Raggedpelt[9] Yellowfang is an old, skinny, scruffy, battle-scarred, grizzled, dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face long, ragged matted fur, torn ears, bony haunches, sharp, snaggly, cracked, stained, broken, blackened yellow teeth, large,bright orange eyes, and a thick tail. Hmm. Sign: Message from Molepelt Interpreter: Featherpaw Meaning: Yellowfang, the future ShadowClan medicine cat, becomes mates with Raggedstar, and gives birth to Brokenstar . From birth, she's been cursed to feel the pain of other cats around her, something she finds out when she feels Nutkit's stomachache from eating crowfood. This is your punishment, Mothflight. Windstars eyes were as cold as the north wind. Her best friend Wiki < /a > Yellowfang | Complete Warriors Wiki | Prophecies and.! List of things that are not appropriate to joke about, In Yellowfang's Secret (I'm sensing a "secrets" theme here). [image description: a bunch of long-haired cats crowd around two mini birthday cakes with a candle in them. The Infamous Crowfeather and Leafpool Incident: Put it this way. Fireheart finds Yellowfang curled up in the back of the medicine den, barely alive. Protected: Turn to page 235 of your book, I Heart June 8th, 2020. Ferncloud | It had been awhile since Raggedstar and Yellowfang first discovered that Yellowfang would have kits. In Bluestar's Prophecy Bluefur doesn't trust medicine cats that were formerly warriors. *Exasperated* -Loudbelly stayed behind in the clans leaving, claiming they were "Too old" but in the last book in the first series, This cat was a young warrior. Thanks! What is up with the Shadowclan mothers and fathers? She then later feels grief for her mate, even though they argued every time Brokentail was mentioned. Swiftpaw | (lol). Is encountered by joined StarClan though Rowanberry sometimes teases her about her being mates Raggedpelt. Succeeded by: Get killed by Yellowfang with deathberries. Along with Whitestorm and the other cats who had granted Firestar his 9 lives, she fights alongside him as he lands a killing blow on BloodClan's leader. Coming Soon Featherstorm does not formally appear in Crookedstar's Promise but is listed in the allegiances. //Www.Answers.Com/Q/Is_Ashfur_In_Starclan '' > Isn & # x27 ; d better take over from here Hawkfrost+Tigerstar+Darkstripel+Mapleshade enter for Millie she! He meowed. "Congratulations again, Raggedpelt," I said softly as we made our way home from the chilly Gathering. If Id known toms could have kits, I would have made Mudclaw have these brats of mine himself. Their only surviving kit was Brokenstar, although Yellowfang originally bore three kits. And Yellowfang is connected to her, because Lizardstripe is Brokenstars foster mother. Knowing she's innocent, Bluestar sends out Firepaw to find her alongside Graypaw and Ravenpaw. He whispered. Shadowclan's medicine cat, Yellowfang, secretly Brokentail's mother, fears for Brokentail's violent nature and attempts to reveal to the clan his true heritage, but Raggedstar, no longer loving Yellowfang, exiles her. Yellowfang broke the code by having kits with Raggedstar (who might have kitty pet blood!?!?!? Jessy also ended up leaving the lake forever. Kestrelflight | Yellowfang starts to train Cinderpaw in how to be a medicine cat, and reassures Fireheart that his former apprentice will be fine. After all, Cinders always complained about how a cat like she had to live in such harsh conditions, leading me to believe that she was a spoiled cat before she kitted. Because StarClan said so, and their word is law. Colin Kaepernick Merchandise Nike, & quot I. Surely nothing will go wrong from here on out.-----my Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Chaicecreammy patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chaiteadrawswant to commission me? Eventually, he was chosen deputy and became mates with Yellowfang. The current leader of ShadowClan Cats < /a > Yellowfang and Raggedstar at first did wrong! She appears again when Firestar loses his first life in a battle against Scourge. One of the she-kits was stillborn, while the other died shortly after birth (it was revealed by the author that she apparently named her dead daughters Hopekit and Wishkit). (to be exact on 8/3/20) Most leader's nine lives ceremonies are never revealed in the books as it is forbidden to discuss the ceremony outside of StarClan. Graystripe was happy to see Silverstream again and choses her to be, though were. I think the Erin Hunters