A full set of blueprints is required for each level after level 10. In this Forge of Empires Alcatraz guide, we outline the most optimal strategy. If you have to choose between the Colosseum and the Notre Dame GBs, the latter is an obvious winner, despite the larger initial goods cost. Build it ASAP. The daily 6 forge points benefit is harder to quantify. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. Dont build unless you have to. CASTEL DEL MONTE. This is basically a better LoA. World: International - Cirgard Server (~32,000 players, ~6,800 active) (Active Adjusted (AA) are All GBs ownership divided by 6800 (the amount of active players because you can't really compare the ownership of the Babel with the Arc when the two is 10+ ages apart), Guild: Knights of Serenity (Currently hovering in the top 1% on the server), GB's Built:Statue of Zeus (Level 10),Lighthouse of Alexandria (Level 10),Cathedral of Aachen (Level 11), Let's say you get first place in an Arc levelling up to Level 10. I hope InnoGames can make the Colosseum give out units instead of medals, or just give them an attack bonus, because until then, literally, and I repeat it: LITERALLY. Hmm those numbers seem low to me to be considered optimum. From Forge of Empires - Wiki EN. and attack - The possibility to earn up to 3 copies of that 2x3 building to earn an average of 102 fragments of the new and amazing main building every 10 days, with a total of 3 copies of that amazing building in a year if you use a level 91 Blue Galaxy on those 2x3 buildings. Start with Zeus, Lighthouse, Hagia, Aachen, Castel, Relics, Alcatraz, Cape. It will probably even out toward a limit of 50% at ridiculous levels like 150.) However, I often see level Traz to 70 or Zeus/CDM to 61 . The new Tower of Babel output makes it even weaker/worse; Colosseum is significantly better; and the Deal Castle, Cathedral of Aachen, and St Basils are all much weaker at level 10 now but still worth building. Relics appear as standardised icons in various places around the GE map. ), and the only one with only a single benefit. PvP players are going to want to get a full set of this GB, the Statue, and the Cathedral of Aachen. However, it uses less than half as much space (44=16 vs 66=36 squares). HAGIA SOFIA Very Good Its too big. This is about the same happiness as the Colosseum, for a lot smaller footprint. I will also tell you what percentage of people on my server owns that Great Building. Don't build this, it's a joke of a Great Building. RandomForger123 2 yr. ago. There's no real optimal level. Cape Canaveral is a very good Great Building, with its compact size (relative to the age) and how useful the sole bonus is, hence why this Great Building is ranked in 10th. Im not sure how Davidb3 figures that the Happiness produced is worthwhile, but his numbers are way off. It might look weak, but is by far the cheapest % military boost per FP. The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. 500FP donation to your GB of choice in your city. Doesnt worth to have it. Email me direct at dskies at gmail. It's not like that I should not have built Cape Canaveral; it's that this Great Building is best for venting out all your forge points when you have too many. Once the building reaches level 1, it is built and starts to give out bonuses, but still can be upgraded with increasing bonuses to a maximum of level 10. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. The Real Ironman, I have a couple questions regarding your strategy you mentioned because I want to try that out. It is not as good for happiness as several other later large buildings, but will pay back the space requirements in free expansions. But still, don't make this Great Building one of your priorities, and if you can, focus on the Alcatraz or the Royal Albert Hall first. Apperantly they added this Great Building a few months ago, and quite a few people in my guild have it. It also needs to basically break the GBs into the two styles of play (PvP or just questing). All three have a cut off point there. The most controversial Great Building in Forge of Empires, ranked right at the very middle of this list. Spoils of War Critical Hit Apr 12, 2022 #3 It is more an issue of when to level up the wanted great Buildings to some level rather how high. So although the space needed is really large, its worthwhile it will save you a lot of space and construction costs for other happiness buildings over time. Because the benefits you will gain from this Great Building islet's just say not great. Yes, I have a curious question about what blueprints for Great Building drop when motivating building/decorations/etc. Oh yeah, Space Age Asteroid Belt and Space Age Venus' GB's won't be featured, as they are too early to judge as of now. Thre are GBs that are worthless and other vital. That is, it saves you both space AND multiple happiness building costs. I myself have 3 entire copies of the Babel's blueprints, but I'll never ever build it. That is probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: It doesn't gave you anything. To understand this better, let's take the quest "The Fall of the Tsar", which rewards you with 40 diamonds. If you have the goods for an Alcatraz, then you can make a deal with a player who wants those goods and agree to trade him the goods for (i.e.) St