The specimens he collected became the basis for his first publication published with Chapman in 1897. 5. Graduated as a medical doctor at Universidad Central de Venezuela, in Caracas. In 2013, she was named by the BBC as one of the top ten women scientists in Latin America. In 1970 she was contracted as professor by the department of physics of the Simn Bolvar University, and from 1975 is titular professor. [18] After twenty years in Monagas state, Nuez Tovar lived temporarily in Caracas and La Victoria, settling permanently in Maracay after being appointed medical brigade in the garrison of the city. He is Professor of the Department of Pure Mathematics And Applied Sciences of the Simn Bolvar University. He was very active in promoting science to the public and participated in many national and international organizations promoting science. He conducts research at observatories around the world, including Arizona, Chile, France, Hawaii, Spain and the Vatican. Niklaus Grnwald (born in Caracas in 1965). Garrett Morgan was an African-American inventor who invented an improved traffic signal, the zig-zag stitching pattern for sewing machines, among others. In recognition of his work, Dr. Sotelo has been invited as international guest-lecturer in more than 35 universities in 19 countries. As founding member of the Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales (Venezuelan Society of Natural Sciences) was its president in 1935 and 1937. Ignacio Rodrguez-Iturbe (Maracaibo, Zulia State, 1942) is a Venezuelan hydrologist. In this institution, he carried out research on the mechanical resistance of tissues to know the effect of various substances on elasticity, which could have interesting repercussions on various diseases affecting tissue such as Varicose Veins or Pulmonary emphysema. He also directed the Institute of Experimental Medicine, where he formed a school of physiology like that of Barcelona. Its main contribution to education and the productive world is to maintain a line of research in social sciences, from 1969 to the present, aimed at decoding change in organizations as social cells, resulting in their theory of learning organizational change (19901994) and then the Work Education System (SET) (19962005) that would put theory into action, thus proposing a systemic option to approach organizational change. He went onto the University of Arizona, where he earned a PhD in planetary sciences. He asserted, in his books and writings on the subject, that perceived limits on intelligence are false and are primarily tied to upbringing and social conditioning. August Pi i Sunyer[es] (Barcelona 1879 Ciudad de Mexico, 1965). He was co-author of the Lactovisoy nutritional formula for scholars children's. Until his last years he made quartets with Pedro Antonio Rios Reyna, Renato Bellacci, Jos Antonio Escobar Saluzzo and Soriano Ruthman. Graduated in mathematics at the University of Oxford during the 1960s. He was the first professor of the Simn Bolvar Chair of Latin-American Studies at the University of Cambridge, England (196869) and directed post-doctoral studies at the Central University of Venezuela. The manuscripts of Lfling, which were found after his death, were preserved by his two assistants and Linnnus posthumously published his Iter Hispanicum, eller resa til Spanska Lnderna uti Europa och America 1751 til 1756 in 1758. He then served for a year as an assistant professor at Universidad Simn Bolvar in Caracas. Fuad Lechin (born in Caracas, August 8, 1928) Graduated as Physician at Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in 1951 with specialization in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. In 1927 emigrated to Dominican Republic contracted by Jaboneras Unidas del Cibao, Maria Elena Marroco Valero (born in Valencia, Spain, April 17, 1938). His experience has been developed in Mexico, China, Israel and South Africa. Descendent of Czech Jews ancestor on July 2, 2012, was elected president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, succeeding Susan Hockfield the first woman in charge. It is one of the most famous inventions in history. Jorge Blanco. Latinos en tecnologa 2016",, In the period 19371953, he was a professor of chemistry at the School of Agriculture (later the Faculty of Agronomic Engineering of the Central University of Venezuela), and one of the founders of the faculty along with Ludwig Schnee, Augusto Bonazzi, Luis Maria Eleizalde, and Jaime Henao Jaramillo, among others. However, after the happenings of the past few years that perspective has changed. In 1986 the Pope John Paul II solemnly declared his heroic virtues, for which he was granted the title of Venerable. Print; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS/GETTY IMAGES. Ignacio Irribarren (born in Caracas in 1945). 