Completing its mission, the sub entered Argentine waters on July 10th to surrender to authorities. Im not really sure what to make of it, but it is worth a look. Privacy Statement Suddenly emerging from underwater, especially near Antarctica, they are believed to originate from undersea bases there. Prior to last years guest list, a couple other notables worth mentioning: On September 15th, 1999 President Bill Clinton, a Bohemian Grove alum, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg member, visited the American Antarctic Deep Freeze Base in Christchurch, New Zealand and spoke to US personnel stationed at the main American Antarctic Base at McMurdo. Terms of Use Never before had such a vast operation been deployed to the southernmost continent. Immediately following that historic feat, the explorer became the youngest admiral in US naval history at age 41. A number of Antarctica maps derived from ancient cultures showed the continent was not always covered under ice. The inner ocean thats believed to be 155 miles (250 km) deep could supply much of the ocean water at the earths surface. Beach has checked this translation against his own, admittedly dormant Spanish, and finds it to be spot on. Upon his discharge, Billie has attempted to get access to his military records that would provide credibility to his spectacular claims, but the government has strictly sealed his records. For numerous decades this anomaly has been observed by perplexed explorers and scientists. This is the abysmally sad and pathetic world were currently living in the Orwellian nightmare of total deception in the name of global genocide. They edited many things about it. Based on his research, BBC journalist Michael Wood believes that Shambhala lies buried somewhere beneath the Himalayan Mountains. The poles have long been associated with being multidimensional vortex fields that act as earth entry and exit points for intergalactic spacecraft travel. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. In 1928 Richard Byrd led his first Antarctic expedition by ship and planes taking photographs and conducting geological surveying. If its not war of the worlds-2017-style, it may well be Planet X/Nibiru, a miles-wide comet or meteor, a galactic or solar energy burst, an EMF attack, a Putin invasion, an ISIS attack, on and on these bogeyman threats on our life keep bombarding us 24/7 every single day so we become so fear-driven that we end up victims frozen in the headlights, praying for deep states one world government to protect us. Weve been taught to believe its a solid spherical mass with molten mantle and a solid iron core. Hitler secured the Holy Spear when he annexed Austria although some believe it was a replica and that Himmler may have sent the real deal to Antarctica. As a young man Olaf suffered for telling his story and kept it to himself until befriending a person near the end of his solitary life to share his amazing tale. 25 1 1 comment Best Add a Comment [deleted] 13 days ago [removed] nixmix85 12 days ago "Avion"* 0 Our compass magnets fail to work at the poles because each pole as a magnetic point simply does not exist. That's a made up story that has been circulating around for decades in internet posts regarding conspiracy theories, and as we all know the reality. The newspaper quoted Byrd, "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Despite interrogation, the Nazi seamen remained tight-lipped regarding their actual Antarctic mission. I wouldnt rule out the wingless craft, personally. Furthermore, Byrd stated that . Writers attribute the Tibetan name Agharti (strikingly similar to Aghartha) to mean the underground kingdom at the center of the earth. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. In still another recent discovery Italian scientists believe that 70% of the earth heat is generated from within its center. . All this sounds so preposterous considering alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe. Rather than attribute the swastika to the Nazis and their nearby underwater subterranean caves and bases, this swastika is far more likely linked to the ancient religious symbol for peace that originated on the Indian subcontinent. Anyone who can read Spanish can verify this. According to a supposed Admiral Byrd 1947 diary, the renowned polar explorer discovered an advanced ET civilization inhabiting a hollowed out center of the earth during an Arctic expedition dated February 19th, 1947. This can be the only hope for mankind. Theyre about to warn us of the impending evil reptilian invasion bent on conquering and colonizing us earthlings. And we know that didnt happen. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled Dont Let The Bastards Getcha Down. It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. Recall that Lt. Col. Billie Faye Woodard said that the US government has been abducting children and programming and training them for this very role. The press cover reads like a kid fulfilling his lifelong dream come true. These were also newly released soldiers and sailors from World War II. A team of scientists from Harvard believe that they have found an ancient earth inside our earth. German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz said: The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Fhrer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress. Awakening School of Theology & Ministry With Dr. M Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat Was Cain Fathered by the Devil? The Nazi UFO foothold down under the planet really never left us, it only merged with the current Illuminati crime cabal. Byrd discussed the lessons learned from the operation in an interview with Lee van Atta of International News Service held aboard the expedition's command ship, the USS Mount Olympus. But with world war looming on the horizon, a decision was made to eventually abort the expedition and both east and west base camp personnel sailed their ships into Boston harbor in May 1941 while war in Europe was already raging. Lending credence to secret Nazi military bases at the poles comes news from two months ago that Russian scientists unearthed an abandoned Nazi base in the Arctic after German scientists apparently ate infected polar bear meat in 1942. A & S: What was the significance of Operation Highjump? Unencumbered by the world war fought thousands of miles away, Antarcticas Station 211 was where Germany is suspected to have developed its secret space-age UFO weaponry. Here is the text of the interview in the original Spanish and an accurate English translation. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. Science observes spinning objects with an absence of matter at the center due to centrifugal force. Despite the persistent popularity and findings of the hollow earth, unfortunately as science and technology took hold in the twentieth century, Americas so called century, dogma and rigidity have taken over to exclusively push the solid globular ball paradigm. On December 30, 1946, the Martin PBM-5 George 1 crashed on Thurston Island killing Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez, ARM1 Wendell K. Henderson, and ARM1 Frederick W. Williams. Richard Evelyn Byrds final diary entry is dated December 30th, 1956: These last few years elapsed since 1947 have not been kind. Heres a link to the only peer-reviewed research article on this topic I know of. Yet another one of Himmlers peculiar pet projects in his quest to create the perfect Aryan race was allegedly sending 10,000 of the purest Ukrainian woman of German-Slavic descent and 2,500 SS bluebloods from the Russian front to Antarctica in order to breed the future super race in their polar base and alleged city New Berlin being built. Through analyzing the sediments both offshore and along the coast, in 2013 it was determined that around 34 to 24 million years ago the glaciers began carving out the steep mountain ranges and valleys that lay under todays icecap. Another strange occurrence is the developmental biology lab where she was employed as a DNA research scientist suddenly caught fire. A Russian general was tasked with picking it up on his way to Antarctica for delivery. Olaf sailed into the opening near the North Pole in 1829 and wrote of his wondrous experiences inside the earth and his persecuted, tortuous life back on the surface. I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. Last week the latest anomaly surfaced in Antarctica. In one incident a flotilla of UFOs originating in Antarctica heading toward Guadalajara, Mexico had the US Air Force Space Command on high alert. Shortly after the war through US intelligence services, Operation Paperclip was spawned, granting safe passage for relocation to America more than 1500 German scientists, engineers and skilled technicians for immediate employment. At the time Billie said the US had assembled 67 flying saucers through Area 51s black projects. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Perhaps unwittingly this scientific study suggests that the far side of that inner layer of ocean could be the same ocean belonging to the inner world where both ocean and landmass supporting a different race inhabits. Over the last several centuries the belief in the hollow earth theory has persisted, at various times coming into wider popular acceptance. Building these mysterious mammoth structures has only reinforced a common assertion that ancient cultures around the world may well have been assisted by advanced alien technologies. Belanger: It was the beginning of photo mapping there, and it helped people learn about the continent. And there is no doubt that his reticence to disclose had much more to do with the tragic fate that befell his former boss, colleague and friend James Forrestal than it did following orders as a military officer. Their real agenda is to prevent us from knowing about their top-secret discoveries and further plundering for no good. Beach first came across this sentence in an article by James Robert (2005) entitled Britains Secret War in Antarctica and smelt a rat, because it was used there to refer to a secret Nazi base in Antarctica after World War II and Nazi secret weapons. In 1947, the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" carried an article from its correspondent Lee van Atta aboard the support ship 'Mount Olympus'. The wise ones occupying the earths interior were alleged to have become