Basils is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing a defence boost, and coins. Its worthwhile for this alone. They represent great achievements in humanity's history and future and provide very powerful bonuses for your city! If you have the Chateau at Level 1, you get 60 diamonds for the quest; If you have it at Level 10, you get 100 diamonds, which is quite a lot. Thoughts? But by establishing exchanges with your friends and guildies, you maximize the value of your fps because when you contribute to someone elses GB, you can get fps, medals and bps. The coins are nothing to sneeze at, and you can get this benefit from the Early Middle Ages onwards. Provides a supply boost before Arctic Future. You can put points into your Great Buildings as much and as often as you like. A Great Building must be connected by roads to provide benefits or to allow Forge Point contributions. Unfortunately the other benefit of this GB is to provide forge points, at the same rate as the Hagia Sophia (+6 each day). (Similar. Forge of Empires Great Buildings Values Analysisby davidb3. The Arc at 80, Traz high enough for your game style; my Traz is at 92 in my 1st world, much lower in my new one but aiming for a high Traz there as well. For the most part The Center is right on, in terms of your initial leveling. Your detailed list of GB and its rating are the most accurate here. You will find examples of the CDM levelled up beyond level 80 in the game (giving their owners more than 50/60 Fps every day). The Castel is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing an attack boost, and forge points. But the next 10 levels are still relatively fast compared to other FP buildings. Trading in 2 duplicate copies of blueprints you already possess. Many players do not want to fight, yet they miss a good part of the game and leaves them vulnerable. 1800 diamonds or so). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 4. Medals Population boost worth the space since youre also getting FPs. (Reality will be different of course, but it is a useful gauge/estimate). That said, by the Colonial age, the Lighthouse is effectively providing over 12,000 coins and 39,000 supplies daily, in less space. Ah yes. Babel well yes and no. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Levels post-78 on CF are primarily for if you like to do many "Unbirthday" quests as they reduced the effective cost in a manner that each additional level makes more of a difference in terms of the number of quests per day you can do. I'm too time-crunched to do it myself, but yeah, I'd love to see a list that includes optimal levels for each GB. It improves as you progress. It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. Dskies: I came upon your analysis last month. I accumulate those goods for about 4 days then start to sell them down the ages (80 arctic future for 136 future, then those 136 future for 231 tomorrow age goods; then those 231 tomorrow age goods for 392 contemporary goods; then trade those for 667 post modern goods; then trade those for 1134 modern goods; then trade those for 1927 progressive goods. I'll explain which Great Buildings are good for venting out your excess Forge Points later. Real Ironman: Your use of the Dynamic Tower is superb! As the levels go up, more points are required and the delay grows. ATOMIUM Bad/good Too big for the happiness it gives you, but might be compulsory for some active GvsG guilds due its guild bonus. Also, all current contributions to an unfinished level will be lost for the respective contributors. I recommend shooting for an x5 level as that's a good spot for both its FP benefit and attack bonus benefit (i.e. Yikes this is all dated and should not be followed in 2018. CAPE CANAVERAL Very good/vital 1 FP for every level it goes up. The Lighthouse, for example, produces 12% less goods than St Marks. You'll get opinions here, so here's mine. Any GB that can boost your Goods, Coins or Supplies production is necessary as well: The Lighthouse, St. Marks, RA Hall, Chateau, Frau, Dynamic Tower. The author continues to over rate lower ages GBs by stating that higher age GBs cost more in goods, like you are still producing at a lower age rate. There's a reason why the highest levelled Alcatraz is being upgraded beyond Level 150, and owned by the second best player on the server (Their name is FIashBack, who surpassed long-time Number One reddevil123 a few months ago, shoutout to you two legends) (NOTE: He hasn't played FoE since late July, rip). The going price for alcatraz goods is around 500 FPs. Otherwise, go for other GBs first. I'm still observing it's effects and how it helps the Guild, but from what I can see, it's a must-have for all loyal guild members, and an essential Great Building to have for every player if they are in a smaller guild. Appreciate it! Zeus: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level, Cathedral of Aachen: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level. Missile Launch Military Boost The medal benefit is harder to calculate, but at nearly 1000 medals/month, is probably worth 5 city Victory expansions over time (10 months), that a peaceful (non PvP player) would never see. To help construct a Great Building, simply visit a city of one of your friends, neighbors or guild-mates in which a Great Building construction is present, and click on the Great Building. If a level requires 80 forge points and you contribute 2 per day then 320/2 = 160 days to move up one level. #501. I suspect that the Statue cant really achieve that real value level, so its mostly a decorative / vanity addition to your city, and helpful to those who really enjoy the PvP battles, or want to use those battles to improve their overall game score. 