Your enchantment spells will have two targets instead of one, and targets are more likely to fail due to your ambush. aid other tabletop gamers in creating memorable characters, Press J to jump to the feed. First, Rogues dont need to invest in Dexterity. Also, you could drop your melee weapon if you think youll need a shield spell the next round, and just bonus action it back to your hand next round. Then get fighter to 6-8. Gaseous Form from the Swarmkeeper Magic will assist in escapes and infiltrations, and you can describe it like youre a Naruto character or Yiga Clan member disappearing in a puff of smoke. Rogue: Phantom; Sorcerer: Shadow Magic; Warlock: Fiend; . It would proc the reaction attack feature from sentinel though, if for some reason the enemy creature attacked the echo instead of your fighter. This combination gives you interesting ways to boost your AC while feeding into the swashbuckling theme. This helps the Inquisitive Rogue to roll reliably for these few skill checks at far sooner levels than the Rogue with Reliable Talent. Ahead of the attack roll is made. 2023 Wizards. Magic Initiate would be great for getting the Shield spell, especially if your DM will allow you to treat it like most feats these days and actually add it to your spells known so you can cast it more than once. 4 Reply pastro243 1 yr. ago Thank you very much, I hadn't paid attention to the fact the bonus action attack had to follow a psychic blade attack. The next section is for subclass-specific Rogue multiclass combinations. Fight with Clones: Echo Knight 5E Guide. One of my first articles on this site was about this multiclass combination, the Assassin of the Grave (in hindsight, maybe that title is redundant). You may not want to get three levels of Rogue to go all the way for a Rogue subclass, but you can still get a good deal with just one or two levels of Rogue. Suppose you took damage, and it destroyed an echo for Knight 5e. How to choose a moving company when moving? Invest in a thirteen or fourteen for Dexterity so you can multiclass, but invest primarily in Strength and Constitution. The duplicate lasts for one minute, so act fast. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. With access to cantrips like Booming Blade, a . Echo knights are warriors of the Kryn Dynasty that use dunamancy to summon duplicates of themselves to fight with them on the battlefield. Otherwise, this assault works just as though you were assaulted with the weapon. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. The patron that will give you the most value for your multiclass is The Hexblade, one of the most powerful subclasses for multiclassing in the game. Youll have advantage on grapple checks while raging. You gain additional spells with Wizard level that would normally take you much longer to learn as an Arcane Trickster. Hi Michael,Im pleased to hear that the combination is intriguing!Since the combination doesnt come together until level 19, its not a huge deal to consider level progression. it actually has.full synergy with echo knight 2021-11-21, 08:17 PM (ISO 8601) Spoilers - Top - End - #9 Bobthewizard Troll in the Playground As I look at that combination, I see the possibilities! Im analyzing the Rogue class as both core and secondary within a multiclass build. Its precisely the identical dimension as you, and it occupies its distance. Cheap Wardrobe Hacks: Clever Ways to Make the Most of Your Storage Space. Unleash Incarnation alone allows Barbarians to. Wizards and Sorcerers are most likely to make this dip into Rogue. See our articles oncrafting magic itemsfor more inspiration. Does Chill Touch 5e work on trolls? However, I love the evocative nature of the Echo Knight and see a lot of builds where it would be a lot of fun to add. At level 9, Artificers can cast Water Walk, even as a ritual, which would preserve their spell slot. The Hexblade patron allows you to use Charisma for attack and damage rolls with your Pact of the Blade weapon, so your task of balancing your stats is simplified. StarCreator101. In that case, you recover one usage of the attribute. With the Arcana Cleric, you can learn Green-Flame Blade as a cantrip to trigger the fire damage on the same turn. Elemental Affinity will add your Charisma modifier to the damage once, potentially adding five fire damage. I imagine this like an exotic dancer who takes advantage of the one-on-one situations that can result afterward with interested parties. The idea is to act like a rogue but with shield spell and bladesong for a kicking AC and things like blur and shadow blade at later levels. Im surprised you didnt write about the swashbuckler / college of swords Bard combo in this article. General Multiclassing NotesDipping 1-2 Levels in RogueMulticlassing for Any Type of RogueArcane TricksterAssassinInquisitiveMastermindPhantomScoutSoulknifeSwashbucklerThief. Opal has written several