very concerned once the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. Along with co-pilot Floyd Bennett, on May 9th, 1926 Byrd braved a 16-hour flight in a tri-motor monoplane circling over the Arctic tundra for 13 minutes before heading back to complete the first landmark journey to the North Pole covering 1,335 nautical miles. The elite is forced to reckon with earth shattering discoveries made at the bottom of the earth that will revolutionize our very reality. William Tompkins, a brilliant young American naval engineer instrumental in advancing the US weapons design and aeronautics technology during World War II, has gone public reporting that naval intelligence spies infiltrating behind German enemy lines reported that Hitlers war machine was being aided by alien space technology. The globalists always couch their news in Orwellian doublespeak like historys largest marine preserve to protect Chilean sea bass. But make no mistake. This was alien technology in action. Something big is going on down in Antarctica or presidents, deep state emissaries, religious leaders, royalty, and legendary astronauts would not be attending. But their paradigm of deceit is crumbling now and about to end. The Secretary of the Navy that sent Byrd down to Antarctica on his 1947 military Highjump mission was James Forrestal, a onetime naval aviator himself, a successful businessman and in September 1947 the first US Secretary of Defense. He calculated the width of the earths crust separating the surface world from the inner one to be 800 miles, corroborated by Lt. Col. Woodards more recent testimony. Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Fast forwarding to the twentieth century and Hitlers passion for utilizing ancient occult knowledge and exploration that he was certain would aid his ambitions promoting his Aryan super race as earths self-anointed rulers, the German dictators undeniable. All these years later it appears his warning could come to pass. Today we the global masses have a unique opportunity to bridge and integrate knowledge and truth by synthesizing modern technology with ancient wisdom for the greater good of all humanity. Scientists have also determined that the earths core is as hot as the suns surface. Crenshaw cites another example of plagiarism taken straight out of the 1937 Ronald Coleman film The Lost Horizon, where the supposed ET Master utters word for word Colemans scripted lines. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. The royal couple made their royal rounds touring several Spanish research stations on the continent. And as much as NASA consistently tries to black out the hole, obscure or remove it from public access and awareness, hundreds of pictures and videos are out there that clearly show the polar opening. Limited to speaking only in vague lofty innuendo and unable to fully disclose what hed seen, perhaps that literally did kill him, as the American hero died less than two and a half months after his final diary entry. Sunday 7 | 13C. T. Tompkins documented his involvement in the US Navy Secret Space Program in a book published a year ago entitled Selected by Extraterrestrials. From last March to August the massive crevice grew 14 miles. Fueling the latter theory, in 2012 another strange anomaly was found on Google Earth of an odd 14.5 mile long 4.5 mile wide structure that appears to either be a monster-sized UFO lodged under the ice or a secret camouflaged research station. Defense Secretary James Forrestal (left) with President Harry Truman. Major discoveries are forcing the issue. Admiral Byrd by then was a minor player. Apparently this civilization is willing to work with selected humans like Woodard, deployed by deep states black ops at Area 51s subterranean levels, 85% being military and 15% civilian. This disinfo game that saturates both mainstream and alternative media these days, especially on the Internet, has been an extremely effective deep state strategy to keep its dirty little secrets still secret, hidden or skeptically not accepted by a confused public that doesnt quite know what to believe. But not all accounts of underground experiences are pleasant. Another piece of evidence that the Nazis were actively engaged in advanced aviation construction in Antarctica throughout the war is the fact that a British submarine torpedoed a German U-859 in September 1944 in the Straits of Malacca. Named after a true Buena Park hometown hero Buena Park, Calif. - The new Rick Gomez Park, located at 7501 8th Street, is the first newly constructed park in the city in over 25 years. Then a few months later it was the CFR-Skull and Bonesmans turn, Secretary of State John Kerry to make his strange trek to Antarctica on of all days November 8th. The El Mercurio newspaper from Chile reported an interview with Admiral Byrd on March 5, 1q47. When some of them were rescued, they were asked to walk the nine or 10 miles to shore because no airplane could land there to pick them up. While on two reconnaissance occasions, the flight navigation and radio equipment on Byrds aircraft failed while flying over a plush green valley, lakes and rivers free of ice in 70 degree F. temperatures. This supposed joint cooperative venture came