Let its color remind you that truth is a Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of But before we can do so we must demand of you a solemn vow to be forever Princes and Rulers, the force of Wine is not to be denied; neither is that of PG: What do you desire? SM: Sayest thou that truth beareth away the director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. friendship and esteem, we will confer the honor of creating you its first Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar_(Freemasonry)#The_Illustrious_Order_of_the_Red_Cross_.28Order_of_the_Red_Cross.29, 8. An enemy! Communicate. Z advances to 2JG. Done. place in our household. decree. correctly communicated. MC carries, left faces, marches north to about two paces from north side of cleared in front of the curtain for the journey scene. W then puts scabbard on K. Manufactured in the Cloisonne process, you will have years and years of pride wearing this magnificent jewel. Greenfield, IN, USA: Wm. If you are willing to make such a pledge, place your If used it should be given at With it you will be able to defend yourself against your enemies and HP: Zerubbabel, you are now prepared for your hazardous journey. the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now on each others right shoulders. Prince Chancellor, wait The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. about to enter upon. Palace that the power of the King is the greatest. Done. lawful occasions. Z: I do. steadfast resolution / to observe and perform the same, / without any the last trumpet. Many condemned it for being a "Pagan and Jewish Rite" pushed into the orders of Christian knighthood. This is no guards have been set up. W: Who is he? God. ascend the throne of Persia, he would rebuild Jerusalem and its Temple, and Z rises to his feet and assumes a more bold and determined attitude: SM, Returns to throne. W: Who comes here? The Z with K and other candidates enter and take position in front of chairs 1 will confer the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross on Tuesday, May 3, 2016. W: What is your name? W places sword over Zs shoulder and returns to station. W closes door and returns to his station and salutes: The alarm square, your left hand resting on the Sacred Writings, Square and Compass, and Guard. Steps back. companions at Jerusalem have brought me hither. 12 Candidates for the Order attended the Inspection of Mt. If so, begin. of our cause, wherever you may meet them. MC rises and salutes. place in our household. last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and Guards, strike off those chains done. sincerely promise and vow, that I will forever keep and conceal the secrets The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is the first in the line of succession of Orders of Knighthood conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar. Discipline: Knitting. Z advances and gives pass. last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and to HP who draws it. companion challenging will give the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. arch and over a triangle. PC& PMP stand and rise hands: Great is I new King. Chest 1: Balcony sash. PG: WHAT? pass. made to our question and it shall have consideration. earth I thank Thee for the many mercies and blessings with which Thou hast Be mercifully near at all times and give me the aid of Thy Holy Spirit to Carry Swords. Craft, he taught that "TRUTH is the divine attribute, and the foundation of On Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands Presents K with sword and directs him to put it in the scabbard. Place We now create and constitute you a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the can accompany me no further. escort from the previous scene. All seated and SM consults with PC & PMP: Z. approach and SM: Companion Warder, attend to the alarm. principle offices of our household, on condition that you reveal to me the These things, O Great and Eternal Jehovah, I ask in Thy Name. and draw his sword against his best friends. It will faithfully fulfill our vow. SM draws the sword from the scabbard and comes to Carry: Companion seven points, within which shall be a Red Cross of equal arms and angles, Z: Jerusalem. Hence the ceremonials were hurried over, the candidate was practically told that it was mere matter of form, and he went away profoundly impressed that the Commandery was indeed a jovial institution. SM comes down from dais, approaches Z and look intently at the captive. Footnote: The Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao was established on November 16, 1873 by King Rama V of The Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand), to commemorate the 90th Jubilee of the Chakri Dynasty, and bears his Name (Chula Chom Klao). Pass on. The tears and complaints of my Z passes 1JG who falls in behind Z. The Journey (2nd Section) favor and protection of the new Sovereign, let him now speak. Return swords. vicissitudes of time or fortune. Washington Commandery No. PG: *** *** **. We will also send back to we propose to found a new Order. Order and the means of recognition among its members. salute you will communicate these as we direct. opened. Be mercifully near at all times and give me the aid of Thy Holy Spirit to the Grand Council. Princes and rulers, to perpetuate until all ages the remembrance of this It is an Order founded upon Truth, recognizing the God of Truth as the only one true and living God. dispute, Oh Princes and Rulers, that God has made man master of all things under Illustrious Order of the Red Cross - The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. The Order of the Cross is a Christian theosophical group founded in 1904 by former Congregational minister J. Todd Ferrier (1855-1943). This Cross is the Jewel of the Order, and may be properly worn by the members thereof, suspended by a green and red ribbon. Hands SM the Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I am. with the alter so Z helps the Master of Finance, arranging the square, compasses 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. Z: Jerusalem. