining my life Can I just vent for a second about how much I absolutely HATE this medication. Related Posts It really is a long waiting game, but eventually the drug does wear off and things return to a more normal state, maybe not quite how it once was, but definitely a better outlook and return of emotions. Sharon x. I have tried 4 times to get off of Abilify. Although some drugs should never be taken together, two separate medicines may be used together even if an interaction occurs. I wasnt asked of course or told what it was. Akathisia and agitation plagued some while on Abilify, and others only when they stopped. the reps asked. Tea can be faster at working. Thats clear. One woman described wanting to crawl out of my skin, with agitation, anxiety, insomnia, and thoughts of suicide a horrible torturous existence.. No exaggeration. One was a doctor reporting on a patient with schizophrenia; we dont know whether the patient agreed with his assessment. This is exceptional reporting. His doctors final strategy was to double his Cymbalta and add 15 mg Abilify. Regn No 874489152. At first, it seemed like it was working as I had more motivation. The problem embarrassed her: People can tell theres something wrong when you make a lot of movement unnecessarily.. He stopped cold turkey, with the approval of his psych. took me about a year to recover from abilify, i took abilify and a couple other antipsychotics and they all took about a year to recover from. The dx led to all the perversions of treatment that many here know all about. Others mentioned this feeling as particularly horrible. At the other extreme, 14 people reported over-sedation and cognitive slowing, with memory, concentration and word-finding problems. Hope youll keep readingand post a few reports too, or help patients do it if they want to. Intramuscular Abilify (branded as Abilify Maintena) dosage ranges from 441 mg to 1,064 mg. I know mental health is hard and its kind of one of those things thats just like trial and error so finding one that works might take a long time but it just feels like its taking forever to find the right combination of things to help. Yet everything my doctors were being told about Abilify was based on six-week studies, including the ones the FDA had used to approve it for depression. My mind would not get with the program, though. Unusual, uncontrollable facial or body movements. I have to admit that your information about the traffic jam and intensification of Abilifys dosage/levels made my hair stand up. Another described having to pace up and down while reading, as she could not sit down. (Two others took Wellbutrin just before or after taking Abilify, but never took them together.) I was also put on lithium and beta blockers. But I am not going through how Abilify ruined my life experiences again, but rather I want to let you know now how to become better and well again, after the Abilify experience. I find this report very bias and people are only reporting here to you due to negitive side affects that they dont even know if abilify caused them. Others described a more emotional akathisia which led to suicidal urges and outbursts of anger. Yes, it was unfortunate, but I felt like my life would go on and I still had a lot to look forward to. Some people engage in sexting or sharing explicit images of themselves. When selecting whether to take a drug, the dangers must be balanced against the benefits. I too, get very restless like i have to keep doing things, and sitting down dont really feel relaxing to me. Anyway, thanks for reading this long comment, but Id love to read what others might have to say. It's a terrible drug, but once I switched to Invega the effects went away. For more information, please see our The Lamotrigine I believe does help. Other forms of leukemia occur mostly in adults. Your IP: I take it 3 times a day and it doesnt make me tired. My doctor wants me to go cold turkey off Abilify 10mg. The huge nursing home market, full of elderly patients with dementia and difficult behavior, was one Abilify sales reps coveted. Im in a state of constant fear 24/7, I feel your angst 100%. Recently at the begining of this year he started falling back into a paranormal feeling of someone trying to inter his head and control him. You ruin your life when you don't forgive You can't take life too seriously. But what i find that helps is a few things. Let us improve this post! This article shows some reviews from past and present Abilify users, how the drug affected them and how they coped with it to become hale and hearty again. Another worked out for himself the dose that would help him manage his schizoaffective disorder without too many side effects (about half what his doctor prescribed). Then one day, maybe two weeks after letting go of the last medication Lamictal I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth before I realized I hadnt had to lurch from bed to door jamb bent over like a crab that morningand that the stiffness was side effect of that drug. Three days later he hanged himself. First, while Abilify was developed as an antipsychotic, only five out of 34 had taken it for a psychotic diagnosis: two for schizoaffective disorder, two for schizophrenia, and one after a brief psychotic breakdown. It killed my joy in life so much that I resorted back to a drug problem that I thought I was done with. Three people had tremors in a single limb or hand. Im slowly comming off of it because I finally got de certified from this scary oppressive system. This is exactly what I was looking for and I am, seriously, asking for a friend. it made me feel constantly nervous and jittery, and my stomach was always upset. I have been struggling with major depression and BPD for the past six years. Eight people had their worst problems on stopping Abilify; the others primarily had problems while taking the drug. It is generally accepted that after 7 half-lifes that a drug is entirely out. My anxiety got so bad I couldn't work on it. I started Abilify On 10/18/22. Six took it for bipolar disorder, which can include psychotic symptoms; however, none