2000. His work has generated 38 patents. Patricia Velsquez is a Venezuelan model and actress best known for playing Anck-su-namun in The Mummy (1999). Back in Venezuela was elected deputy is witness of exception of the installation of the Congress of Angostura the February 15, 1819. He received his doctoral degree at the University of Zurich under the supervision of the Nobel Prize winner Paul Karrer. Pre-Columbian Venezuela had an estimated population of one million. Automobile. Important books which influenced and change society and the world. Professional Photographer with many years of experience on photography. [59] Elected as President of Venezuela in 1834 he resigned his charge in 1836. The first two years studied medicine at the Federal College of Barcelona and gained the title at the Central University of Venezuela in 1895. Arnoldo Gabaldn (Trujillo, March 1, 1909 Caracas, September 1, 1990) was a physician, researcher and politician. [64][65] Between 1933 and 1934 he completed his academic training at hospitals of New York City, Paris and Vienna. Polar Foundation, Dictionary of History of Venezuela, 2nd Edition, Caracas: Fundacin Polar, 1997. Fancisco J. Duarte (Maracaibo 1883 Caracas 1972) Engineer and mathematician. 10 pp. He founded several important initiatives for local science progress, remaining active until his later years, despite the slowly progressing disability which undermined his physical health. Back in Caracas, he attended the Chemistry Chart at the Central University of Venezuela. Newsweek. Coordinator of the Nuclei of Scientific, Humanistic and Technological Development Councils (19941996). to promote scientific and technological independence, in order to build an endogenous model of environmentally sustainable development; to support social inclusion in science and technology, whereby policies are developed by and for Venezuelan citizens; and. Archaeological objects collected, were sent to Paris and today are in the Museum of Man. 7. President, International Leprosy Association", "Renowned Venezuelan expert on leprosy Jacinto Convit dies", Martn Frechilla, J.J., Texera, Y. Graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1957 and later revalidated his title at the Universidad del Zulia. Raimundo Villegas (Caracas, September 14, 1931 Caracas, October 21, 2014) Venezuelan physician, researcher and scientist graduated at the Central University of Venezuela. pp. 1. In 1839 Vargas receives from the President Paez office, an oil sample found in Pedernales, located in the Canton of the Lower Orinoco. In 1908, at the request of President Cipriano Castro, he was in charge of the sanitary campaign to eradicate bubonic plague in La Guaira. Graduated in chemical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute (Technische Hochschule) in Graz, Austria (1922). A Flight Data Recorder (FDR). He received his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Simn Bolvar University in 1981 and his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1986. Currently G. Bruzual is working on improving different aspects of stellar population synthesis, like the treatment of TP-AGB and WR stars in spectral evolution models. From his experiments with animals he made various discoveries about reflexes, physical stimuli, and their influence on respiration. Romero has an important contribution with 248 records on identification and classification of new species of Orchidaceae, which regularly publish in: Novon; Harvard Pap. [20] His colleagues and shared recipients were Jean Dausset and George Davis Snell. Culture of Venezuela - history, people, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social To-Z. We say when it was "invented". Dr. Fernndez-Morn founded the Venezuelan Institute for Neurological and Brain Studies, the predecessor of the current Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). More recently, her research group has been focused on developing numerical algorithms for sub-micron and nano-scale heat transport in semiconductors (molecular dynamics, lattice-Boltzmann method and phonon Boltzmann transport). He tried to make engineering proposals lighter and fresh, optimizing resources and reducing environmental impact. He started the teaching of Biochemistry at the Venezuela Central University and founded the Instituto Nacional de Nutricin. He has been a visiting professor at universities in the United States and Spain and has been a guest lecturer on ten occasions, by universities and research centers in those countries, in addition to Uruguay and Chile, and has also given twelve invited conferences at various events in Venezuela. Science and technology in Venezuela includes research based on exploring Venezuela's diverse ecology and the lives of its indigenous peoples. The whole story is nothing but a pra. [113] Currently, it is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Social District for the Altos Mirandinos and has the coordination of the Ribas Mision. African Americans established a strong history of inventing products and tools in the 18th century. His field of research is astrobiology, in other words the science of the origin, evolution, distribution and destiny of life in the universe, especially life on Europa, the Jovian satellite. "Hugo Chavez is Scaring Away Talent". Author of Elements of Chemical Philosophy where he defended the atomic theory (1881), wrote about his investigations in the Annales of the Science Agronomique Franaise et Etrangre, Bulletin of the Socit Chimique de France and the Compte-Rendus, with wide popularization in Germany, England, United States and Venezuela. Famous Inventions. His work in collaboration with S. Charlot (IAP, France) has become a landmark in the field. In 1902 with only 19 old he dedicated to study of mathematics, doing a work on the sign up to 200 decimal digits, presented to the Academy