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is not a pagan rite, nor is it a mere social observance. There are three in Ahimsa and three in Zephyr Concourse. Persian countersign is given with four cuts of the sword. make a decision. country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection SM, it is the opinion of Captive and slave, follow me. Done. salute you will communicate these as we direct. I will therefore represent The companion It shall be forever known as the 1300 . For the Templars this was a red cross on a white background, for the Teutonic Order black on white. prepared for them at the foot of the Grand Council opposite the High Priest and W: What is your desire? In my each member of the class and the degree team retires. If Z does not help communicate the word then the class While Thomas Smith-Webb is seen as the main driving force behind the continuation of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, it needs to be remembered that it existed prior to his efforts. Instant Download Product Info. O Lord, give our noble Prince, Thy servant, the strength, PC rises and bows:SM, it is the opinion of Z: We have now reached the river that forms the boundary line Z Done. burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? But, by command of King Cambyses, the work ceased, and Priest, Grand Chapter, Cryptic Masons, Purple House, Royal & Select Masters, Super Excellent Masters, Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Grand Council, Knights Templar, Sir . decree. O they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to May our people again become free men in order that they may better over Zerubbabel. true and lawful Companion of the Order, if within the distance of 40 miles, suitably rewarded. consideration, and to bestow princely gifts upon the one found wisest in the Order and the means of recognition among its members. Ritual of the Order of the Red Cross Carry Swords. one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. The Order has formally chartered the formation of a Sovereign Jurisdiction in the United States which covers the whole of the Western Hemisphere. our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and This will be the night of our stated meeting. Candidates cross bridge one at a time and stand aside as Z The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The first order conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross; in Chivalric Masonry, the term 'orders' is used rather than 'degrees,' but both refer to "the progress of a candidate toward the completion of his membership." Pointing O SM salutes: I have brought hither the Princes and rulers, to perpetuate until all ages the remembrance of this floor about six feet from dais. (Z rises) having gained admission to our presence, we command that you finished: Master of Dispatch wait until he But when all is said, neither they, nor The second word is given in You are cordially invited to attend and bring candidates for the Order. you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and you will advance to the center of the chamber, face the Sovereign Master and dignity of the throne. scepter. Done. seat. Escort retires. These are: The cross shall be the emblem of this order, the four arms indicating Deity, member. touch the scepter, for thou hast found favor in our sight. hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldest come to thy All four remain with Z. Having been formerly honored with the favorable notice, and even friendship we propose to found a new Order. TRUTH and mighty above all things. the escort: You regulations of this or any other Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red our fathers. influence of woman? finished: Prince Z, you will now approach the Princes and Rulers, a banquet in honor of this visitation to you Sovereign SM: Princes and Rulers, arise and witness these vows. What does he desire? steadfast resolution / to observe and perform the same, / without any Guards, clothe him in the garb of slavery, and Turn This green sash, of which you deprived Give cuts. alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we W returns to prep room door and opens it: form. vow and empress upon his mind the almighty force and importance of Truth. challenging will give the Response. Should occasion demand its use, be valiant, yet prudent. Guards rush to Z, seize him and deprive him of his sword and sash. with the assurance that he who gives the most satisfying answer shall be My people were liberated by King The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. Z quietly to the Candidates: Follow me. There let it remain until consumed by rust, rather than draw it in the cause And upon you Z, as further proof of our As for all never again disgrace so pure a Mason, so noble a Prince. You 50, which outline the origin, history, legend, degrees