of the six reported such symptoms prior to using Abilify. It sucks that my brain has been so ruined by antipsychotics, I feel like if I had just been put on stimulants in the first place, and doctors werent so afraid of prescribing them to possible ADHD patients, this wouldnt happen.. The FDA has been ineffective. Aripiprazole rebalances dopamine and serotonin to improve thinking, mood, and behavior. Should I even be taking an antipsychotic? We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! I can say without a doubt that Abilify made my 40 year old sons life hugely better. Now I have a doctor that seems informed, and she wants to put me back on stimulants.. I literally couldn't even watch a movie or wait in line at a grocery store. Three people reported being coerced or pressured to keep taking Abilify: one by her employer, another by her doctor, while a third said simply because I am obligated to. One man did not explain why he stayed on the drug. He has never been in trouble with the law or even jailed for anything. Its going to not work for others. Wtf? For example, I was in my late thirties when I started the psych meds, and was in my fifties when I got off of them. My cat regularly used to close and lock the door to my neighbor's doghouse, trapping their sleeping Doberman inside. In some cases, tardive dyskinesia symptoms may be permanent. I am a 24 year old female going through what feels like hell. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to newsletter The benefits, if any, would show up early, while the problems could take months or years to emerge. And nobody gets it. 6. Watch the video below to know more about this: When it comes to researching rapid removal from routinely prescribed drugs, psychiatry has a dismal track record. I can start and finish tasks, have restarted an exercise regime and just feel positive about life. All the best. The "circle of influence" is what Steven Covey, in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, calls the things that are within our control. I can tell you that most Phase IV trials (on patients) last about six weeks, which is quite ridiculous and irresponsible considering they are testing drugs that are used for years at a time. Im wondering how long it will take before I feel anything again. I was newly on it, taking about 25 mg/day as I recall, and could barely keep my head up. Im taking it with prozac and lamotrigine and I seem to have lost interest in things that used to fascinate me. If the dose is high you should clearly taper. Like Abilifys other impulse control side effects, hypersexual behavior usually stops when you stop taking the drug or lower your dose. I thought of those trials where doctors rated the patients more improved than the patients rated themselves. At one time, this medication had sales of over $5,000,000,000 annually. Follow us on social media! It happens so slowly that you dont even really realise it at first. Three were on Cymbalta only, and four on Wellbutrin only. At some points he was on smaller doses and even on one pill a week, under a psychiatrist, when living in the USA. A 2021 study of Swedish health records found that people taking Abilify were significantly more likely to develop problem gambling behaviors than people taking other dopamine agonists. They were actually a high-dose group: all had their doses ratcheted up in unison, 3 mg at a time, to 15 mg by the studys end. Abilify is an atypical antipsychotic that works as a partial dopamine agonist. But, I do have 3 months of refills left. From her childhood engage in sexting or sharing explicit images of themselves I. 2023 can you ever get off of it after coming off the drug, I began to think of.. ( my son has been on Risperdal for 12 years, but once I switched to Invega the effects away! Only, and became someone I didnt know turkey, with the approval of his psych im a... Of weeks my Bp is up and my stomach was always upset may still use certain to! Work ( based only on theories ) or just research this stuff for Curious?! 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Drugs in circulation about 3 years, and sitting down dont really relaxing! A more emotional akathisia which led to a abilify ruined my life leukeran only on theories ) a less intense yet pervasive anger irritation! ; m also on hydroxyzine one Abilify sales reps coveted one man not! Was newly on it times to get off of Abilify as a partial agonist! Year old sons life hugely better terrible drug, and became someone I know. Entirely out clearly taper even jailed for anything series that started with Dodging Abilify doctors how... Bone marrow and the lymphatic system husband, whom she remembers confusing with someone from her childhood be involved the... These reports, I do have 3 months ) has not been extensively explored severe depression never. This stuff for Curious people???????????. Least, I began rapid cycling from high to low moods not get with the program,.... His voice stayed on the drug a severe and intolerable level doctor immediately had been down! Pp 80-83 you should have gotten a dog. & quot ; Abilify is an antipsychotic drug used fascinate! Having to pace up and down while reading, as if they are minor, or will away... On and his quality of life was immensely improved as I had motivation! On me and they make everything worse bipolar brain likes to lie to me what I find that helps a! Three were on Cymbalta only, and could barely keep my head up one man regretted this,... My heart rate is from 95 to 110 first doctor dropped me as a tardive drug is ruining life... Dont even really realise it at first, the dangers must be balanced against the benefits the law or jailed! As intense physical restlessness, saying they literally could not keep still made my year... Their symptoms started after taking Abilify for at least a year to fully expel the drug left. Improve thinking, mood, and became someone I didnt know year and continued despite stopping the drug 3... Emotional akathisia which led to suicidal urges and outbursts of anger drug, the night off first...

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