at a time when Saudi-Russian relations are alleged to be severely strained. He refuses to go public other than using his writing as a confessional and form of self-therapy. The anonymous writer describes how he was allegedly trapped in an old German-ET underground Antarctic base that he claims is still operating today. Nice post. Near the poles the crusts then thinned out to form a hole at both the northern and southern extremities. One book dealing with this notion, The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles, was published in 1964 by Raymond W. Bernard (a pseudonym for a man named Walter Siegmeister). The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in . Its quite good, with plenty of documentation: Colin Summerhayes and Peter Beeching, Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and The Reality, Polar Record 43 (224): 121 (2007). Quite a contingent. Byrd later told a reporter for the Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, that his expedition taught him the U.S. should "prepare for the possibility of hostile planes coming from the polar regions" as part of a "recapitulation of his own polar experience." Many took this to be evidence of the flying craft he saw coming from what is believed . In September 1939 Germany made its third New Swabia expedition to Antarctica succeeding its previous research venture from December 1938 to April 1939, staking out the Third Reichs territorial claim in the Queen Maud Land area. This is NASAs sneaky way of delivering half-truths while willfully withholding the other far more revealing half-truth that it too like the earth also has polar openings. As for the exercise, it was so brief and cobbled together. The park held it's grand opening on-site Saturday, January. El Almirante Richard E. Byrd advirti hoy que es imperativo para los Estados Unidos de America el iniciar medidas de defensa contra la posibilidad de una invasin del pas de parte de aviones hostiles provenientes de las regiones polares. A month ago 86-year old 33rd-degree Freemason and legendary moon walking astronaut Buzz Aldrin was touring the continent but suddenly became ill and had to be airlifted from the frozen wasteland. The key to earths past, present and future all intersect on the fifth largest continent the size of the United States. After the Brexit defeat and US election loss due to a growing worldwide populist movement thats rejecting globalism, still reeling and on the defensive, realizing their MSM fake news is no longer fooling the people finally waking up to the crime cabal reality, the planetary rulers are now preparing us for their next staged event, a partial ET disclosure that will try selling us on the need for protection that can only be delivered by a one world government, fighting off humanitys worst common enemies the ravages of climate change [hoax] and hostile alien takeover [hoax]. Billie Faye Woodard says that the earths shell separating the inner and outer worlds is about 800-850 miles in thickness and that our planets center of gravity is roughly at this shells midpoint. Highjump was a significant illustration of the state of the world and the cold war thinking at the time. On the way back Byrd gave an interview to the prestigious Chilean newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago on 5 March 1947. ", The documentary about the expedition The Secret Land was filmed entirely by military photographers (both USN and US Army) and narrated by actors Robert Taylor, Robert Montgomery, and Van Heflin. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. Google Earth photographs have revealed two large openings at the surface that some say lead to underground tunnels and subglacial rivers flowing in an environment supporting temperatures of 60-70 degrees F. The verdict is still out on whether this subglacial aquifer system was formed naturally, or whether a human footprint inside these expansive inner chambers and underground caverns reveal a vast comprehensive network of tunnels, military bases, possible cities, or even extraterrestrial UFO bases. Thankfully despite all their dirty trick scandals and murders behind them, with his wifes recent defeat, the Bush-Clinton-Obama control over the puppet throne in Washington has just been finally dethroned. While during his well-documented Operation Highjump, the admiral was getting his ass kicked by aliens or Nazis equipped with alien technology at the South Pole in February 1947, at the other end of the earths North Pole, according to Byrds secret diary, he was also entering the magical alien world of Aghartha for a sobering sit-down chat with the advanced civilizations Master, warning him that if humans continue their evil warlike ways, doom and gloom awaits. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. And thats where all this Antarctica secrecy comes in and is going. And within a week in early April 1949, against his will, Americas first Secretary of Defense was committed to Bethesda Naval Hospital for mental exhaustion. He was branded mentally unstable and that was all that was necessary to arrange a few weeks later his suicided murder on May 22nd, 1949, claiming that he had plunged to his death from a small 16th floor hospital window. The end goal was to establish US sovereignty over a . La velocidad fantstica a la que el mundo se est reduciendo record el Almirante es una de las lecciones ms importantes aprendidas en su reciente exploracin antrtica. Or spinning bogus stories of ET encounters that never happened like the February 47 flight to Aghartha, other deep state measures to silence the truth have resorted to legislating a prohibition against citizens from even being able to explore deep caves. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth. 29 Mar 2017 MWB sends in this from Chile, he found it on an only French site. In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. A Thule society leader invited two young women who were trance mediums to a meeting. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. Yes there is. The elite always counted on using a common enemy to unite the world nations into a one world government. Well, a lot has been made of it. If in fact Byrd did make contact with a superior race, it does irreparable damage to those earnestly trying to expose the truth that an advanced civilization inhabiting the earths interior may actually exist. So much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead us to nowhere but disbelief. Admiral Richard E. Byrd Naval Aviator and Famous Polar Explorer. The decades old underground war with so called aliens is about to surface. The base was likely part of the Third Reichs treasure finders research teams searching for ancient artifacts. If the earth was a solid sphere, temperatures closest to the Pole would logically be the coldest. It is usually not translated entirely but one sentence has been battered and fried in the most unusual fashion. Head of the Disclosure Project Dr. Steven Greer, whos gathered an immense body of evidence about UFOs and extraterrestrials for over two decades, also believes that the current rogue government is planning a Third World War with so-called aliens from outer space. A probable UFO crash in Germanys Bavaria in the summer of 1936 helped give the Nazis a full decade head start. Just three weeks later in early March 2016, President Obama traveled south to Patagonia near the tip of Argentina a Drakes Passage away from Antarctica while his head of intelligence James Clapper made the trip to Australia and New Zealand, communicating with the Antarctica station while meeting the two prime ministers. There has only been one Byrd diary that authentically documents the explorers experience and it was his first flight over the North Pole in 1926 featured in a 1928 book called Skyward. 0. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. Your Privacy Rights The article appeared on the March 5th, 1947 edition of Chilean newspaper 'El Mercurio': "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Hanks quotes from a 1947 interview with Byrd, published in a Chilean newspaper, thusly: "The admiral stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that, in case of a new war, the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds." Millions of people who accept the fact that virtually everything the government says and does is pure bullshit are certain that far more is left out than meets the eye. A week and a half prior to his departure, with 24 other nations Kerry signed a pact banning all private ships and citizens from travel to Antarcticas southern coast for the next 35 years. Can't use it as truth. and have obviously developed amazing technological capabilities. This came shortly after rumors began circulating in September 2015 of a mysterious relic some say was the Ark of Gabriel unearthed at a mosque construction site in Mecca, linked to a crane toppling over to kill 111 worshippers. one of the largest collections of polar records in the world. And once again theyre on the offensive with a planned so called ET attack on humans. Admiral Byrd was famed for going to the North and South Poles and obtaining . Like the ban on flying near or beyond the poles, now theyve made the entire southern continent off limits. And it is with this ultimate aim to solve this ever-pressing mystery to end the secrecy and deception that this article has been written. This view is consistent with conclusions held by scientists studying climate change in Antarctica as well, further reinforced by the maps of the early 1500s that remarkably match todays radar images of present-day subglacial Antarctica. Its been reported that after she returned from space, she took to believing that long ago ETs had colonized our planet and interbred with ancient cultures altering our DNA. Moreover, Giannini was never a hollow earth advocate at all but a flat earth subscriber. February 1947 must have been quite a year for the Polar Byrd-man. Vast Universe December 30th, 1956: these last few years elapsed since 1947 not... Alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe for no good exercise admiral byrd chilean newspaper it only merged with the Illuminati... It, but it is worth a look full decade head start book published year! In and is going Bavaria in the world, we hereby admiral byrd chilean newspaper emancipating ourselves from the globalists system. 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