After all, if it genuinely believed in the merits of diversity at home, it wouldn't try to snuff out political diversity abroad. The economic nationalism of the U.S. since Donald Trump assumed office is related to the hegemony promoted by the Obama administration and the current leading presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden. Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted. Meanwhile, American consumers have paid for the higher tariffs, because the average prices of Chinese exports havent decreased. There are, however, other forms of citizen engagement at a more local level when electing a township government, which can be done through public recommendation or public nomination ( (Cheng), 2011). One thing hasnt changed, though: Many Western politicians and business executives still dont get China. Globalization has numerous benefits among them promoting the economy of a country but at the same time, it is faced with several obstacles. Collectivism means that the needs of an individual are not emphasized as compared to those of the society and not until recently, most rights of Chinese citizens were not realized. However, there are usually lawful ways to get around that. The differences in the political orders of China and the United States are "irreconcilable", making it difficult to keep relations between the two countries on a stable track, a leading. Similarities and Differences: US vs. China There are both very strikingly similarities and differences compared with their American counterparts in regards to culture and institutions. However, it also highlighted the different ways in which people of color in the USA are suppressed through political representation and voter suppression. Had she been born in 1955 in almost any other major economy in the world, her life would have been much, much more predictable. They both have a presiding official, like a judge, plaintiffs, defendants, legal council etc. Here and there, yes, but not in a meaningful way in general, and not without harm to itself. Eligible voters are chosen through a register for rural and urban voters to make the process easier, and smaller elections have a number of 200 to 300 voters while the larger level can have up to 1000 voters. Disclaimer: is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand writing work for assistance purposes. -- The CPC is at the core of the country's leadership and the ruling party, while the non-communist parties are participating parties. Democracy has since then been core in the entire political system (Borner, Brunetti & Weder, 2016). She bought a flatthe first time anyone in her familys history had owned property. The Chinese can see this as crass and boastful, while in the United States, humility can be regarded as a sign of weakness. Part of the systems legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese is, again, rooted in history: China has often had to fight off invaders and, as is rarely acknowledged in the West, fought essentially alone against Japan from 1937 until 1941, when the U.S. entered World War II. The task, in both China and the West, is to reduce the gap between the ideal of basic human rights and the reality. A command economy is the opposite of a free economy and it is usually dominated by the government which is always controlling major aspects of businesses. As the situation worsened, Trump had to rise and respond, only to find more problems revealing themselves hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases of infections awaiting treatment, medical equipment in short supply, the fatal consequences of the hollowing out U.S. industries. This observation makes one wonder whether the Democrats are exploiting well-intended pro-diversity causes at home as part of a power struggle against Republicans. China's Transition from Socialism? Learn how to overcome barriers when working globally. Unlike China, the U.S. spends more than 50% above its annual revenues leading to high deficits. For companies that want to venture into international businesses, it is important to investigate the legal system of that country and how it can affect their day to day business in that nation. The United States takes in with high respect the principles of democracy and individualism. Is it that Chinas development doesnt conform with the values of freedom and democracy, or that Chinas growing strength is a threat to U.S. hegemony? The positions in this branch can be for either a five-year long term or even an unlimited amount of time. Responding, however, will only escalate a lose-lose war, and the entire international community will suffer as a result. 9. The reality is quite different. The primary contrast between China and the U.S. is that the former supports political diversity while the latter aggressively imposes its envisioned political conformity upon all others. : Statist Legacies and Market Reforms, 1980-90: Statist Legacies and Market Reforms, 1980-90. And with handy apps such as Xuexi Qiangguo (Study the powerful nation and a pun on Study Xi) to teach the basics of thinkers including Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Xi Jinping, political education is now a 21st-century business. In 2020, a year of severe difficulties all over the world, there was no significant increase in Chinese corporate defaults. By the 1980s she was in the first generation to go back to university, and even took part in the Tiananmen Square demonstration. While the U.S. political system is partly inspired by the British example, it differs in many important respects. Some real differences between the two countries do exist, but they have historically managed them without escalating tensions. Even in Beijing many people wore Mao suits and cycled everywhere; only senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials used cars. The collapse of the USSR appeared to validate that belief, given that the Soviet regimes inability to deliver meaningful economic growth for its citizens contributed to its collapse: Russias eventual integration into the global economy (perestroika) followed Mikhail Gorbachevs political reforms (glasnost). Its aggressive handling of Covid-19in sharp contrast to that of many Western countries with higher death rates and later, less-stringent lockdownshas, if anything, reinforced that view. Land use is the most direct manifestation of human activities, accompanied by changes in land cover. First name should have at least 2 letters, Phone number should have at least 10 digits, Essay Sample on Exploring Economic Growth: Laws and Challenges, Essay Sample on Creating a Local Government on a Privately-Owned Island, Essay Example on Texas: A State of Pride and Ownership, China and India: Nations' Health Comparison, Infidel and the Influence of Politics on United States Religious Background, Essay Example on Plenary Powers in the US Constitution. This is the best approach for one to have and ensures that its partnerships remain everlasting. Consequently, inequality is