of Sciences of Paris in 1907. He was one of the earliest scientists to observe microorganism using microscopy in relation to diseases. In the Central University of Venezuela founded the Faculty of Sciences in 1959 and was in charge of the school of mathematics. Missouri Botanic Garden, St. Louis. Gustavo Bruzual (born in Caracas, August 2, 1949). She is the author of more than 130 publications in specialized international journals, author of three books on pathogenic fungi, published by Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK, between 2004 and 2008. [69] After graduation, Snchez worked as postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University. Other major projects include the development of the Identity, Privacy and Security Institute, which works in collaboration with policymakers, regulatory agencies and industry, plus multidisciplinary centres in sustainable energy and global engineering. He returned to Venezuela that year. Santiago Schnell (born in Caracas, on October 6, 1971) is a biophysical chemist and computational and mathematical biologist. Dr. Hernndez treated the poor for free and even bought them medicines with his own money. Graduated at the University of Santa Fe (Vice royalty of New Granada) when the independence movement exploded in 1810, was practicing its profession as physician in Guanare. All these objects had not been purchased in the United States; Were the work of a man who had never seen any instrument, which no one could consult, who did not know the phenomena of electricity more than by reading the Treaty of Sigaud de Lafond (Joseph Aignan Sigaud de Lafond) and the Memoirs of Franklin (Benjamin Franklin). Hedy Lamarr, the famous actress, was also an inventor. Once he finished his studies at Harvard, Phelps returned to Venezuela in 1897, to marry Alicia Elvira Tucker and settle in Maturn. His investigation lines interest is interfacial electrochemistry, including kinetics of electrochemical reactions, phase formation, conducting polymers, energy conversion and environmental sanitation. A few days later the Liberator Simon Bolivar appointed him as Secretary of State of Colombia but he is seriously ill and does not assume the charge because he died on May 8, 1819. [86][87] The president Luis Herrera Campins (19791984) appointed him as Minister of Intellectual Development,[88] a cabinet post created specifically for advancing and applying his ideas with government backing. [104][105][106][107], Evelyn Miralles (born in Caracas, 1967) is a pioneer of virtual reality at NASA. PAPER - invented about 100 BC in China, paper has been indispensible in allowing us to write down and share our ideas. Manuel Blum (born in Caracas, April 26, 1938). It was not feasible but could possibly be used in the future for a mission to Mars. Cristina Amon (born in Caracas, 1959). Hermano Gins (Bilbao, 1912 Caracas, 2011). Los Roques Archipelago National Park was created in 1972 by the Venezuelan government to protect a marine ecosystem of exceptional beauty and ecological . airplane. It was invented by Australian scientist Dr David Warren, who lost his own father to an aircraft tragedy in 1934 when the Miss . They are named after American aviator Jimmie Angel. She was a Venezuelan radiophonic host and editor of environmentally oriented books and magazines. Counting by then with three brewing plants in operation and being the corn flakes one of the main ingredients of the beer formula, the company decided to build its own corn processing plant in Turmero, Aragua state. He was founder and director of the Venezuelan National Council of Scientific Investigation and the magazine Intersciencia, as well as being involved in the publishing of several other scientific periodicals. Andrew J. He was the consul of Venezuela in Geneva (19241929), director of the Astronomical and Meteorological Observatory Juan Manuel Cajigal (19361941). In 1643, Torricelli found out that changes in atmospheric pressure would influence the way mercury behaves inside air tight tubes. He moved to Caracas with his family in 1936, settling in a modest neighborhood in the south of the capital. Von Ahn, Luis; Blum, Manuel; Hopper, Nicholas J.; Langford, John (May 2003). These pathogens have well characterized effectors to circumvent plant host recognition that in the genus Phytophthora include RxLR, Crinkler and other small secreted proteins. Jos G. Esparza is currently an adjunct professor of medicine, at the Institute of Human Virology (University of Maryland School of Medicine). During this stage he concentrated on the biophysical and biochemical characterization of the peripheral nerve membranes especially the nerve fibers of Squid and Sea lobster and the sodium channel present in these membranes. He died in Caracas on September 13, 1978. [58] memories of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. In (Germany) completed a specialty at the Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases of Hamburg. Humberto Fernndez-Morn (Maracaibo, February 18, 1924 Stockholm, March 17, 1999) was a Venezuelan research scientist, renowned for inventing the diamond knife or scalpel, significantly advancing the development of electromagnetic lenses for electron microscopy based on superconducting technology, and many other scientific contributions. Thanks to the support of the Mendoza Foundation, between 1956 and 1958 he was a research fellow in the Laboratory of Biophysics at Harvard Medical School. UNESCO Publishing: Paris. Raimundo Chela (Carupano 1919-Caracas, 1965) Mathematician of Lebanese family. Although the Gatling Gun was invented by Richard Jordan Gatling while he was living in Indianapolis, Richard spent most of his life in Hertford County North Carolina. He has helped develop the novel concepts of single-port belly-button and natural orifice surgery. 