articles about her love of Rogue/Fighter characters. Things like jails or walls of force won't be any problems for you. These are from timelines never made, so feel free to flavor your Echos however you like. Realistically, we tend to argue that a player should only take one to three levels of a secondary class to gain armor and skill proficiencies, with maybe a few top-class features. Investing in Wisdom will help the Inquisitive Rogue due to its reliance on perception and insight checks. So an Echo Knight/ Rogue multi-class is going to have a lot of competition for what to do with Bonus Actions and Reactions. Nevertheless, Polearm Master has no interaction with your Echo. And you are making the attack, not anything else. So level mostly as an Echo Knight, and take 3-5 levels as a rogue. 1st Level: absorb elements, armor of Agathys, bless, command, expeditious retreat, healing word, protection from evil and good, shield. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying, so do not make the mistake of thinking this guide is only for min-max-style playstyles. The assault happens right until the creature leaves you to achieve. Spellcasters who need additional mobility with Cunning Action, and want to bolster their skill proficiencies with Expertise, will find a home with the Rogue. You can use this combination with any Rogue subclass, but a Familiar is helpful to gain advantage on your attacks when it uses the Help action. Echo Knights split the game in many unexpected ways. Youll be able to charm specific targets in a room with a bit of time investment without visible spellcasting or revealing yourself. You can afford to concentrate on low-level Bless while full casters concentrate on other things. Or switch those around if you want. , possibly due to the magic start effort, or even a multiclass combo, then you may use the capability to view through the eyes of your recognizable to ditch your Echo. Youll be able to achieve damage for one attack upwards of 500 damage! This combination primarily serves the purpose of using the Disarming Strike maneuver with the Fast Hands ability. From the 15th level, you discover to consume the fleeting magic of your Echo. Use a shield and rapier with the Duelist Fighting Style. Our latest build guide, the Ghostlance, is an Echo Knight Fighter / Warlock that uses . This is a fun way to play a melee-based Rogue. Like my prior suggestion with the Genie Warlock, this combination allows you to invisibly fly without spells or concentration to do so, using Steps of Night. Everything comes down to a few details that fly beneath the radar. Todd Roybark Hero Apr 27, 2020 #25 Burnside said: What are your favorite Rogue multiclassing options? D&D 5e Rogue Multiclassing feature art is [COMMISSION] Drow Rogue by cyangorilla. I kinda picture this combination as Kabuto from Naruto, who could sever muscles and tendons without breaking the skin of his enemies. If you opt into bonus action attack from rogue, the value of Unleash Incarnation is reduced. You may consider these. This Assassin Rogue leans heavily into the social skill checks like Deception and Persuasion. These subclasses go together in a neat way. Beginning at the 10th level, you can create your echo throw in front of an assault directed at another creature you can see. The Twilight Cleric level gets you valuable 1st-level Cleric spells, super darkvision, advantage on Initiative checks, and proficiency with martial weapons. You can kite melee foes in this way, dashing about and even hiding with your Cunning Action bonus action. Similar to my recommendation of the Psi Warrior above, the Soulknifes psychic powers thematically fit the Horizon Walker Ranger. Level 2: Cunning Action (bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide). I want to also premise with my disappointment (but agreement) that the combination of Bards Jack of All Trades and Rogues Reliable Talent features do not work together, so thats why I wont mention it further. You can Ready action Booming Blade for additional damage. Other classes like Druid and Fighter have excellent level-twenty abilities, so it hurts to multiclass and forfeit those high-level abilities. One fun trick is to use Fast Hands to throw oil at an enemy as an improvised weapon, and oil will cause them to take +5 damage from fire damage. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. Dnd Spells FAQ. Disengaging as a bonus action will allow a spellcaster to move away from a melee assailant, followed by an action to cast a spell. Reflavoring the psychic abilities of the Soulknife Rogue to fit the swarm theme of the Swarmkeeper Ranger is straightforward narratively and useful mechanically. One of the challenges of being a Swashbuckler is trying to beef up your Charisma in addition to other Rogue stats like Dexterity. You may love the wide range of ways in which you can taste the Echo Knights Echo. The wording on Echo Knight is that you can make attacks originating from its location. The Gloom Stalker can literally make this character invisible in the dark to creatures with darkvision, meaning you can perform heists with ease on monsters that would normally be deadly encounters. Its a common tactic of melee Rogues to want to Sneak Attack with their reaction. Since Rogues only need to make one attack per round, they can cast Booming Blade to deal extra damage in addition to Sneak Attack damage. In that case, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your repeat for 15 ft of your movement, irrespective of the distance between the both of you. The Battle Master Fighter is complimentary of Rogues, making it a strong choice. The Gloom Stalker is also a natural ambusher like the Assassin. STR powers martial attacks and contributes the Athletics skill, which allows them to execute feats of STR like jumping, running, lifting, carrying, and pushing heavy objects. Youll also get Pass Without Trace and Silence as useful spells. Youll receive two Eldritch Invocations, of which there are several that sound fun for a Rogue to use (depending on your campaign and playstyle). Youd be one slippery critter if you had that kind of darkvision coupled with flight and Cunning Action. Your swarm can be summoned in the form of a blade or other tool to help you in a moment of need. You may use your response to teleport the Echo into space within 5 ft of the targeted creature. The Dread Ambusher feature will buff the characters incredible Assassinate attacks when ambushing a target. Opportunity Attack the Echo. Fighters make great Rogue multiclasses, and the Rune Knight Fighter has interesting features that complement the Mastermind Rogue. Warcaster would be ok if I were to go for many levels in Bard, but I might not do many beyond getting the subclass. Use Manifest Echo to create a ghostly version of yourself that can deal Sneak Attack damage. Your Unarmored Movement will make you faster than most opponents, making them unable to catch up to you without using their action to Dash. The class abilities that youd probably multiclass for are Expertise and Cunning Action. The greatest wars are won with mind games, and this character knows it. Benjamin Olson Hero Apr 29, 2020 #3 You gain Sneak Attack even if an ally is not near your target because of Reckless Attack (if you attack with a finesse weapon and with your Strength). To produce the opportunity attack 5e, you employ your response to make one melee attack against the provoking creature. One level of Twilight Cleric gets you so much, and I believe the theme fits well with these two subclasses. But that is just the beginning of what it means not to be a creature. You can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and you can end it at any time (requires no action). You really only need two levels of Grave Cleric to gain the Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave. Your attic may be under-insulated how to be sure about this? As an action, you can see through your echo's eyes and hear through its ears. I love your idea for Soulknife Rogue (14) / Genie Warlock (6) but when would you make the level switches. Unfortunately you can only do SA once per turn, otherwise thatd be way too overpowered dealing 20d6 + Weapon attack x2 damage. Youve to develop or quite only excellent features youve discovered? Enchanters are very powerful, but they rely heavily on foes failing saving throws, making enchanters perfect to pair with the Arcane Tricksters Magical Ambush. PAM activates when they input your reach. The quick teleport grants advantage on a melee attack so the Rogue can use Sneak Attack. A mysterious and feared frontline warrior of the Kryn Dynasty, the Echo Knight has mastered the art of using dunamis to summon the fading shades of unrealized timelines to aid them in battle. Once summoned, your replay merely must stay within 30 ft. of you, but it might proceed in some unexpected ways, not being bound by space or time. Suppose youve to Find Familiar (through multiclass or feat ). Arcane Trickster works particularly well with this combination because its ability to cast spells enables it to gain Devils Sight from the Eldritch Adept feat. For cantrips, I recommend at least choosing Booming Blade. The Echo isnt a creature. This combination aims to have the Mastermind archetype dialed up with Superiority Dice and Maneuvers like Maneuvering Attack. You make this decision for every attack. It only works against big boys, but its a useful tool. Still, when a 5e Echo Knight can cast. Rogue Echo Knight Giant in the Playground Forum Gaming Roleplaying Games D&D 5e/Next Rogue Echo Knight If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. The echo offers unparalleled versatility and battlefield control. Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? Fancy Footwork allows you to strike opponents and then move away for a melee kiting style. It does not operate in RAW Polearm Master 5e refers explicitly to the response assaults condition being enemies entering your achieve. You also get extra Expertise from three Bard levels. Barbarians are a staple, and for good reason. s a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your echo at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you. For this reason, you can afford to invest in Charisma instead. Networking is important! I'd leave the rogue at 3 for a while as a skill monkey dip. You could go for more levels of Rogue if thats your preferred class, but going for more spells feels right, especially since you can gain Extra Attack at level six with the College of Swords (thats probably comparable to the Swashbucklers level-seventeen feature). The beast subclass offers you a natural weapon in the form of a bite, claws, or a tail, while the Echo Knight allows you to make any attacks from an echo of yourself that you can move freely around the battlefield. Does this qualify for sneak attack damage because I count my real body as a Ally? Bladesinger also allows you to focus more on your Intelligence if you wish. Say I play an echo knight who has multiclassed levels in rogue and I already have my echo activated. Skeleton 5e ( Giant) dnd | Giant Knight stats & Undead Monster. When the moment is right, you can unleash your pact weapon and deal massive damage to a surprised enemy. Echo knights harness fading shades of unrealized timelines, pulling a shadowy duplicate of themself called an "echo" to fight by their side. Everything comes down to a few details that fly beneath the radar. Instead, they use their mind to manipulate forces around them, listen in on others' thoughts or communicate telepathically. To really milk this multiclass, a player should focus on high Dexterity and Charisma, even though Artificers shine with Intelligence. You effectively reduce incoming damage from one attack per round by 75%. Most Rogue subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition are pretty ordinary. So sneak your recognizable inside a building, use your actions to determine through its own eyes, and your bonus actions to supercharge your repeat where you can. Youll disarm the foe of something important theyre holding, then quickly swipe it from the ground as a bonus action. Still, when a 5e Echo Knight can castFind Familiar, possibly due to the magic start effort, or even a multiclass combo, then you may use the capability to view through the eyes of your recognizable to ditch your Echo. Spellcasters may also enjoy the added mobility, though they may want to focus on spells to gain escape and mobility options. Then youre able to teleport inside. You can narrate this character as being a master of tactics who learned to master battle through games of wit with rune carvers and giants. Top Five People Search Sites: A Complete Review, AssignmentCore: Pay Experts to Do Your Programming Homework, What to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyers Qualifications, Why is it important to monitor your blood pressure at home, Health implications when traveling abroad for the elderly, Considering an FLR? Mighty Swarm allows you to knock an enemy prone so you can gain advantage on a second attack for Sneak Attack damage (since youll have Extra Attack). Arcane Tricksters dont need to invest in Intelligence for their spellcasting to be effective; they can choose spells that dont force saving throws. Expertise will allow you to be a grappling master by picking Athletics; while Raging, youll have advantage on Strength checks like a grapple, add double your proficiency bonus to the roll, and your minimum dice roll will be a ten once you get Reliable Talent. Youll need to remain close to the duplicate (120 feet) while remaining hidden and even closer to Mage Hand (30 feet). That resembles the Misty Step/Familiar combo. Id personally be tempted to go eleven levels of Horizon Walker Ranger so I can blink around the battlefield between attacks. Action Surge allows you to Ready an attack to similarly attack out of turn as a reaction to frequently Sneak Attack. I'd rather those levels to get uncanny dodge and evasion sooner. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. One of the worst parts of being an Assassin is dealing with the lackluster subclass features Infiltration Expertise and Infiltrator. All related (33) Sort Recommended Charles Weyandt 1975-current, player and DM Author has 1.8K answers and 2.3M answer views 2 y An Echo knight lets you attack from either your space or your echo's, not both. During this time, you are deafened and blinded. Wizards of the Coast LLC.Use, modification, and distribution of Wizards of the Coast's content is under theOpen Game License v 1.0aCopyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Flutes Loot Privacy Policy. Effective crypto trading habits to adopt in 2023, How Marketing Automation Can Increase Marketing ROI, What Does 4 Fingers Mean in General, Tiktok & Snapchat | Holding it up, How to Remember Every Game of Thrones Character. Your enemy dashes 60ft, and is stil Continue Reading When an Echo Knight can cast Find Familiar, possibly due to the magic start effort, or even a multiclass combo, then you may use the capability to view through the eyes of your recognizable to ditch your Echo. Hi! Flutes is a seasoned DM and improvisational performer. In principle something like a swashbuckler would make a strong Knight multiclass, but keep in mind your ba economy is very full. Ancestral Guardian is an amazing combo for Echo knight, because attacks from distance still trigger Ancestral Protectors and you get more movement speed. You can wield a finesse weapon while using your Strength. Attacking together as one, they're a force to be reckoned with! i'm hidden,but the echo is not, does the attack has advantage? Instead, you can focus on the Rogue levels and re-flavor Portent as masterful planning instead of divination magic. In fact, they can use Strength while still getting Sneak Attack damage because they only need to use finesse weapons; Sneak Attack only requires a finesse weapon to be used. With the Artificer multiclass, this build focuses less on spellcasting and more on accentuating the Swashbuckler abilities throughbuffs, utility spells, and an arcane cannon. Listed below are a couple of tricks up their sleeves. Remember, multiclassing requires minimum ability scores in both new and prior character classes (as described on page 163 of the PHB or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). Use a Rapier to get Sneak Attack, but focus on Strength so you can get Rage damage. You can also use Booming Blade instead of your attack in either instance of attacking. Hi JD,Wow, thank you for pointing that out. Your second action will be to Ready an attack that triggers when your familiar uses the Help action. Notable Invocations are Misty Visions (cast Silent Image at will), Eldritch Sight (cast Detect Magic at will), Ghostly Gaze (x-ray vision with concentration), Tricksters Escape (cast Freedom of Movement without a spell slot), and Gift of the Depths (cast Water Breathing without expending a spell slot, and learn to swim). Multiclassing allows you to build interesting concepts for unique characters with outside-the-box specialties. These echoes come from alternate/unrealized timelines. Use Fash Hands to coat a creature in oil as a bonus action improvised attack (oil (flask) adventuring gear). This wont out-damage those builds, but its an alternative with fun mechanics. Ill add it to the list. Well you're not a phantom rogue for 3 more rogue levels. It will be out of a magical missile or walk through a wall of flame unchanged, for example. Chat us for guest posts and personalized ads. They use infusions to supplement this as much as possible, which unlocks some incredible potential. No. The level split is flexible, so do what you want with it. Giant Mech Suit Classes: Armorer Artificer 16 / Rune Knight Fighter 4 Feats: Mage Slayer Its cool to imagine the Rogue going into a starry mode when investigating a scene, but it also helps with Insightful Fighting during combat. You can achieve this with the Longstrider spell ahead of combat. This character is dangerous to approach, punishing enemies who dare to duel. If you want six levels of Bard, youll gain the Mantle of Majesty feature to seduce people and take them out back to rob them as you command them to empty their pockets. Manage Settings Have your Echo be chance attacked and utilize the Sentinel response on your turn. The strike roll which. You will have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. The Echo Knight 5e is the most recent fighter subclass. The Echo is a magically created, transparent, grey picture of yourself That has one hit point, immunity to all ailments, and an AC of 14 + your proficiency bonus. This will allow you to make a target vulnerable to your damage (that means theyll take double damage). You can use this charm effect to gain peoples trust so you can find out where your mark is. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The harm expires a d4 (add feature modifiers as ordinary ) and deals bludgeoning damage. Particularly, getting an Echo Knight subclass for this Multiclass allows Barbarians to diversify the way they approach their melee attacks. Cone of Cold 5e vs Fireball d&d | Which is a better spell? You can also learn the Haste spell to the same ends. Echo Knight is so good that it can multiclass into anything and still be good. You linger strangely in the realm of the living while you enter a spiritual rage that tethers you to mortality. The persona gets you in front of powerful people during a performance. In that case, any assault you create with that activity can arise from the distance or the echos space. Echo Knight Fighter Echo Knight Fighter is widely considered to be a top tier amongst min-maxers. The echo knight and soul knife are both pretty bonus action heavy so might get tough to combo them. What Do You Get When You Mix Lemon With Gunpowder? You can use Booming Blade for a damage boost and a movement punishment as you move away freely with Fancy Footwork. Thanks for reaching out to share your experience. Im looking to play a dual-wielding magic-using singing/dancing male advocate for ellistrae. Goodberry and Pass without Trace, for example, are premium spells for a Swashbuckler and their party. Your email address will not be published. I recommend narrating your psionic abilities as originating from your own presence between worlds, like a constant state of twilight causing you to have unnatural abilities. Your email address will not be published. Huh, sure enough. I wanted to combine the fighter echo knight and the soulknife since it fits my setting and I've been thinking about ideas to make it work but I'm kinda confused on two things:- Progression: I've been thinking about starting rogue and then 4 lvls of fighter, and then going back to rogue at least until lvl 3 in which I get my subclass. You Fancy Footwork gives you a portion of the Mobile feat, allowing you to strike then move away. Since the attack is from the echo, i think i'll remain hidden,but the attack wouldn't have advantage. Dragon Starry Form provides a minimum of ten Intelligence and Wisdom checks. At level18, you may use a bonus task to create just two echos along with your Manifest Echo attribute, and these echoes can coexist. Youll gain Invocations to customize your Rogue further, gaining abilities that can be flavored to be based on your psychic powers. Youll want to perform cost-to-benefit analyses of classes when you consider Rogue multiclassing. Thank you to Cleric Corner for this idea! Fighter could also be an interesting play if you build it as a Dex-based Echo Knight. 8 levels in Trickster, 1 in the Beast Master, and the DM made sure you can get your archetype at level 1. I would have thought that sentinel specified a "creature" within 5 ft., but now that I go back and look at the wording it says "target." You may utilize the feature a few times equal to your Constitution modifier ( minimum of once). This is what I was portraying with the Battlemaster/Swashbuckler combination. Polearm Master/ 5e Echo Knight interaction. I hear some say hexblade, some say paladin, and some say something else. There are viable multiclass combinations, naturally, but nothing with intense synergy worth mentioning. Regardless of what rogue subclass you chose, you get the following features by level 3 Rogue: 2 ranks of sneak attack (2D6 worth of extra damage, average roll of 7) Thieves tools proficiency. When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo's space. 7th-level Echo Knight feature You can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. Once summoned, your replay merely must stay within 30 ft. of you, but it might proceed in some unexpected ways, not being bound by space or time. Which is too bad because thematically it seems really cool. It also takes up the same amount of space as you do. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This one was suggested on YouTube, and I thought it sounded like a fun, squirrely support caster. Overall even if this image isnt met or efficient in practice, what multiclass work well with the echo knight and or its needs for constitution? Thats a fine recommendation! After you resist damage, you can use your reaction with the Rogues Uncanny Dodge to halve the remaining damage. We are thinking about starting a new one after so I started thinking about possible builds and I came up with this idea. If you attempt to create a third repeat, then the preceding two echoes are destroyed. The Rogue boosts your damage with Sneak Attack and gives you evasive, defensive options. Likely a frequent question, but because of how Echo knight is composed in 5e, sometimes it confuses us about interactions similar to this. Arcane Trickster Rogue Multiclassing ( PHB) Arcane Trickster Rogue (19) / Arcana Cleric (1) With merely one level of Arcana Cleric, you'll gain proficiency in medium armor and shields (a big boost to your defense), and you'll choose two Wizard cantrips that become Cleric spells for you. In case your Echo is more than 30 feet from you at the end of the turn, its destroyed. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Your favorite Rogue multiclassing cost-to-benefit analyses of classes when you Mix Lemon with Gunpowder an Echo Knight Fighter has features! In RogueMulticlassing for any Type of RogueArcane TricksterAssassinInquisitiveMastermindPhantomScoutSoulknifeSwashbucklerThief the feature a few details that fly the... 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