greater in China than in the United States, measured by the Gini coefficient. Leninism, however, is essentially a political doctrine; its primary aim is control. By comparison, progress on these issues is for Western economies extremely slow. Political credibility and economic development. The continuous growth of technology and infrastructure in many nations has made globalization to reach its climax. So a Marxist-Leninist system is concerned not only with economic outcomes but also with gaining and maintaining control over the system itself. In China, however, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. The legislative branch of the government is responsible for making laws through the Congress and House of Representatives, both of which hold elected officials that create legislation for their constituents while the Judicial branch of the government is responsible for upholding and interpreting these laws through the highest court in the land Supreme Court and High Courts which tend to follow their own state law. Comparision between US, UK, and China's Political Systems The United States Of America is a liberal democratic country, and the basic elements of democracy (majority rule, government by popular consent, one person one vote, and competitive elections, to name a few) are revered. For any deep analysis of the ideological aspects of the China-U.S. rivalry to be complete, two questions need to be answered: What political interests do the ideologies serve, and in what forms are they presented? Even now Chinas private consumption represents only about 39% of its GDPway below the U.S. level of 68% and the world average of 63%. There have been reports of local voters being harassed and pressured into voting for the candidates that are supported by the CCP, and these reports have been identified to be affecting the rising independent candidates in local township elections, where there have been reports of voter rigging as well, and any other party other than the CCP is strongly discouraged which is why the existing parties are all under the control of the CCP (LaFraniere, 2011). China is also often at pains to suggest to foreign governments or investors that it is similar to the West in many aspectsconsumer lifestyles, leisure travel, and a high demand for tertiary education. Nevertheless, these changes do not seem to stand any chance of influencing its foreign policymakers, who remain convinced of their system's superiority relative to all others. for only $16.05 $11/page. During the Cold War in the 20th century, and particularly afterward, the U.S. sought to establish and consolidate its leadership role in the international community in the name of freedom and democracy so much so that U.S. hegemony was also often referred to as hegemonic liberalism.. This means that business contracts are not usually detailed in China since the civil codes do not cover most laws. Some distinctions between the parties. In the years since, China has become an economic titan, a global leader in technology innovation, and a military superpower, all while tightening its authoritarian system of governmentand reinforcing a belief that the liberal narrative does not apply to China. In the countryside life retained many of its traditional elements. However, as the world is constantly moving towards a market-based system, the country had to switch to this system that allowed it to increase economic and still maintain its communist status. Obviously the ideology of nationalist identification under the pandemic has greatly roughened the political landscape for China and the U.S. Accept that economic development in China will not inevitably lead to democracy; acknowledge that the Chinese regard their government as both legitimate and effective; and recognize that while Chinese consumers have short-term horizons, their rulers are focused on the countrys long-term security. The premier controls the civil bureaucracy, The party general secretary runs the economy. Retrieved from The city of Rongcheng, for example, uses big data (available to the government through surveillance and other data-capturing infrastructure) to give people individualized social credit scores. These are used to reward or punish citizens according to their political and financial virtues or vices. Each branch of the government plays an important role in providing for the countrys citizens by creating laws and policies that are meant to make the living standards of the citizens better and provide them with safety and rights. While Bidens policy proposals reflect fading U.S. hegemonistic attitudes, Trump is showing Americans the status quo of U.S. power. In this system, the courts depend on the set legal codes by which the juries are only allowed to make their judgment basing on these codes. China is more corporatism, which is the organization of society by corporate groups such as military and agriculture, which can even be seen through its different selective assemblies and congresses. Hence the public debt as a percentage of GDP is higher for the U.S. relative to China and the. The Chinese premier less so. Some manufacturing has been relocated away from China since the trade war with the U.S. began in 2018, but that hasnt made a dent in either Chinas exports or Americas trade deficit. Springer. Obviously, as an economy develops and new problems emerge, all social systems need certain reforms. Our response? When the United States formed its constitution, it specifically dictated the unalienable rights of every person. In context, the United States should be more pluralistic as it prides itself to be a melting pot, but it can be considered more of an elitist democracy. The point is that a China-based supply chain has proved a blessing, not a curse, in this pandemic. Economic and macro-political changes happening globally is something that international business management must consider before doing business since it will influence the decisions that they make regarding their business. Additionally, the continued flourishing of various technological advancements has allowed nations to grow by accessing the information from other nations and comparing it with what they have and consequently making changes where necessary. The ideological debate that followed was perhaps inevitable. The legislative branch is not only responsible for making laws but is also responsible for the hiring of important figures in central agencies such as the FBI, and it even has the authority to declare war. A. Consequently, the freedom of running businesses without much obstacles leads to an increase in modernization and innovation increase and the country realizes better economic growth. Half of the representatives in Congress are millionaires with their median net worth reported to be more than a million. After observing how other nations are doing well under democracy in the international market, countries with command systems are now doing all they can to change this even if it means giving up some of their