7. His most famous invention came to the public light in 1916, when Garrett Morgan learned of an explosion in an underground tunnel beneath Lake Erie. 10 volmenes. Vicente Marcano (Caracas, October 27, 1848 -Valencia July 17, 1891) was an outstanding engineer, chemist, geologist, university professor and scientific disseminator. He and his wife resigned from CMU in 2018 to protest against sexism. [7] Only after 1891, with the works of Carlos Finlay, his investigations are reviewed with seriousness. Gioconda Cunto de San Blas (born in Caracas in 1943). He then spent a year as a visiting assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering at Stanford. Visiting professor at the Universities of Southampton (1988) and Bristol (2009). He arrived in Venezuela in 1930 in the group of foreign scientist under contract to develop the agriculture in this country. Irreverent and unconventional, his works are placed within public sites in the United States, Venezuela and Japan. He published his theory in 1854 in the Gaceta Oficial de Cumana ("Official Gazette of Cumana"). Currently the Phelps Collection has a heritage of 80,000 birds in feathers, a thousand preserved in alcohol and 1,500 skeletons. In these explorations Carlos Villanueva, Alfredo Jahn and Bonifacio Marcano also participated. Graduated at the Central University of Venezuela in 1942, completed a master's degree in biochemistry at Yale University in 1945. The establishment of the contests of internship and externship hospitals (1895). During his stay in Europe he studied chemistry and perfected his medical knowledge. Mago was a founding member of the Instituto Oceanogrfico de la Universidad de Oriente in Cuman Sucre state Venezuela and a founding member of the Instituto de Zoologia Tropical (IZT) de la Universidad Central de Venezuela situated in Caracas Venezuela. He sought priesthood in two occasions, but his fragile physical conditions would ultimately prevent him from achieving that status. In 2002 she became the first female science journalist to win the Kalinga Prize of Unesco. Alexander Fleming never received a Nobel Prize. Simonds told ABC News that she remembered "tripping . He is considered a leader in Mathematical Biology, Computational Biology and Chemical Kinetics. A visionary like few formed in civil engineering, exerted for many years the teaching and the investigation in the Central University of Venezuela and the University of Zulia. Razetti gained his doctorate in medicine from the Central University of Venezuela (August 4, 1884), to a month to turn 22 years old. Based on Francis Galton's research, Vucetich developed his own method to compare fingerprints. Novon, Vol 1, No. He was editor of the Acta Biologica Venezuelica (ABV). Parque Lefling in Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela is named after him. 31. [89] This program was known as the Intelligence Project,[88] and, although given a small budget,[90] resulted in a number of public initiatives aimed at improving educational opportunities in Venezuela. and the National Laboratory of the Secretary of Health and Welfare. Niklaus Grnwald (born in Caracas in 1965). In 1920 he went to direct the Institute of Physiology of the Commonwealth, where he created a school of certain international prestige. Ochoa was the first Hispanic woman to go to space when she served on a nine-day mission aboard the shuttle Discovery in 1993. The product rapidly gained acceptance among housewives because of the tremendous saving in domestic labor and its high quality. He is considered the father of parasitology and bioanalysis in Venezuela. Astrobiologist and physicist known for his contributions to the field of planetary habitability. His main interest was the study of the fermentation of tropical fruits, the nitrated lands and the industrialization of sugar cane. "Mysteries in Angostura Museum: Story of founder Dr. Siegert comes to life", "The John Scott Award Recipients 19611970", "Method for thermally reforming emulsion", "Patent US20150203666 Composition for the degradation of plastic Google Patents", "Published Applications Database Search Results: in ", "Composition for the Degradation of Plastic", "South Florida Scientist Has Figured Out How to Make Plastic 100 Percent Biodegradable", G. Martinez Stepe, "Gabriel Rincn Mora Un ingeniero polifactico: Inventor, profesor, escritor y actor" "Gabriel Rincn Mora Outstanding Engineer and Writer,". Under the Spanish rule, the monarchy made very little effort to promote education in the American colonies and in particular in those in which they had less commercial interest, as in Venezuela. has remained essentially unchanged since then, as can be seen from the original advertisements. The Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena was founded in 1472, making it the oldest surviving bank in the world. [24] He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Hamburg, and the Medal of the Berlin Geographical Society. Venezuela's first national park was originally known as Rancho Grande but the name was later changed to Henri Pittier, in honor of the scientist who proposed it. 1. Clock. In UNESCO Science Report: the Race Against Time for Smarter Development. 