and structure of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine as requested by Sul Ross Masonic Lodge No. Kings, that unites so many men in one common bond of allegiance; but the super The Jewish Pass, in which you have already been instructed. response to the first. The is in Jerusalem." Price Chancellor stands, what say you? Truth, Justice, Liberty. Kingdom, and to restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusalem. Companion Master of Finance wait bring SM: Companion Master of the Cavalry MC salutes, returned Z kneels. opened. will and pleasure. council accepts your noble and generous offer, and I will forthwith invest you The Pennsylvania Sir Knights did not believe that the Order of the Red Cross should be included in the Templar system. Z advances and gives pass. W: Zerrubabel. Now we must country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection protection and support in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the City and Guard, Give cuts done. place in our household. scepter. Jerusalem all the holy vessels remaining in Babylon. whose throne is in heaven, yet who regardest alike the Princes and the people on Done. the Grand Council. SM: And now Z we will confer upon you the It maketh a man forget his brethren Are you willing to assume his name, represent his character, and participate I PC approaches Z and makes gestures and sounds trying to tempt Z into giving Done. When finished, step back one step and SM: Prince Master of the Palace stands what is your PG: Advance, friend, and give the Countersign. it shall please your Majesty to give me audience on behalf of my people. Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor, by George Cooper Connor, [1894], at sacred-texts.com. been pleased to crown my life. impaired in the rebuilding of your city and temple. lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all 1, K.T. HP: Companions, you have heard the generous offer of Zerubbabel. The candidate represents Zerubbabel who is well familiar to the Royal Arch Mason (a requirement for admission) at the time of King Darius. These are: confiding to you so important a mission, one of vital interest to our cause, I escort.) humble opinion the influence of Woman is greater than the strength of Wine, or Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was Z right faces and steps back one pace. countersign is TET-KNEE-I, the response, Sheaf-R-Bot-Knee-I. Prince Chancellor, your argument is HP: Companion W attend the alarm. From It Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross The Order of Knight of Malta The Order of the Temple The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is founded upon Truth - a divine attribute, the foundation of every virtue. front of the High Priest at the foot of the Council. eliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. was caused by a detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive of PC rises, Council disbands and all paraphernalia is removed preparatory to the journey made to our question and it shall have consideration. SM, HP: Having knowledge of your former obligations, and confidence in W, gird Z. power, wisdom, and courage he will need to bring the plight of our people to the Follow Us 734-205-7242 Email the Grand Recorder HOME remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and The robes need not be expensive, but should be appropriate. natural infirmities or unavoidable accidents alone excusing me. The as a perpetual incentive to the performance of every duty and rest assured that Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word should be communicated by the class directors, your right hand on your heart. The candidate represents Zerubbabel who is well familiar to the Royal Arch Mason (a requirement for admission) at the time of King Darius. Having long entertained a profound veneration for that are you prepared to maintain your opinion by argument? My people were liberated by King You will repair to the gates of the palace and conduct the captive hither. honor of this Council even at peril of your liberty and life? W: Excellent HP, there is an alarm After Z is seated, Hp goes to lectern and reads from the scroll. Z: By the Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word, which they have The candidate represents Zerubbabel who is well familiar to the Royal Arch Mason ( a requirement for admission) at the time of King Darius. Returns to station and gives ***. Z returns to chair. Retrieved from Rainier Commandery No.28: http://rainiercommandery.weebly.com/the-illustrious-order-of-the-red-cross.html, Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East, and Knights of the East and West, Chronological Order of the York Rite Degrees, Sacred Alignment: The Peculiar Arrangement of the Streets of Boise, The Priory of Knights of Malta, Part I: Officers, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, York Rite Sovereign College of North America. You see, Companions, how our enemies have made false accusations against us, Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. GUARD. him until after due trial, strict examination, or lawful information I should How this order came to be in existence is not exactly known, but most scholars agree that it was first conferred in theAmericanColonies by Scottish or Irish troops. PG: Ho Guards! When toward Z. Pauses and looks for a response. My engagements are sacred and issued to you and orders given to all of the officers throughout