traditions. China is among the most open markets in the world: It is the largest trading nation and also the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, surpassing the United States in 2020. Is a China-U.S. decoupling a real possibility? But the third assumption can also mislead those seeking to engage with China. Mandarin. Amid the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19, clear differences have emerged between the Chinese and American responses. Looking into the future, the path for China-U.S. cooperation will become more tortuous owing to the nationalist ideological struggle triggered by the coronavirus. But at every point since 1949 the Chinese Communist Partycentral to the institutions, society, and daily experiences that shape all Chinese peoplehas stressed the importance of Chinese history and of Marxist-Leninist doctrine. Trumps trade war was an abject failure. The founding fathers of USA forecasted their nation to be one that respects and follow basic human rights and Biblical ideas as guidance. When Nixon first visited China, in 1972, the differences between the two countries were vast, in political and economic systems and of course in ideology. What are the biggest risks for Chinas economy in the coming years? The Chinese political system is dominated by multiparty cooperation as well as political constitution under the direction of the Communist party of China (CPC), but the USA is governed by the western style of multiparty system. She was a Red Guard as a teenager, screaming adoration for Chairman Mao while her parents were being re-educated for being educated. Then, in the 1990s, she took advantage of the new economic freedoms, becoming a 30-something entrepreneur in one of the new Special Economic Zones. The basic structures of both legal system are extremely similar. -- China's system of political parties is a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), not a Western-style multiparty system. In contrast, the governments discount rate on the future is lowerin part because of its Leninist emphasis on controland explicitly focused on long-term returns. Today its traded on the New York Stock Exchange with a market cap of about $45 billion and has more than 800 million unique active users. (2016). The authors suggest that those assumptions are rooted in three essentially false beliefs about modern China: (1) Economics and democracy are two sides of the same coin; (2) authoritarian political systems cant be legitimate; and (3) the Chinese live, work, and invest like Westerners. That Canada has elected communists to office, I suggest is just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity. But this argument overlooks some fundamental differences between China and the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, and France. The Peoples Republic of China is still one of the few countries in the world that follow the communist government structure and is led by a one-party system. The policies that are discussed in the Legislative Branch on the government are also through the civic engagement process, where the representatives elected by the citizens seek to change the policy or create one to serve them (lumen, 2020). Political credibility and economic development. The elite theory focuses on the notion that only a select group of people actually run the government, which are considered elite, while the pluralist theory states that political power is rather shared between the influencing parties. The PRC isn't just pragmatic, but also respectful towards all of its partners. China is still in the process of building a social safety net that is largely undefined and underfunded, and it has no tax on personal capital gains. In the political system of the United States, Democrats are largely associated with liberalism (a political philosophy based on belief in progress) while Republicans are associated with conservatism (a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability). And only the U.S. can threaten Americas economic supremacyby underinvesting in its own infrastructure and by limiting trade. Yet they found common ground to work in mutually beneficial ways. What the Chinese government does oppose is the system of electoral democracy as . In terms of political system, China is unique to all other countries in the world since up to date it is still run by a Communist party (Nolan, 2012). It is, therefore, against nature itself and arguably a violation of international human and legal rights for anyone to attempt to get rid of diversity, which is exactly what the U.S. is trying to do all across the world through its messianic zeal in imposing its political system onto all others. We have both sat in meetings where business executives, particularly in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors, expressed surprise at Chinas insistence that they transfer ownership of their IP to a Chinese company. Economic and Political Differences: China VS. United States. The major focus of government expenditure is domestic infrastructure. Many Chinese not only dont believe that democracy is necessary for economic success but do believe that their form of government is legitimate and effective. For individuals, whove lived through harsh times they could not control, the reaction is to make some key choices in a much more short-term way than Westerners do. Which serves U.S. interests better, a free and democratic China, or an authoritarian China that identifies with U.S. leadership? As the United States is considered a representative republic, citizen engagement is all the more important and starts with providing the citizens of the country, regardless of gender and over the age of 18, the right to vote for their communities in the form of local elections that can elect congresses that represent their towns and constituencies as well in the Presidential election for the various arms of the executive branch. A Marxist system is concerned primarily with economic outcomes. Ideological competition between China and the U.S. in recent years comes in three basic models: The nationalist hegemony model that ultimately serves U.S. hegemonistic purposes in the international community. In fact, many Chinese believe that the countrys recent economic achievementslarge-scale poverty reduction, huge infrastructure investment, and development as a world-class tech innovatorhave come about because of, not despite, Chinas authoritarian form of government. Countryside life retained many of its partners historically managed them without escalating tensions China since the civil codes not. Is domestic infrastructure the United States takes in with high respect the principles of democracy and individualism blessing, a., yes, but not in a meaningful way in general, and the States. High deficits yet acted on by BGN are noted here and there,,. Western economies extremely slow while Bidens policy proposals reflect fading U.S. hegemonistic attitudes, is. 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