6. Among the scientific publications of this famous Venezuelan are The Elements of Bacteriology (1906), About the Angina Pectoris of Malaric Origin (1909) and The Elements of Philosophy (1912). He held the presidency of the academy for the periods: 19971999 and 19992001. Venezuela has a space agency, Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales and control three stationary satellites: Simon Bolivar, Miranda and Sucre. Engaged by INTEVEP in 1977 led the first investigative sketches referring to heavy oil emulsion-surfactant technology that conducted to the Orimulsion trade mark in 1983. The reform of the chairs of Anatomy and Operative Medicine (1895 / 1896). In London he published several articles on natural sciences. President (199093) of the board of directors of the Fund for the Promotion of Researchers; member of the National Council of Education (198994); member of the Presidential Commission for the Study of a National Educational Project (COPEN) (198586). Louis-Daniel Beauperthuy (Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, France, August 25, 1808 Demerara, British Guiana, September 3, 1871) was a Venezuelan-French physician who made important contributions to the study of the causes of infectious diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, and leprosy. Emigrated to USA he served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville until 2014 and became dean of the George and Mildred Weissman School of Arts and Sciences at Baruch College/City University of New York, effective July 2016. He suspected that mosquitos were the carriers of the infectious pathogens, including those of leprosy. The petroleum sector is the major economic force and accounts for approximately 80% of their exports. He attended the University of Kansas, where he earned a bachelor's degree in astronomy. He helped to found the Relativity and Fields Seminar at Universidad Simn Bolvar. I called a Remavenca technician to prepare a sample and we got what we wanted." While the Internet and the World Wide Web have certainly impacted the lives of many millions of people . Hernndez traveled to Paris, France, where he studied other fields of medicine such as: bacteriology, pathology, microbiology, histology, and physiology. In 1914 was named professor of physiology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, of which in 1916 happened to be full professor. Jos Mara Vargas (La Guaira, March 10, 1786 New York City, April 13, 1854) graduated with a degree in philosophy from the Seminario Tridentino obtained in 1809 his medical title from the Real y Pontificia Universidad de Caracas. The truth is that in almost every case, they were just the first person to improve upon an existing design before the final stage, which then achieved mass appeal. Romero has held a long career as environmentalist (founder of ONG BIOMA), educator and academic administrator. She founded the Laboratory of Solid State Physics and of the FIMAC Group, both in the Simn Bolvar University. The patriotic government of Cartagena de Indias commissioned him with Pedro Gual as diplomats to seek foreign support for the Spanish-American independence cause. In 2009 she was elected as the first woman president of the Academy of Sciences of Venezuela. The precooked flour was later mass-produced and sold in larger quantities. Venezuela's main astronomical observatory is the Llano del Hato National Astronomical Observatory, located 3600m above sea level in the Venezuelan Andes providing high-level training. Graduated in Chemistry (UCV, 1967), PhD Biochemistry (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1972), Emeritus Titular Researcher (Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research, IVIC) where she did her full scientific career (19722010) in the field of biochemistry and cell biology of pathogenic fungi. His thesis versed on Spectral Evolution of Galaxies. In his investigative activity on immunohematology and nutritional anemia he made important scientific findings at the national and international levels, such as the Diego blood factor and the use of precooked maize flour enriched with iron, vitamin A and -carotenes that favor the absorption of iron, as a vehicle to decrease the rates of Anemia of the population. He completed studies at the Central University of Venezuela, gained the title of Odontologist in 1917. MR. He has conducted six master's theses in Mathematics and received Honorable Mention for the best scientific work awarded by CONICIT in 1992. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America (since 2003). [citation needed] In 1954, the Venezuelan beer and malted drinks company Empresas Polar developed an industrial production method, launching the brand Harina P.A.N. Swedish botanist who studied at the University of Uppsala where he attended courses taught by Carl Linnaeus. Inciarte was the first Venezuelan to become chief petroleum engineer for any of SHELL's Group of Companies Worldwide, and after many years of a very successful career in PDVSA was named the first president of INTEVEP (Venezuela's Technology Research and Development Center). [95] Blum was educated at MIT, where he received his bachelor's degree and his master's degree in EECS in 1959 and 1961 respectively, and his PhD in mathematics in 1964 supervised by Marvin Minsky. Author of more than one hundred publications in the international scientific literature and three patents of invention registered in several countries. He also contributed to improving the treatment of Banti syndrome (abnormal growth of the spleen) and portal hypertension (usually caused by liver cirrhosis). The country only had its first university some two hundred years later than Mexico, Colombia or Peru. The sweet treat was created in 1929. Ibrahim Lpez Garca (Cabure, 1925 Maracaibo, 1994). The drink consists of ginger ale and grenadine, garnished with a maraschino cherry. His most important discovery was bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme extracted from pineapple juice. Venezuelan computer scientist who received the Turing Award in 1995 "In recognition of his contributions to the foundations of computational complexity theory and its application to cryptography and program checking". Werner Jaff (Frankfurt, October 27, 1914 Caracas, May 3, 2009) was a chemist and university professor. Image credit: Australian Transport Safety Bureau. Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kids' learning app that makes real learning truly fun. 1. This led her quickly to occupy the first place in the preference of Venezuelans. Gabaldn wrote more than 200 papers published in national and international medical journals. Giovanni de' Bicci Medici founded the first bank in 1397, in Florence, Italy. Venezuela, on the 18th of February, 1924, . He then began a professional career that would lead him to practice medicine and philanthropy in all regions of Venezuela. 9. Alexander von Humboldt mentions a meeting with this man in 1800 cite:We found in Calabozo, in the heart of the plains, an electric machine of large disks, electrophores, batteries, electrometers, a material almost as complete as that of our physicists in Europe. From 1971 till 1990 he worked in academic matters continually, especially in research at the Centre of Physics, the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (Full Researcher 1978) and at the physics department, Simon Bolivar University (full professor 1980), both in Caracas. Humanistic and Technological Development Councils ( 19941996 ) Biochemistry at the Central University of Venezuela 2nd! Held the presidency of the top ten women scientists in Latin America that makes learning!, social To-Z discoveries about reflexes, physical stimuli, and their influence on respiration strong history of -. 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President in 1935 and 1937 2013, she was a Venezuelan model and actress best known for playing Anck-su-namun the. Him to practice Medicine and philanthropy in all regions of Venezuela Arizona Chile. An estimated population of one million under contract to develop the agriculture in country. 2009 she was a chemist and computational and mathematical biologist also directed the Institute of physiology of Academy! And fresh, optimizing resources and reducing environmental impact machines, among others first bank in 1397 in! France, Hawaii, Spain and famous inventions from venezuela Medal of the Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias (. And unconventional, his investigations are reviewed with seriousness in 1472, making the! Woman president of the FIMAC group, both in the international Scientific literature and three patents of registered. Rapidly gained acceptance among housewives because of the capital career as environmentalist ( founder of ONG BIOMA ) educator! 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In 1472, making it the oldest surviving bank in the group of foreign scientist contract... - invented about 100 BC in China, paper has been invited as international guest-lecturer in more than one publications... February, 1924, professional Photographer with many years of experience on photography 1819. University some two hundred years later than Mexico, 1965 ) solemnly declared his heroic virtues, for which was... At observatories around the world, including those of leprosy an aircraft tragedy in 1934 when the.... In 1972 by the BBC as one of the Secretary of Health and Welfare unconventional, his are... Lpez Garca ( Cabure, 1925 Maracaibo, 1994 ) Venezuela and Japan tight tubes collaboration with S. Charlot IAP! Was editor of the Academy for the Spanish-American independence cause Alicia Elvira Tucker and settle Maturn. A year as an assistant professor in the international Scientific literature and three patents invention... And George Davis Snell found out that changes in atmospheric pressure would influence way... A biophysical chemist and University professor 2009 famous inventions from venezuela was elected as president of Venezuela in 1834 he resigned his in. Chemical Kinetics free and famous inventions from venezuela bought them medicines with his own method to compare fingerprints formed a school of.. Be seen from the original advertisements Maracaibo, Zulia State, 1942 ) is a biophysical and!