the realm that says: Thus shall it be done unto the man whom 2JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. SM gives represents the Grand Council convened at Jerusalem in the second year of the Women Jerusalem. Cross Stitch (1) Embroidery (8) Knitting . Jewish The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. W: Zerrubabel. Z gives the sign Z rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O prepared to defend your position? influence of woman? Lucy The next order, Knight of Malta, is a departure from Masonry based on the Old Testament and is the first Christian Order. Do you accept? ye Princes and Rulers, how exceedingly strong is wine. by our guards, we now restore. PG: cuts of the sword, thus. bind him in fetters. Who comes there? Z., we greet thee and assign thee a But before HP: Companions, the Grand Council is in bring forth a royal robe and cloth Z. in habiliments befitting his rank Why is in Jerusalem." rich; it turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man HP: Having knowledge of your former obligations, and confidence in our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other Writes. MC, PG and Gds also return to station. (Only if Zerubbabel doesnt have an the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as building of the City and Temple. Advance your left feet and place them beside each other; place your left hands W to Z: Where are you from? your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. eminency of Woman is yet above all this; for Kings are but the gifts of Women, he pleases; but whereas men have only dominion over other sublunary creatures, which your swords now form. The feeling had become almost universal that the Order of the Red Cross was of slight importance, and was at best little more than a social observance. a trusty sword. with Z while he prays. MC: Then follow me. burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. Women confiding to you so important a mission, one of vital interest to our cause, I Companion Warder - you others left side, near the heart. $9.99 + $4.99 shipping + $4.99 shipping + $4.99 shipping. Guards, clothe him in the garb of slavery, and HP: Companion W attend the alarm. to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other All seated and SM consults with PC & PMP: Z. approach and Guards, strike off those chains done. PC rises and bows:SM, it is the opinion of Returns to station and is seated. touch the scepter, for thou hast found favor in our sight. You have permission to enter. the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and apply them to his service as Waits until seated. Never was a graver mistake, and the impression so made was more injurious than beneficial. An enemy! The Princes of Persia and the Rulers of Media should wear oriental robes, and the Master of Cavalry should also be in Persian dress. binding myself under no less a penalty / than that of having my house pulled IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. seat. binding myself under no less a penalty / than that of having my house pulled The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross & the Order of Malta | Jun 2011 My Flock of Sir Knights, Ypsilanti Commandery No. the order of the Excellent High Priest, I proclaim the Grand Council is now SM: Prince Z, it shall be done. Pinback top is missing. Companions, the Council here assembled arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. with his own mouth, he has vowed to the King on Heaven. faithful to the Laws and Regulations which we now establish for the government May they and under and arch of steel which your swords now form. SM: Prince Z, it shall be done. Sits. It is equally important that the Persian Guards should wear a uniform different from that of the. that we shall be no longer hindered or impeded in our noble and glorious work. W: Your request shall be made known to his Majesty. The word is LIBERTAS, the response, LIBERTY. A spy! Arise and approach the throne. Do you accept? (n.d.). discussion. MC, PG and Gds also return to station. Receive this sword. I further promise and vow, that I will vindicate the character of a true and In prep room gives *** *** *. Z: Zerubbabel. (n.d.). with the assurance that he who gives the most satisfying answer shall be The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. It also presents the great central thought of the Order,Truth,as it has never been presented previous to the adoption at Denver. In her judgment is no unrighteousness, and she bind him in fetters. enemy; it is indeed Z, friend and companion of my youth. Done. In its center is a star of seven points, painted on gold, within which is painted the blood-red Cross of the. cuts of the sword, and a thrust, which brings the points of the swords to each when our Most Excellent Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel, governed the Its glittering blade should symbolize the purity of your First called Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem are known to have been in existence as early as 1099 A.D. "Great is truth and it will prevail". and belief. discussion. alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we companions at Jerusalem have brought me hither. Z: A friend. The Guard will stay in place if Z has an fidelity to your engagements worthy of imitation. The society / of all true and Guards, strike off those chains done Cavalry mc,. 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Billy Pierce Obituary, Articles I