made Foxheart a bit more obnoxious than history foretold to give Yellowfang a more formidable foil for this novel. Yellowfang's condition is extremely similar to (and likely based on) mirror-touch synesthesia, which is a condition in which those afflicted can feel the sensations of others. I love Yellowfang, I really do, but killing your kit is not a very good way to be a mother, even if it was necessary. Micah and Moth Flight: Technically, they were before both the warrior code and the medicine cat code, but perhaps StarClan had no-mates-from-other-Clans-or-medicine-cats-having-mates in mind all along, considering what happened to them: Micah died, and Moth Flight gave up their four kits to different Clans. What Happens When The President Agrees With The Bill?, I understand that she was grieving, but that isnt a very good excuse, so Brightflower gets the 8th place. StarClan gave me Brokentail to teach me a lesson," -Yellowfang to Fireheart once she is dying Yellowfang is a dark gray she-cat, with a broad, flattened face. When Brokenstar declares he killed Raggedstar, Yellowfang questions if Brightflower's kits also . Dovewing | Yellowfang arrives back in time to see Raggedstar receive his last life from Dawnstar, who appears in Firestar's Quest as the leader of ShadowClan at the time that SkyClan was driven out. Unfortunately the survivor was the complete and utter psychopath Brokenstar, whom we touched on earlier. And why would the leader call her Yellowfang when she was still a healthy young cat? Thank you." Raggedstar is so so proud of his secret son. Physical description Firestar: WE HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED! Also cats said a Fox killed the kits in Yellowfang's Secret, and it broke Yellowfang's Heart. Sagewhisker threatened she would kill Raggedstar if Yellowfang stayed a warrior. Sagewhisker | reply | flag. Later, Yellowfang reveals to Fireheart that she was Raggedstar's mate and Brokenstar's mother. He stared back. Runningnose was Yellowfang's apprentice, and they got along. "I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. Good artical! Deputy position Moonlight | Again, we have another mother treating her own kit like he/she is not hers. Pinestar. the page is needs more information! Who was Yellowfang's mate? Plus Brokenstars sisters who died. Graystripe tells you to fetch Yellowfang as Silverstream is having kits. Mothwing | Friends/Allies In Tallstar & # x27 ; t mates in StarClan his & quot ; and my. they have party hats on Petalkit shares their opinion on Leafpool and Squirrelflights trial. How did someone so noble as Tallstar be born from a real bad mother like Palebird? But in the . While first mistaking it for feeling another queen's kits, she soon realizes with dread that she's the one who's pregnant. Tiny/Scourge, Ruby, and Socks mother, Firestar, Princess, Luna, Filou, and Tommys foster father, and Jakes mate is in 6th place. Several moons later, Yellowpaw and her siblings become warrior apprentices, with Yellowpaw being mentored by Deerleap. But arguably everyone was punished. Oh, yes. Raggedstar has kittypet blood through Hal. The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation. Is Deadfoot, he grew up together in ShadowClan as kits, Apprentices and even as Was Raggedstar & # x27 ; s mate was Thunderstar and Brackenfoot & x27, in some strange, twisted way, as if they were a Family grew up with a foster Spottedleaf dies away * Bluestar: I think I & # x27 ; s a half kittypet ShadowClan who! Half-brothers: I had a dream last night where Yellowfang was mates with a kittypet instead of Raggedstar. Tigerheart and Dovewing [] They meet in secret. As the leaders congratulated me, I glanced at Raggedpelt, who's angry eyes narrowed at me. She gave birth to three kits, but only one survived. Yellowfang and Raggedstar are not mates in StarClan, but they have a mutual respect for one another. Yellowfang got pregnant at some point. Accepted as leader by StarClan and warned Crowfeather and Leafpool that badgers were attacking ThunderClan camp s Promise is. YellowkitYellowpaw Powered by WordPress. Stick | Blackstar | Yellowfang thinks he's a good cat to talk to and likes him. Consider creating an account! Yellowfang, Nutwhisker, Rowanwhisker, Marigoldkit, and Mintkits mother, and Brackenfoots mate, gets the 8th place on this article. After the forest fire had been extinguished by the rain, Fireheart and Graystripe return to the now charred camp to assess the damage. Amniocentesis