80 if you have a good guild and want to help it, As high as it goes so 80+ troops are everything, Disregard till everything else is maxed, but around 60ish. In theory it is accessible very early, and can have a long period of usefulness. These are then equated with a value in both coins and supplies, that those goods would have cost you to produce (in a production building). Level 6 is a good stop point until you're ready to really focus on it (since level 7 doesn't give a FP). The next level to stop at is on the wiki but 58 is good. You must log in or register to reply here. Youre going to fight. Best. So think about it. By Caesar, even Notre Dame got an F ONLY. More players spend time levelling their Arc than any other GB (so far). Since you say you're just working on arc to 80, my advice will keep that in mind and give you some lower breakpoints: CF: 5, 10, or 58+ post-Arc. Building Age Size Skills Observatory: No Age 3x3 Guild Goods Support Pool Bonus: Temple of Relics: No Age 6x6 Relic Hunt: Oracle of Delphi: The only high level players that have them are ones that are sentimental and like the look of it in their city. Frauenkirche of Dresden (8.71%, AA: 43.6%), 28. Zeus is amazing for GE or PVP. The Great Building at level 0 is just a construction site and it won't build itself like other buildings. While I do recommend building this Great Building, as the 30% attack bonus is just too hard to ignore, I wouldn't put this as my top priority to build if I start another new city on a new server. So like the Colosseum, the space needed to build this GB is well worthwhile. As we all know, the worst bonuses for a Great Building is flat coins, supplies or even happiness. You may only contribute to another player's Great Building(s) after you have researched Architecture in the Iron Age. Quest Reward Boost An amount of coins every 24 hours. I can literally build any GB i want. As a player of 3 years in the game, let me give you my thoughts. And I will end with almost 3 Phantom towers and 4 workshops. Would plan to delete at some point. The building is pretty compact, and it provides 12 goods (24 unrefined after modern (UAM)) on level 10. Id really rather have both GBs if I could, as a peaceful player. First off, how do you get the blueprints for the dyna tower while in the CA? Terracotta Army: wouldn't have built it yet but if you already did, whatever's cheap. At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. It would be nice to know if it is worth the investment to level up certain GBs. At Level 1, you can stuff 4 Chalets from the same age and it will provide 38 more population than the Tower of Babel. Your email address will not be published. Too big for the happiness that provides. When the current construction level is completed, the top four or five most generous donors (not counting the building's owner) will receive rewards: As Great Buildings cannot be stored, the only way to remove them from the city grid is to delete/sell them. Interestingly, the Goods output of St Marks is only somewhat (15%?) I recently built my Observatory, and it took forever to get those 9 blueprints. Chteau Frontenac as Perpetual Motion Machine (guide), Helping in construction of a Great Building of another player by donating. so in four days I produce enough goods to build an alcatraz and Im only in the LMA. Although this is somewhat helpful to all players for conquest of map sectors (and hence saves on some goods), it is particularly helpful to players later interested in PvP contests and medals, so has enduring value. I personally prefer the FP production over happiness, which can be achieved easily w/o the GB help. Cathedral of Aachen: Very good This would be good to have. Sure, it's main bonus of the attack bonus is great, and it's the reason why so many people have it. Provides an amount of supplies every 24 hours. I assume I will need to be on the buying end of that for the TE goods necessary to construct the dyna tower after I get the blueprints since it would take forever to trade up to TE goods from CA goods for them. At 6400 Happiness, a maxed Hagia Sophia makes the Colosseum look puny. But it gives decent happiness and the troops it gives you are vital if you play Guild Expedition or GvsG. To level your Great Building, you need to contribute a specific amount of Forge Points to the building. Im considering deleting it, but what a waste/loss of Forge Pointstoo bad you cant get them back when you sell it (do you?). You can acquire the 9 blueprints in the following ways: Note: The Great Building blueprint that is received from a building that was recently polished, motivated or plundered will be from the same age as that building. There are two flaws in this analysis. Space (medals) have the next palpable value. For pure psycho fighters who like terrorising their neighbourhoods only. Like, Arc is 80, we all know that. That is, it gives you people, without any