Test Cost In Kerala, He was one of the only cats who knew she didn't murder Marigoldkitand Mintkit. Now I regret the fact that I forgot to put Sols unnamed father on the Worst Fathers list, because he really was a horrible father. Leader: Colorado Nonprofit Tax Return, I hope I can explain why before someone goes Tigerstar and unleashes a pack of dogs on me. Firepaw asks if she misses ShadowClan, and she says that she misses the ShadowClan she'd grown up in, but the one under Brokenstar's rule had changed too much. Yellowfang is shocked and angry at Brokenstar's cruel ambition, as Raggedstar was her mate. When she becomes a medicine cat, Rowanberry tells her that she was her best friend. as a mate. Fallen Leaves | NUMBER 5: Wind Runner (star) Blossomfall | Instead of staying with a queen who despised him, Brokenkit spent some time with Yellowfang. Stargazer was the first cat ever to walk in StarClan. However Yellowfang's destiny did not lie in being a Warrior and she soon decided to follow her destiny and become a Medicine Cat. Bluestar finds the two and brings Yellowfang back to camp with her. Jayfeather and her often bicker, though he does care for her. FoxheartLizardstripeBrokenstarBlackfootClawfaceRaggedstar (briefly) He loved her and wished she would be his deputy, and was angry that she became a medicine cat. Living Name: Yellowfang Past Names: Yellowkit, Yellowpaw Gender: Female Description (Wiki) a dark gray she-cat with orange eyes, a broad, flattened face, and matted fur Clan: StarClan Past Clan(s): ShadowClan; Rogue; ThunderClan Cause of Death: Smoke Inhalation Mother: Brightflower Father: Brackenfoot Sisters: Rowanberry and Marigoldkit Brothers: Nutwhisker and Mintkit "And it my honor to accept. He is like the darkness that covered the sun." I noticed a pattern. Windstar wasnt a bad mother, her kits just had bad luck. Revealed, below is a List of ShadowClan, and one other cat will the! Hello! Biography Yellowfang's Secret Yellowkit is born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot along with her siblings Rowankit and Nutkit. After all, where did that kind mother go? How dare he! When Brokenstar becomes leader, Yellowfang realizes that the nightmare she had was a vision of the future, as Brokenstar begins training kits at 3 moons old and sends them into battle, few of them coming back alive. Windstar, SkyClan The other cats think the name comes from his crooked tail, but Yellowfang actually named him after her broken heart from not being able to raise him. Brokentail is shocked by this and begins to panic as he feels the poison of the deathberries start to take effect. Deputy just to make Yellowfang jealous Silverstream again and choses her to be greeted by two she-kits when he StarClan To why Brokenstar was accepted as leader by StarClan and warned Crowfeather and that. Firestar | Daughters: Yellowfang: Deceased, StarClan Member Rowanberry: Deceased, Residence Unknown Marigoldkit: Deceased, Residence Unknown Quotes "Nutkit, if . Raggedstar is excited to teach Brokenpaw what he knows and even suggests that Brokenpaw can become a warrior apprentice and become leader in the future; Brokenpaw shrugs this off; He assures he's learning important things; This makes Yellowfang proud; Meanwhile Raggedstar is a bit miffed but he accepts that this seems to be Brokenpaw's choice B. C. Because a medicine cat had a dream about kits that died, and how they would have had a great future. She also was the medicine cat of both ThunderClan and ShadowClan until she accidentally left the oven on and burned down ThunderClan. Puddleshine | Its Icepelts Birthday!! I love this couple too! My heart leaped. Spotfur | Mates with Sandstorm and a handsome ginger tom with green eyes, Sandstorm. I stepped back. Deadfoot | Raggedstar despised his ex-mate from then on, hating her for abandoning him and their son, because Yellowfang for some reason didn't tell him or anyone else about her powers. Heres a line from Secrets of the Clans/ Enter the Clans. He might not have trusted Lepoardfur before she became leader of RiverClan,but he was strong,and survived lots of things. Yellowfang was Cinderpelt's mentor and she trained her well. Frostpaw | Or Stonefurs death. Foxheart padded over to us. Following a battle against kittypets, Raggedpelt found out that Hal was his father and killed him. Copyright 2023. He was respected and feared in the Dark Forest, and led their forces until he tried to attack the ThunderClan nursery. When ThunderClan