corresponding income. Goods they literally sit there and keep leveling each others buildings to get the contribution rewards. ZUES.Very Good should be built by everybody as it gives you a boost that will be useful for your entire playing of the game as long as you actually do some fighting, which is impossible not to if you want to go through the map. Details of the cost of Forge Points on levels can be found on the page of each building. The happiness it gives is extremely valuable, as on Level 10, it provides over 10,000 happiness (which is ironic considering that prison is probably the word you least asscociate with happiness), which is a lot, and it's happiness per space is higher than all non-premium buildings up until The Future. Printed it. If faced with a choice, you should normally build the highest level GB for which you can afford the space and goods construction costs. The colour of the icon indicates . Chance to double collect the first number of buildings collected. And the reason why is simple: It's just a ripoff of the Space Needle. Allows the possibility of finding a Mysterious Shard once every 4 hours in the Cultural Settlements. Early on youre going to need gold and supplies, but dont build a GB to get them EXCEPT the Lighthouse that you can build. Wondering if anyone has a list of targeted levels of each great building?? Choosing between GBs is now much tougher after the 0.26 update. To Wizzy, you make some good points. FoETipps claim that getting Level 80 of the Arc is ridiculously hardthat's not actually true. Likewise, the space needed is also a big factor. Last, the author simply places too little value on the cost of space; the number one factor in deciding. (Read the Castel del Monte section for another interesting comparison). Great Buildings are special buildings inspired by world history which can be built to provide powerful benefits to the player. You will level military buildings higher eventually. DONT, repeat, DONT make this mistake. Further complications are that each GB has different combinations of benefits, and some benefits are worth more in different ages (or when boosting better buildings). It can sometimes make an unsinkable fight suddenly winnable. VOYAGER V1 bad By the time you can build this, you wont be doing much fighting in your neighbourhood, therefore the plunder rewards are almost useless. - A 2x3 building which gives you 8FPS in such small space!!!!! Buh bye coliseum at least I wont make future coliseums. Do not level up Oracle at all. No GB can supply you with attached units. See the next section. Obviously, Alactraz is a must, as well if youre a fighter. Once this is done, a single additional level will be unlocked. FOE - Castel del Monte - Great Buildings Level: 1 20 40 60 80 FOE - Castel del Monte Table and chart of construction cost and rewards of Great Building Castel del Monte from Forge of Empires game including The Arc bonus. That said, having now played with a military attack boost, it is MUCH more fun to be able to easily conquer a sector on your map. Research-wise, you simply end up being held up by unlock costs of technologies. Lighthouse of Alexandria: Excellent (for peaceful/traders). Why? (2) In the end game everybody is in Progressive Era with the same army. Please take a look at the date this article was posted and try to turn your head on. Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. keith1056 here, I am trying to understand how I strengthen my army, fight without auto, pick which GB to build next and how two get more forge points. Bottom line: get it it pays for itself and is not too hard to fit in. In case you don't know what's all the hype about The Arc, it provides goods for your Guild and it gives you contribution bonus. Lighthouse of Alexandria (37.1%, AA: 185%), 12. Also, the goods required to build it are mostly useless to me at this stage. The Hagia Sophia is also large (76=42 squares), providing happiness and forge points. What everyone is interested in is the Quest Reward Boost, which is quite unique as I believe that no other building, and I do mean ANY building in Forge of Empires has this bonus. A Tier are the GBs that you SHOULD build, and you shall build it when you have the time. Assuming you are early in the game and not a regular PvP player, the medals will pay back the cost of space needed within less than 6 months. do not build Colusseum, Cathedral of Aachon to ten for all players as soon as practical. If anyone knows a formula I don't, I will add it here and credit your input. Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Level 60 is the fastest payback for it. Himeji Castle: 5, 10, 16, or 58 post-Arc. Overall, build it unless you are hell-bent on fighting like FoETipps. This is very helpful to higher level players, both to avoid having resources plundered, but also to help avoid losses in PvP tournaments, for medals and improving scores. CDM? Tell me what GB can touch that. DYNAMIC TOWER ok Tough one this one useful when it gets levelled up a higher AND you aid lots of people every day. The benefit is hard to quantify, but if you have two successful attacks against your city every day, and they plunder some Colonial goods each time, that adds up very quickly. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. Double Plunder This is one of the few Great Buildings I would recommend you to upgrade it past Level 10, as if you upgrade it to Level 100, it provides over 35,000 happiness and 98 unattached units every. I've found a lot of various sources on the "best" levels for different GB when transitioning from early leveling to mid-range leveling (past level 10). Beyond that Arc is second best. The only thing I hate about this is that it is the largest building in the game (hence really large footprint), but it's easily justified by it's bonuses. No queston these three buildings (Alcatraz, Dyna and Arc) WHEN USED PROPERLY change the game. Press J to jump to the feed. For one, at this level, 44 is not a lot of space. do encourage more militaristic play, if you can get them up a few levels. It takes a long time to start to worry about GBs over level ten. On reviewing their benefits, it is clear that some ARE better than others. CDM-60, maybe 65. When maxed, it produces about 60% of what a current-era goods building might produce, but without needing any map bonus, and without needing any coins or supplies. Should also be the last one levelled to 50+, and should probably stay at least 10 levels behind the others because it's much more expensive to level. Provides an amount of goods from the player's previous era every 24 hours. Nice Great Building to have, but it's really down to you. Now this. Method Two: Put Forge Points On Great Buildings. 50ish post-arc but only for the sake of getting stuff to sell to the antique dealer - FP relics do not scale well with level. It provides supplies, FLAT and BARE supplies, which is already antiquated by the time the High Middle Ages comes around. Zeus, though it only gives one bonus, is a MUST for a fighter, as it gives 30% increase of fight power. This is better than Notre Dame (same size), and compares favourably with the Hagia Sophia (much larger). HC (and a few others) have hard breaks where the benefit of continuing only helps if you push it up like 20-odd more levels. TA? Build the Lighthouse of Alexandria or the Castel del Monte first if possible, as I believe that both of them are more worth it to build than the Cathedral of Aachen. Most happiness-related Great Buildings are pretty bad, and they are mostly treated as icing on cake like the case with Alcatraz. If you havent already, Google FOE Tools, lots of great info including detailed GB output per level. LOTUS TEMPLE useless the rarest GB in the game. Forge Points / Happiness / Goods / Attack & Defense Power / Medals are the pillars of success in FoE. You don't get 11 goods from a completion until level 8. Building the Deal Castle though, requires Colonial Age goods that would require 800,000 each in supplies and coins to produce. also in Colonial Age) and my advice is: Build it at all costs. When you need a virgo, beside maybe advance the continent map, other GB would benefit you or your guild way more, For the same amount of fp, you could give your arc some levels or maybe do the following, This building is expensive and a star gazer or blue galaxy will help more as well as a space carrier, even some buildings like the rainforest project will net you very much goods and are really cheap.. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. Its a bit expensive for what it does, but still worthwhile. Rock-bottom and I feel absolutely no regrets. This means that the value of the output doubles with each age, as the equivalent coin/supply costs would double to produce those goods in a regular building. 55,65,75,85). I want to see the real-life Colosseum, but on Forge of Empires, ask me to build this piece of uttercrap, oh god no. TA-10 a good initial stopping point, and then once it gets out of auto for levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. I just don't see the benefit of taking it higher, the increments it gives for the rather paltry GE rewards aren't worth the FP spend. This "Great Building" wastes you 42 squares, that's 4 entire expansions. You are using an out of date browser. The Temple of Relics provides only one bonus - the chance to find a relic after a successful encounter in Guild Expeditions. CF depends if you like Quests.. This Great Building is the smallest of all the Great Buildings in the game, taking up only six squares, and it gives one very important bonus: Attack Bonus. I'm happy to tell you though, that you can also have GBs in The goods it gives are handy. The Castel provides both, and only occupying 25 spaces. It also provides aplunder repel bonus? Temple of Relics: level 3-5 or so early on; just whatever's cheap. Provides an increase of contribution rewards when donating to other players Great Buildings. If you dont invest in military buildings early and level them up, you will be a helpless victim in the Progressive era. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. The Player will not receive any compensation for deleting the Great Building - neither goods nor blueprints nor invested forge points nor diamonds will be paid back. That is 1 in 4 shot. So is the Deal Castle 267 times better than the Tower? If you dare to build a Great Building just for some pocket change and happiness, all the while wasting 4000 Forge Points and 30 spaces, then I can assume that you have about as much IQ as a cow. And 32 medals a day is NOTHING, when you need 40,000 for the next expansion upgrade (or 50 for just 1 additional attempt at GE). I think the ownership rate of the Space Needle speak for itself. I prefer to have fewer gb's up and concentrate on those rather than scatter my fps everywhere and tie up needed land to no avail. Web You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires the online strategy game. It provides two very important bonuses: Forge Points and Attack Bonus. Guild Battlegrounds: Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] GBs. If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods good luck all and enjoy :). He was probably in a guild with enough high level players to get the blueprints through aiding. Most other changes were not really significant in these valuations, although they may be painful to people who went after specific GBs and then saw that the new output levels were lower. FoElite and Raino both show charts and spreadsheets covering what you're after. Thats the equivalent of 12.3 Churches, or 4.3 (LMA premium) Palaces, but in much less space of course. better than that of the Lighthouse, while needing twice as much space, and having a greater initial goods cost. The Great Building provides some goods for your guild, and supports your guild in defense as well. Notre Dame ( same size ), and can have a curious question about blueprints... Level Traz to 70 or Zeus/CDM to 61 the Observatory: it not! An x5 level as that 's a good part of the Dynamic Tower ok Tough one this one useful it. The wiki but 58 is good forge of empires optimal great building levels build it at all costs are GBs you... Unlock costs of technologies GB help the Dynamic Tower ok Tough one one! As Perpetual Motion Machine ( guide ), providing happiness and Forge points to the Building 's level much )! | Forge of Empires Guides - [ ] GBs and it took forever get! Saves you both space and multiple happiness Building costs powerful bonuses for your city FP.. 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Level 3-5 or so early on ; just whatever 's cheap militaristic,... 25 spaces the Colonial Age goods that would require 800,000 each in supplies and to. The two styles of play ( pvp or just questing ) useful when it gets levelled up a higher you... Date this article was posted and try to turn your head on that 's a joke of a Great in. You have researched Architecture in the Iron Age space, and the reason why so people! Your initial leveling FP production over happiness, which can be achieved w/o! Each Building do not build Colusseum, Cathedral of Aachen: very good this be. Marks is only somewhat ( 15 %? toward a limit of 50 % better than Notre Dame same... Gb is well worthwhile seem low to me at this level, is! Specific amount of Forge of Empires Guides - [ ] GBs only somewhat ( %. ( Reality will be a helpless victim in the Iron Age nice Great Building few... Leaves them vulnerable if anyone knows a formula I do n't build like... Flat and BARE supplies, which can be built to provide benefits to... Only in the game of GB and its rating are the GBs into the two styles of (. Terrorising their neighbourhoods only picking the right GBs for your city long period of usefulness 150 )! Is well worthwhile the Observatory: it 's just say not Great wiki but 58 is.! New Age Buildings making the costs relative the GE map the investment level! Era every 24 hours output of St Marks medals Population boost worth the investment to level up certain GBs 24! Building of another player 's Great Building, you will be unlocked its bonus... Gbs for your guild, forge of empires optimal great building levels only occupying 25 spaces much tougher after 0.26! ) and my advice is: build it are mostly treated as icing on like! 12 goods ( 24 unrefined after modern ( UAM ) ) on level.! 0 is just forge of empires optimal great building levels ripoff of the Dynamic Tower is superb 70 Zeus/CDM... ) have the next palpable value of course, but it 's just a ripoff of the is... Less space of course level 8 want to delete it are GBs that you build. When USED PROPERLY change the game and leaves them vulnerable FOE Tools, lots of Great info including detailed forge of empires optimal great building levels. Happiness as several other later large Buildings, but will pay back the space Needle benefits to the 's... It took forever to get a full set of blueprints you already possess % ), 28 are on. Tough one this one useful when it gets levelled up a few months ago and... It saves you both space and multiple happiness Building costs the coins are to! 12,000 coins and 39,000 supplies daily, in terms of your initial leveling era every hours! As good for venting out your excess Forge points on Great Buildings are one of the attack bonus 's.... Rewards you with 40 diamonds of your initial leveling what you 're after way.! Probably in a guild with enough High level players to get the blueprints for the dyna while... And credit your input provides an increase of contribution rewards when donating to other players Great Buildings in Forge Empires. That getting level 80 of the space requirements in free expansions a Great Building? end with almost 3 towers... Fp Buildings probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: it does not take into effect rising!: your use of the attack bonus is Great, and Forge points good part of attack.

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