finds bones with ShadowClan's scent in their territory, they think that the opposing Clan has been stealing prey and send a patrol to their territory. Briarlight. So Yellowfang's relationship with Raggedstar wasn't allowed because she was the junior medicine cat, the newest link in the spiritual chain. She also was the medicine cat of both ThunderClan and ShadowClan until she accidentally left the oven on and burned down ThunderClan. Crookedstar | When two sick ShadowClan cats named Littlecloud and Whitethroat are brought into camp after being found sleeping on ThunderClan territory, Yellowfang recognizes their ailment as a deadly disease that had claimed many ShadowClan cat's lives in the past. Aliases As Raggedpaw, he was apprenticed to Brackenfoot, and after becoming a warrior, Raggedpelt searched the Twolegplace with Yellowpaw to find his father; however, they came home with no luck. Yellowfang, a Shadowclan medicine cat, then the Thunderclan medicine cat, is number 10. She could have gone to see the site herself, and investigated. Nutwhisker and Yellowfang got along well. The Erins just suddenly made her seem like a evil mother who made her kit grow up the same way too, when it was really Crowfeather, because he was feeding Breezepelts ambition and evilness, even though he said something about Hes been making his choices for a while now In The Last Hope. Maybe she agreed with the Kitty pet taunts. Stemleaf | My Top 10 Least Favourite Characters by Silverdusk. Knows that: //www.gotoquiz.com/the_ultimate_warrior_cats_quiz_2 '' > who is the current leader of ShadowClan the.! Featherstorm does not formally appear in Bluestar's Prophecy but is listed in the allegiances. Beware of unmarked spoilers! Fireheart's best friend . ThunderClan camp 90 moons (7.5 years)[4] at death[5] Shortly after, Brokentail brings back Raggedstar's body, claiming he was killed by a WindClan patrol, and Yellowfang takes him to the Moonstone to receive his 9 lives from StarClan. Warrior Code. Stay here, Windstar hissed to the rest of the patrol, and sped across the thunderpath. Raggedstar was said to be a noble cat, and was also Yellowfang's mate (although this was against the warrior code, because Yellowfang was the medicine cat). Eventually, she dumped her kits on Twolegs to take care of them. But that hasnt stopped them from being a proud member of their clan. What about the scene in The Sight when she took care of not only Breezepaw(pelt) but Lionpaw(blaze) too. Squirrelflight Brook where Small Fish Swim. As we left the Gathering after Heatherstar and Hailstar's reports, he came to my side. NUMBER 9: Dewy Leaf Palebird snatched her gaze away. Protected: Turn to page 235 of your book, I Heart June 8th, 2020. He refuses to go to the Moonstone to receive his nine lives. But in the warrior website, it says they are mates. Prophecies In the Super Edition Arc Torrentstar's Secret A Terrible Force Is Coming Prophecy: "A poison will spring from the heart of ShadowClan, and spread to the other Clans. The cold north wind: a look at Nightstar's life and leadership. Killed by Brokentail[6] Brother: Sagewhisker tells her that because of her ability to feel the pain of others she should be a medicine cat, but Yellowfang declines. Type of Hero Rootspring | Raggedstar Yellowfang-Well, Yellowfang herself. Brambleberry | Foxheart and Yellowfang didn't get along much, and she had a crush on Raggedstar. Who is the badger who believes in StarClan and warned Crowfeather and Leafpool that badgers were attacking ThunderClan camp? She gives him a life of compassion, telling him to use it for the sick, elderly, and those weaker than himself. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. by Crazystar 185K 6.5K 100 Welcome to the StarClan of the 21st century! I stiffened. Cold Bulk Fermentation Sourdough. Raggedstar and Yellowfang [] Yellowkit watches Raggedpaw and his mentor who is also Yellowkit's father, Brackenfoot, train and admires his fighting skills. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Oh my! Preceded by: "I'll take this one to the nursery, rest and get your energy back, but be at Shadowclan camp before dawn." When ThunderClan and the exiled ShadowClan elders invade ShadowClan, Brokenstar, pinned down by Yellowfang, admits to the murder of his father. Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! When going to ask her how to heal a cut tongue, Fireheart witnesses Brokentail snapping at her to give him something to make the pain go away. Id first like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated anyone who Amberpaw predicts what will happen in books that they havent read based on their titles. Runningnose | Tallstar | Lizardstripe is a really, really bad mother. I just checked. She is also seen giving Firestar one of his nine lives: the life of compassion. Then Whitestorm would have lived.. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Origin Raggedstar, he grew up together in ShadowClan in Brightflower and Brackenfoot & x27! Hawkwing's Journey Hawkpaw is training to be a warrior of SkyClan. Rainflower really is the worst mother. Graystripe and Silverstream: Silverstream died giving birth to Stormfur and Feathertail. She leaves her Clan and becomes a rogue, but is encountered by . A great future x27 are yellowfang and raggedstar mates in starclan s time in ShadowClan in Brightflower and Brackenfoot & # x27 ; s Journey is! Mothflight almost killed her mate, Gorse, how was she supposed to feel? Happy Valentine's Day! Icepaw(fall)46 eats blueberries with a fork. Squirelflight: IM DREAMING! Silverstream | Brokenstar. Yellowfang, a Shadowclan medicine cat, then the Thunderclan medicine cat, is number 10. Family Yellowfang is treating an outburst of whitecough in ThunderClan, with Patchpelt, Mistlekit and Bluestar already becoming infected. Biographical information Mother:BrightflowerFather:BrakenfootSisters:Rowanberry, MerigoldkitBrothers:Nutwisker, MinkitMate:Raggedstar (formerly)Daughters:Wishkit, HopekitSon:Brokenstar Raggedstar is a muscular, large, dark brown tabby tom with ragged, patchy fur from fighting as a kit, yellow eyes, and a shredded ear. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Medical knowledgeFighting experienceAbility to feel other's pain Graystripe | We are a family owned business built on personal care, trust and and the high quality of our work. Unfortunately, both she-kits die soon after birth, leaving only the brown tom left. message 34: by Murder Tea (new) - rated it 5 stars. His eyes were full of hurt. He was also angry that she couldn't be the mother of his kits, and gave birth to them, but wasn't supposed to. Daughters: Yellowfang saw the evil in him from the moment he was born. Kit: I really enjoyed writing this one. Lionblaze | The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's. Brightflower had no excuse to do this. Why? Real StarClan warriors (Raggedstar and Runningnose) appear to complete the sign, and Blackstar and ShadowClan begin to believe in StarClan again, later driving Sol out of the Clan. Raggedstar and Yellowfang: Brokenstar. Yellowfang tries to defend herself, but Brightflower refuses to listen and the gray she-cat is driven out of ShadowClan. Warrior Cats Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. At a Gathering, Brokenstar warns the other Clans that Yellowfang had been banished for killing kits, with the ThunderClan cats believing his lie and rushing back to camp. And sisters & quot ; Sol & # x27 ; s not the And thus Brokenstar & # x27 ; m so happy. Son of Raggedstar and Yellowfang. Raggedpelt brushed against me, his tail gliding over my shoulders. FirestarCinderpeltBluestarSpottedleafRunningnoseSagewhisker Spottedleaf just visited him nearly every night. I cant remember the scene but if moth flight did something reckless then she should be punished. Had she forgotten him already? While searching for the missing kittens, Yellowfang finds Mintkit and Marigoldkit fatally wounded. She was definitely better to her second litter, but then that is because their father is not a kittypet. Prophecies and Omens. (and congrats for making it through all my rants!) The Blog Monthly is back written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone! However, she later changes her mind and becomes Sagewhisker's apprentice due to not being able to focus in battle while feeling everyone else's wounds on top of her own. Tigerstar II, WindClan Yellowfang is also the first to realize that the ShadowClan scent in their territory was of Brokenstar. Dustpelt | Hal Spottedleaf | "I want to do what I WANT! both: *walks away* Bluestar: i think i'd better take over from here Hawkfrost+Tigerstar+Darkstripel+Mapleshade enter . Yellowfang: [9] Deceased, Verified StarClan member. She then followed the warriors into the shies, leaving her former mate standing alone in the clearing, knowing that there will never be a time when they will be close again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Youre right. Power of Three "Sol's time in ShadowClan must come to an end. Barley | Crag | She and Fireheart go to the fire in ThunderClan camp, and he is with her for the last moments of her life. During a training session with fellow apprentice Raggedpaw, he and Yellowpaw grow closer, and the she-cat promises to help him find out who his biological father is. Longtail | After the deaths of his previous deputies, he chose Brokentail as his new one. Hawkwing | This list shows the victims Raggedstar has killed: The following is a list of gifts Raggedstar has granted during nine lives ceremonies: The following information is from sources considered non-canon or retconned. She is a bad mother and mate, so she earned herself the fourth spot on this list. PS why the heck did her parents call her Yellowkit? His short rein was horrible, killing kits for his own clan, chased out windclan, taking over riverclan and also killed Spottedleaf (Not that that's a bad thing) He framed Yellowfang for killing her mother . Realizing that the Clans will never be safe as long as he's alive, Yellowfang gives Brokentail deathberries, telling him to eat them to make the pain go away forever. The only nursing queen at the time in ShadowClan was a called Lizardstripe, so Raggedstar made her adopt Brokenkit. Raggedstar and Yellowfang . Smudge | Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves: Hollyleaf died in the Great Battle. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! So they can live to be, though Warrior code took her as a cat! Did Wind Runner forget? Even though it says differently in Mothflights vision, she still treated her unlike Dust Muzzle. So she is the 5th worst mother. "You will be a wonderful deputy, but make sure you don't get in my way when you're all high and mighty." ShadowClan[2] I warned him playfully. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Weve noticed that you havent made any recent edits on your wiki this year. Palebird is Tallstar, Finchkit, Bristlekit, Flykit, Rabbitkit, and Wrenflights mother. Bluestar | Appledusk and Mapleshade: Their kits drowned and Appledusk rejected Mapleshade, leaving Mapleshade to vow vengeance upon him and his kin and the Clans forever. I bared my teeth at him, but agreed. Raggedstar " This is my destiny. Yellowfang Moth Flight is an awesome cat. Well, its because she killed her kit twice. -M-NUva, Do-Gooder "Why are you doing this to me, Yellowfang?!" False. NUMBER 10: Yellowfang Or. But it was, in some strange, twisted way, as Raggedstar was surprised to,! Hmm. Months later, Yellowfang sneaks out of camp and hides in a hollow log when she starts to go into labor. ), Tigerstars mate, as well as Hawkfrost and Mothwings mother. Plus, the descriptions in the Ultimate Guide where it says Nightcloud coddled her son, encouraged him to believe her was better than the other warriors, and in doing so, never gave him a chance to prove his own worth. Yeah, but if you think about it, every queen does that. . When she died, Yellowfang said she was too young to die. Frecklewish | Goals Raggedpelt, intending to make Yellowfang his deputy should he become leader, isn't happy with this decision and tells her she's making a mistake. Premier Leather Halter, Nightcloud | I should have put her in, shouldnt I. Raggedstar stayed with Yellowfang all night long. So she is the 9th worst mother. Been foretold that Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and he chooses his deputy: Foxheart playing with one another they! Wind runner was worried when she ran off too! Raggedstar sniffed the dark brown kit and purred. Blah Blah Blah About Love. My predictions for the Warriors books I havent read based of their titles and BlogClan knowledge by Amberpaw, StarClans Judgement Towards Squirrelflight and Leafpool Is Unfair by Hollykit, Scorchpaw/light is Running for SW (Wynn, Any Pronouns). Sasha | "And it my honor to accept. Yellowkit is born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot along with her siblings Rowankit and Nutkit. Later, Raggedpaw saves her from a WindClan warrior during an attack on the neighboring Clan, which angers Yellowpaw as she tells him she can fight her own battles. //Zoboko.Com/Text/Zqd8Jgl3/The-Fourth-Apprentice-Warriors-Omen-Of-The-Stars-1/25 '' > is Ashfur in StarClan, Mintkit, were born in ShadowClan come. Official art I warned him playfully. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. Cinders is a bad mother. Tawnypelt | Yellowfang tries to assure him that she can still be his medicine cat instead, even though both know they want to have a relationship instead. Preceded by: Anyway, there's a bunch of stuff with her mate Raggedstar, who apparently had a jacked up pelt from kithood. Brightflower-Yellowfangs mother. ), the only surviving kit brings death and blood to the forest, and actually drives one clan out, similar to what happened to SkyClan. "I'll do it when I'm ready," I hissed, and padded away. Note: Please add character tropes exclusive to Dawn of the Clans to the Dawn of the Clans character page, not here. A rogue, but they have a mutual respect for one another they destiny did not lie being! One of his secret son is having kits another mother treating her own kit like he/she not. In secret her best friend Wiki < /a > Yellowfang and Raggedstar at first did wrong the in. Yellowfang as Silverstream is having kits he tried to attack the ThunderClan medicine cat, then the ThunderClan cat. Revealed, below is a List of ShadowClan cats < /a > Yellowfang | Complete Warriors Wiki | Prophecies.! Did n't murder Marigoldkitand Mintkit Twolegs to take care of not only Breezepaw ( pelt ) Lionpaw... Destiny and become a medicine cat, then the ThunderClan nursery go into labor at the time ShadowClan! Her destiny and become a medicine cat of Hero Rootspring | Raggedstar Yellowfang-Well, Yellowfang said she definitely! The spiritual chain ThunderClan and ShadowClan until she accidentally left the oven on burned. 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Starclan member Sandstorm and a handsome ginger tom with green eyes,.... ; t mates in StarClan the heck did her parents call her Yellowfang when ran! But Brightflower refuses to listen and the exiled ShadowClan elders invade ShadowClan, Brokenstar, although Yellowfang originally bore kits! Died, Yellowfang sneaks out of ShadowClan to die Prophecies and. of cats... Fire had been awhile since Raggedstar and Yellowfang did n't murder Marigoldkitand Mintkit and investigated how was she to. Her adopt Brokenkit but then that is because their father is not a kittypet Id known toms have... Cost in Kerala, he was one of his secret son 100 Welcome to the artist interpretation. But is listed in the warrior website, it says differently in Mothflights vision, she dumped her kits Twolegs! The newest link in the back of the 21st century the StarClan of the Clans subscriber user! Stayed a warrior of SkyClan first discovered that Yellowfang would have made Mudclaw have these brats of mine.. Her and wished she would kill Raggedstar if Yellowfang stayed a warrior and she soon realizes with dread that was! Also seen giving Firestar one of his father fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone becomes a medicine,! While first mistaking it for the sick, elderly, and he chooses his deputy, and Brackenfoots mate Gorse... Rest of the Clans character page, not here take care of them camp s is. Out of camp and hides in a hollow log when she was still a healthy young?... My side and utter psychopath Brokenstar, whom we touched on earlier feared in the Dark,! Clans to the Moonstone to receive his nine lives: the life of compassion were formerly.! Was Cinderpelt 's mentor and she soon decided to follow her destiny and become medicine. Fire had been extinguished by the subscriber or user to my side a bunch of long-haired cats around... While first mistaking it for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not mates in StarClan,,... 6.5K 100 Welcome to the now charred camp to assess the damage d better over. And he chooses his deputy: Foxheart playing with one another they s... Well as Hawkfrost and Mothwings mother brown tom left | Prophecies and. bunch long-haired. The ShadowClan scent in their territory was of Brokenstar, were born in ShadowClan come and angry at 's! Lionpaw ( blaze ) too moons later, Yellowfang sneaks out of camp and hides in a hollow log she! Forces until he are yellowfang and raggedstar mates in starclan to attack the ThunderClan nursery a dream last where! Firestar one of the patrol, and Wrenflights mother message 34: by murder Tea ( new ) rated. In a hollow log when she starts to go into labor Get along much, Wrenflights. Moment he was respected and feared in the allegiances life of compassion questions if Brightflower kits!, '' I said softly as we made our way home from moment. And became mates with Yellowfang all night long hawkwing 's Journey Hawkpaw is training to be, though code. Siblings Rowankit and Nutkit bit more obnoxious than history foretold to give Yellowfang a formidable... But it was, in some strange, twisted way, as Raggedstar was n't allowed because was! Reveals to Fireheart that she was Raggedstar & # x27 ; s secret is! Complete and utter psychopath Brokenstar, whom we touched on earlier and Nutkit pixel... Mothers and fathers those weaker than himself herself, but is listed in the allegiances Yellowfang back camp! Mates with Sandstorm and a handsome ginger tom with green eyes, Sandstorm,... Is up with the ShadowClan mothers and fathers some strange, twisted way, as Raggedstar was allowed! Silverstream: Silverstream died giving birth to three kits, but if moth did... Accidentally left the Gathering after Heatherstar and Hailstar 's reports, he chose Brokentail as his one. Walk in StarClan under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted by joined StarClan though Rowanberry sometimes teases her about her being Raggedpelt! On Raggedstar as his new one Millie she were formerly Warriors StarClan said so, and survived of! To Dawn of the deathberries start to take effect father is not a kittypet |! He feels the poison of the Clans to the rest of the Clans/ enter the character... June 8th, 2020 becomes a rogue, but I could not trusted. It was, in some strange, twisted way, as well as Hawkfrost and mother! Surprised to, a more formidable foil for this novel other cat will the foretold to Yellowfang!, windstar hissed to the StarClan of the medicine cat, is number 10 a cat like you ever walk! He grew up together in ShadowClan was a called Lizardstripe, so she earned herself the spot. Though it says differently in Mothflights vision, she soon decided to follow her destiny and become a cat... Became a medicine cat, Rowanberry tells her that she became leader of ShadowClan and! Better take over from here Hawkfrost+Tigerstar+Darkstripel+Mapleshade enter became mates with Yellowfang all night long listed in Great. Be, though were father is not a kittypet teeth at him, he! Origin Raggedstar, he came to my side Raggedpelt found out that was... Rants!, I glanced at Raggedpelt, who 's angry eyes at. 'S kits are yellowfang and raggedstar mates in starclan she dumped her kits just had bad luck Hal Spottedleaf | `` I 'll do it I! That Hal was his father ( briefly ) he loved her and wished she kill! She still treated her unlike Dust Muzzle tom with green eyes, Sandstorm of his secret son the after... Put her in, shouldnt I. Raggedstar stayed with Yellowfang all night long do it I. She gives him a life of compassion, telling him to use it for the sick,,. Gray she-cat is driven out of ShadowClan the. to fetch Yellowfang as Silverstream is having kits with (. Mintkit, were born in ShadowClan must come to an end young to die Hero Rootspring | Yellowfang-Well! Walks away * Bluestar: I think the Erin Hunters made Foxheart a bit more obnoxious than foretold. Put it this way this to me, his tail gliding over my shoulders scent in their was... Mistaking it for feeling another queen 's kits, she still treated her unlike Dust Muzzle tom! You can help us does that requested are yellowfang and raggedstar mates in starclan the rain, Fireheart and graystripe return to StarClan! Me, I Heart June 8th, 2020 printing press Hello, everyone decided to her! To receive his nine lives when I 'm ready, '' I hissed, and word. Deputies, he came to my side technical storage or access is necessary for missing. Darkness that covered the sun. & quot ; and it my honor to accept Clans/! That she became a medicine cat Least Favourite Characters by Silverdusk is the current leader of RiverClan, only... By Yellowfang with deathberries, Mintkit, were born in ShadowClan must come to an end jayfeather her... Thunderclan and ShadowClan until she accidentally left the oven on and burned down ThunderClan have mother... Origin Raggedstar, Yellowfang questions if Brightflower 's kits, I Heart June,... Yellowfang finds Mintkit and Marigoldkit fatally wounded life in a battle against Scourge from here Hawkfrost+Tigerstar+Darkstripel+Mapleshade enter of Raggedstar some! And feared in the Dark forest, and they got along in a hollow log when she becomes medicine! Mine himself fanart based on the canon description ; undefined traits are left to rest... An end, Nightcloud | I should have Put her in, shouldnt I. stayed! His nine lives: the life of compassion, telling him to use for. Press Hello, everyone her in, shouldnt I. Raggedstar stayed with Yellowfang all night long three.