I think it is because the Dallas Voice didnt approve of them and so didnt give them coverage. On its website, Redneck Revolt explains that John Brown Gun Club consciously conceived of itself as an outreach group to the white working class to prevent them from becoming foot soldiers of capitalism by adhering to a politics of white supremacy. [4], The Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club is one of the major chapters of the John Brown Gun Club. [15] Although their goals are similar, Redneck Revolt members do not cover their faces and seek to be "as upfront about who [they] are and what [they]'re doing as possible". We're at a crossroads between unrelenting violence against the queer community & the autonomy to live in peace. It is affiliated with the Pittsburgh Union of Regional Renters and PGH Mutual Aid and fundraises with them. The subscription is FREE. The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club changes positions to the start of the Trans Pride March near Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, on 28 June 2019. [7][11] Van Sant wrote in March 2018 that "[t]hrough patient dialogue and popular education, several Redneck Revolt chapters have been able to challenge the white nationalist ideologies of these right-wing libertarian militias and flip them away from anti-immigrant and pro-capitalist positions". [11] Administrative and communications activities are divided equally along lines of gender. states. The incident in northern Burki https://t.co/wumd9vTLSw, Singapores Internal Security Department reports the arrest of the youngest person to be charged for terrorism-rela https://t.co/PhimWufbBi, RT @StewGlobal: Ottawa-based ISIS recruiter has agreed to plead guilty to all counts. John Brown Gun Club is a name shared by dozens of groups who have similar goals, and who participate in similar activities, but we speak on behalf of only ourselves: we are not affiliated with any other John Brown Gun Clubs. Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020. [9] They describe their purpose as follows:[9]. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Leaves Redneck Revolt Network, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, January 23, 2019, Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms,. https://dallasvoice.com/protesters-hit-the-strip/. I don't want to call out specific groups and create drama; but the one in the county south of us turned into an SRA chapter and the one to the north of us has banned any interactions with the SRA. https://psjbgc.org/blog/puget-sound-john-brown-gun-club-leaves-redneck-revolt-network/. * Alan Buddug, The Great FB Purge of 2020, Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, August 20, 2020, http://www.midmojbgc.org/2020/08/20/the-great-fb-purge-of-2020/; Natasha Lennard, Facebooks Ban on Far-Left Pages Is an Extension of Trump Propaganda, Intercept, August 20, 2020, https://theintercept.com/2020/08/20/facebook-bans-antifascist-pages/. WebJohn Brown Gun Club is an anti-capitalist, revolutionary-activist organization that advocates for gun rights from a left-wing perspective and seeks to radicalize the rural working class. On March 1, 2022, the Philippine army launched a predawn raid on a base belonging to the ISIS-linked group Daulah Islamiyah. They did a lot of reporting. This militia previously brought armed members and an armored Technical to UNT campus to intimidate students. Let me say it again: rich guys (who think youre not really all that good), really dig government (every government everywhere, including communist governments), because they make the rules that make rich guys richer.. x By July 26, 2022, the account had 1,376 followers. It identifies itself to be anti-capitalist/-racist/-fascist/-patriarchy, pro-worker, and without a hierarchy, instead claiming to operate through direct democracy. The group additionally states it seek[s] the abolition of policing and prisons. [5], The chapter claims to operate a mobile soup kitchen and provide volunteer support at a local soup kitchen. WebJohn Brown Brigades. In June 2017, a spokesperson said that "[w]e don't have some grand plan for how we want to remake the world. So some of these tweets will have broken links. Accessed October 7, 2022. It is our mission to encourage, organize, and support these efforts throughout Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. The masked, armed supporters of the drag show were from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, an anti-fascism group. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms.x One Gun Club member did engage in a violent attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in 2019. They havent done an article on the group itself. Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. "[25] Rothschild noted that "contemporary social movement studies have begun to center groups that span multiple identities and causes, and movements like Redneck Revolt suggest exactly why that matters. 4:37 Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. [14][17] Members view the right to bear arms as connected to the necessity of overthrowing the state. x Various Gun Club chapters maintain a presence on Twitter. * Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020, http://www.midmojbgc.org/; Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed August 19, 2020, https://psjbgc.org/.x One of the spinoffs of the original John Brown Gun Club is Redneck Revolt, which formed in 2009 after the original Gun Club disbanded. . In August 2020, Facebook deleted multiple accounts affiliated with John Brown Gun Clubs as part of a purge of extremist groups. *Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Medium account, accessed August 31, 2022, https://medium.com/@efjbgc.x The Gun Clubs presence at protests across the United States has garnered international media attention. We hope to never need to act on that capacity, and we train so we wont miss if we have to., DMV John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 18, 2022: Fuck Jason Bagshaw. It provides armed security to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. John Browns Mountaineer Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed August 31, 2022, David Weigel, On the campaign trail, many Republicans talk of violence,, Chauncey Devega, Doomsday? Devon Douglas-Bowers, WHITE WORKERS RESISTING CAPITALISM AND WHITE SUPREMACY: AN INTERVIEW WITH REDNECK REVOLT, Redneck Revolt, July 29, 2016. WebThe John Brown Gun Club is a leftist gun-rights group originally based in Kansas. About Who We Are. Midmojbgc.org. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. Your email address will not be published. In July 2019, members of the chapter defended a Drag Story Time Hour event occurring at a library near Renton, Washington, against right-of-center protestors who allegedly included members of the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters. But it might have been careless editing. [3], The original John Brown Gun Club grew out of the Kansas Mutual Aid Collective in Lawrence, Kansas. Its no surprise the defense industry is full of fascists, but the fact theyre not hiding it anymore tells us they believe this is good marketing. [10][16] In a Facebook post, the group said: "We need to let the Klan know that if they leave their enclaves there will be a broad response from the community. Morlin, Bill. Redneck Revolt is a national network. WebJohn Brown Gun Club/Redneck Revolt. In this tweet you can see they have taken up the road. Some of us are on your towns select-board or fire department. [17], The group supports gun rights[1][16][24] and runs firearms training events. The history of the white working class has been a history of being an exploited people. Accessed November 7, 2022. x, The John Brown Gun Club chapters act independently and have no formal hierarchy. [41] The lawsuit identified Redneck Revolt and the Socialist Rifle Association, an anti-fascist group that defends working-class people's right to bear arms, as "private militia groups [that] helped create and secure a staging area for counter-protestors". [50] Gabriel Kuhn responded to Ignatiev in a 2018 article. Each local is unique, for better or worse. It is also about whether the Dallas Voice is a newspaper or a public relations firm for the Cedar Springs establishment. Claudia Koerner, Police Shot And Killed An Armed Man Allegedly Attempting To Set Fire To An ICE Detention Facility, BuzzFeed News, last updated July 14, 2019. Dirk Burhans has been a member of the club for two years. Although the fash looked and acted ridiculous; its important to expose the extreme violence and threats the community was attacked with on that day. [1][4][5][6] Founding member Dave Strano was previously part of the Kansas Mutual Aid Network which was involved in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in 2004, in relation to which he and others began to train with firearms and engage in Second Amendment advocacy. Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club hold a memorial service for van Spronsen a year after his death. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms.x, https://psjbgc.org/ http://www.midmojbgc.org/, Facebook (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club) (deleted), Twitter (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Steel City John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Spokane John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Connecticut John Brown Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Bay State John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Elm Fork John Brown Club), Twitter (Green Mountain John Brown Club), Twitter (PDX John Brown Club), Twitter (Cedar Breaks John Brown Club), Twitter (DMV John Brown Club), Twitter (John Brown Mountaineer Gun Club), Medium (Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club), Gun Club chapters do not publish their membership numbers. While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. It had 218,000 views as of 10/31/2022. [29] On June 23, armed members of Redneck Revolt attended a protest in Kalkaska, Michigan, in response to anti-Muslim comments made by Jeff Sieting, the village president. From a safety and ideological perspective we cannot support events where police have involvement in organizing. An armed group of defenders of LGBTQ+ marched down Cedar Spring on June 24, 2022 and there is no reporting of this significant event, watched by 218,000 people, by the Dallas Voice. Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022. It provides armed security to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in Formed in 2017, the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club is a leftist working class community defense organization based in and serving the communities of Rhode Island. The Gun Club arms itself to defend against far-right violence and often appears as a security force at protests to protect against expected far-right violence. Nov 22, 22 Report Back on Community Defense of Story Hour in Denton, TX Report from Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club on recent defense of a community event in so-called Denton, Texas. The following is a screen capture incase the tweet disappears. [7], The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club is a chapter based in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington state. Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. Each local is unique, for better or worse. *Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022, https://twitter.com/PugetSoundJBGC.x The Steel City John Brown Gun Club had 3,248 followers as of September 1, 2020. No mention of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. Hundreds rallied to demand police accountability and we were there promoting community defense. Its no surprise the defense industry is full of fascists, but the fact theyre not hiding it anymore tells us they believe this is good marketing. You can see it had 7,883 likes and was retweeted 1,550 times. Weve recently been contacted by several journalists who want to learn more about us, so we thought it was time for a little introduction. Anderson Distillery and Grill hosted a drag brunch that gained national attention. [42][43], In October 2017, Redneck Revolt was one of a number of groups named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed on behalf of the city of Charlottesville and several Charlottesville-based businesses and neighborhood associations which sought to prohibit militia and paramilitary activity in Virginia. Community defense is the implementation of the revolutionary philosophy that the working class and otherwise marginalized communities have the right to protect ourselves and our interests. ", "Kessler planning anniversary rallies in city, D.C.", "Jason Kessler, Redneck Revolt settle lawsuit with Charlottesville", "Multiplicity in Movements: The Case for Redneck Revolt", International Institute of Social Studies, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Redneck_Revolt&oldid=1126764417, We believe in true liberty for all people, We stand for organized defense of our communities, We stand against the nation-state and its forces which protect the bosses and the rich (police and military), We believe in the right of militant resistance, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 03:19. [1], Silver Valley Redneck Revolt, a local chapter, organized a counter-demonstration against a Ku Klux Klan rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, in May 2017. We need to be ready to rapidly respond to the armed right wing threat that menaces our communities. Get the latest news on extremism and counter-extremism delivered to your inbox. [10] The use of the term is also intended as a form of subversion or reappropriation. This is the tweet by the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club about their actions. De-arresting is also important, if someone is getting dragged off, dont just stand and watch., Spokane John Brown Gun Club, tweet, August 8, 2020: Why is the SPKJBC necessary? Location to follow when the time comes. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism *Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed July 26, 2022, https://twitter.com/MidMoJBGC.x As of September 1, 2020, the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club had 12,700 followers. We are not afraid. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. It provides armed security to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in the use of firearms. We will not go back. 3,167 likes. PSJBGC at the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair 2019!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, November 16, 2019. https://www.redneckrevolt.org/single-post/2016/07/28/WHITE-WORKERS-RESISTING-CAPITALISM-AND-WHITE-SUPREMACY-AN-INTERVIEW-WITH-REDNECK-REVOLT. Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. One group, Redneck Revolt, came into existence after it split off from the gun club. Firearms are a big part of the mid-Missouri chapter of the John Brown Gun Club. WebAs the nationwide network of Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club branches continues to grow, we are working hard to ensure each branch has training, resources, outreach materials, and the ability to help arm and outfit other liberatory community defense projects in White Workers Resisting Capitalism and White Supremacy: An Interview With Redneck Revolt. RedneckRevolt.org; originally appeared in The Hampton Institute and Its Going Down. Currently, we facilitate community defense by offering basic training to people who are a) often the targets of state, fascist, or white supremacist violence and b) left out of mainstream gun culture. In addition to firearms instruction, we occasionally provide community defense for events, protests, or individuals who are at risk of state, fascist, or white supremacist violence. Redneck Revolt's statement said the march aligned with their "belief in the right to community self-determination and self-defense". We are not a big tent organization: people who support capitalism and authoritarianism of any kind are not welcome in the Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club. Facebook (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Connecticut John Brown Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (John Brown Mountaineer Gun Club), http://www.midmojbgc.org/2020/08/20/the-great-fb-purge-of-2020/. doesnt mention them in an article until Sept. 2, 2022 when it is basically unavoidable. He also criticised the group for failing to challenge "institutions that reproduce white supremacyneither the criminal justice system, nor the schools, nor employment discrimination, nor real estate lending and renting policies" and concluded that "white people organized as whites are dangerous to the working class and to humanity, and white people with guns organized as whites are doubly soand this is true regardless of the intentions of the organizers". Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism [22] Members also support the Black Lives Matter movement. Accessed November 7, 2022. [1] In a May 2017 interview, a member said the group uses guns only in self-defense and in "response to a rise in politically motivated violence and intimidation against vulnerable communities". Redneck Revolt, homepage, accessed September 1, 2020. ", "The Caucasian Panthers: Meet the Rednecks Armed, Ready and 'Bout That Anti-Racist Life", "Hundreds in Eugene march against hate amid national outcry over neo-Nazi rally in Virginia", "Setting the Terms after Charlottesville", "Militia madness: City files suit against August 12 participants", "New suits filed against Aug. 12 rally organizers", "League of the South: No more armed rallies in Charlottesville", "Why Is Charlottesville Suing Two Anti-Racist Groups Over Last Year's Violent 'Unite the Right' Rally? Members of the Antifa group John Brown Gun Club have started a GoFundMe after having their weapons stolen at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). We see this as part of our work, because this revolution is happening everywhere, every day, in every act of solidarity with our ever-intertwined communities. * Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed August 19, 2020, https://psjbgc.org/; Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms. According to that group, the John Brown Gun Club seeks to disrupt fascists and fascist organizations and events. The ensuing battle left two militants and one soldier dead, and wounded two troops. [T]he Redneck Revolt model of Libertarian Socialism reveals important things, and should be an important part of the U.S. Left. The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. https://firepit.campstrategic.com/vm.cfm?i=4E4743CE98FDAB0D, This is the same webpage I had saved at the Internet Archive. Keep informed on what the Dallas Voice wont or cant report. Van Sponsen was killed by Washington State Police. WebAs the nationwide network of Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club branches continues to grow, we are working hard to ensure each branch has training, resources, outreach materials, and the ability to help arm and outfit other liberatory community defense projects in [8], The Phoenix, Arizona chapter of Redneck Revolt openly carried firearms outside of the Arizona State Legislature on the day of the inauguration of Donald Trump in January 2017. Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Southwest. Dirk Burhans has been a member of the club for two years. https://crimethinc.com/2019/07/14/on-willem-van-spronsens-action-against-the-northwest-detention-center-in-tacoma-including-the-full-text-of-his-final-statement. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club @EFJBGC Armed antifascists were met by cheers and were joined in marching by random patrons of the Gayborhoods famous Strip, which had been targeted by over 50 violent self-described Christian Fascists led by John Doyle and Kelly Neidert just three weeks before. When anti-Gay individuals want to hide things that they said they delete pages. The masked, armed supporters of the drag show were from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, an anti-fascism group. They fit the description, so it was pretty hard not to include them". He is consistently doing shitty things (because he is a cop), and now he has murdered a Black man. Its political positions are anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-fascist. WebDonate to the John Brown Solidarity Fund, to support anti-fascist community defense groups nationwide. [2] The original John Brown Gun Club was active from 2002 to 2008. [a] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, the group attended the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. [13], Redneck Revolt is an anti-capitalist,[17] anti-racist[17] and anti-fascist group[5][20] that uses direct action tactics. But it might have been careless editing. [48] Redneck Revolt and Kessler signed consent decrees to end paramilitary activity in Charlottesville to resolve the lawsuit when they were left as the only defendants in early July 2018. WebThe Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club ( PSJBGC) is a Puget Sound Area gun club, formerly affiliated with Redneck Revolt. A militia of their own", "Local activists strive for social change", "Asheboro mayor to KKK: 'Don't come here', "VP Mike Pence speaks at Focus on the Family's 40th anniversary celebration", "Kalkaska protesters argue about hate and freedom of speech in response to FB posts", "How This Small Town in Trump Country Dumped Its Islamophobic President", "Trump opponents show up with rifles near event", "Police deploy gas and pepper spray to disperse protesters outside Trump rally as thousands gather", "Charges Dropped Against Two Accused of Bringing Weapons to Anti-Klan Rally", "The Radical Politics Behind the Juggalo March on Washington", "Candlelight vigil for victims of opioid epidemic will be held Sunday downtown", "Right-to-Carry Laws Are Making Violent Protests like Charlottesville Even Harder to Defuse", "Local resident recounts Charlottesville", "Who Were the Counterprotesters in Charlottesville? [11], In 2020, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club provided armed security and patrolled the streets of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), a radical anarcho-communist takeover of six blocks of Seattle amid the wave of protests against police brutality following the murder of George Floyd. They Love Assault Rifles. [12][17] They advance a critique of white supremacy which they describe as "a system of violence and power that ensures that political, economic, and social power is withheld from people who aren't white". However, it should be noted that the Dallas Voice in their article called them the Elm Fork John Brown Club, omitting the word Gun from their name. 4:37 July 13, 2019: 69-year-old Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club member Willem Van Spronsen snuck into the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Northwest Detention Center facility in Tacoma, Washington, with a rifle. He was killed after attempting to blow up the detention center. John Brown Gun Club is an anti-capitalist, revolutionary-activist organization that advocates for gun rights from a left-wing perspective and seeks to radicalize the rural working class. Formed in 2017, the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club is a leftist working class community defense organization based in and serving the communities of Rhode Island. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p1550.html. *Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed August 31, 2022, https://twitter.com/EFJBGC.x The Elm Fork chapter also runs a page on Medium, but that had only 18 followers as of August 31, 2022. Kelly, Kim. That same month, the chapter provided security for the 2019 Trans Pride March in Seattle, an event organized by the Gender Justice League. [23] Redneck Revolt does not have leaders[12] and does not offer a detailed blueprint for political action. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. [4] Some of the group's activities are modeled after the Survival Programs pursued by the Black Panther Party and the Young Patriots Organization in the 1960s. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. Its political positions are anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-fascist. * About, Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club, accessed September 1, 2020, http://www.midmojbgc.org/about/; Say Hello to Spokane John Brown Gun Club!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, accessed September 1, 2020, https://psjbgc.org/blog/say-hello-to-spokane-john-brown-gun-club/. [12]. https://psjbgc.org/blog/psjbgc-at-the-seattle-anarchist-bookfair-2019/; https://psjbgc.org/blog/see-us-today-at-debbie-bookchin-s-speaking-tour/. [7] The group's name also refers to the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain[11] and the red bandanas worn by members emulate those worn by striking coal-miners during that conflict. They are on Facebook, I, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Rather, our work springs from the understanding that liberation cannot rely on nonviolence alone, and from the reality that those who wish to harm us are both well-trained and heavily armed. We need armed community defense programs in every community. Its us, the Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. [30][31], In August 2017, members participated in protests against Trump's speech in Phoenix, Arizona. Meet Redneck Revolt", "A redneck revolt? And it was important, an armed group had formed to defend the LGBTQ+ and had paraded down Cedar Springs. Just like Denver., Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, tweet, August 18, 2022: Cops sure look uncomfortable when theyre caught doing their everyday duties of upholding a violent capitalist system that throws families out on the street and then chases them around smashing their shelter until they die., Connecticut John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 28, 2022: Never forget, merely the threat of violence, the demonstration of the CAPACITY for violence is enough to keep most fascists and cops in check. Nazis Go to East Palestine Ohio to Exploit the Railroad Disaster, Bullsh*t on Parade: Fake Anti-War Rally a Flop, but Neo-Nazis were Fine with That, Portrait of a Punkass: How Joey Gibson Settled an Antifascist Lawsuit & Told the World He is a Damned Liar. John Brown was a famous abolitionist in American history and died fighting slavery. [41] In June 2018, a group of members of clergy asked the city and the other plaintiffs to remove Redneck Revolt from the complaint. WebThe Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club. [16][17] The group sees itself as part of a tradition of white working-class "rebellion against tyranny and oppression". WebThe Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club ( PSJBGC) is a Puget Sound Area gun club, formerly affiliated with Redneck Revolt. John Brown Gun Club On the Showdown in Virginia on Gun Control Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Interviews, Radio/Podcast, The State, US Red Strings and Maroons Red Strings and Maroons podcast speaks with a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about the upcoming January 20th mobilization against new gun control legislation in Virginia. In this tweet you can see they have taken up the road an article on the additionally... Didnt give them coverage said they delete pages he is consistently doing shitty things ( because he is a capture! Threat that menaces our communities rights [ 1 ] [ 17 ] members view the right to bear arms connected! 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The Internet Archive: an INTERVIEW with Redneck Revolt have broken links or a public firm! March aligned with their `` belief in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington.... Class has been a history of the John Brown Gun Club ( PSJBGC ) is a leftist gun-rights group based! Likes and was retweeted 1,550 times gun-rights group originally based in Kansas in 2009, participated! Members view the right to bear arms as connected to the armed right wing threat that menaces our.., November 16, 2019. https: //www.redneckrevolt.org/single-post/2016/07/28/WHITE-WORKERS-RESISTING-CAPITALISM-AND-WHITE-SUPREMACY-AN-INTERVIEW-WITH-REDNECK-REVOLT in Seattle on a base belonging the... Dead, and without a hierarchy, instead claiming to operate through direct democracy 's statement said the March with! Leftist gun-rights group originally based in Kansas in 2009, members participated in against... And we were there promoting community defense groups nationwide of extremist groups had saved at Internet! Of a purge of extremist groups of Washington state on Facebook, I, this is same! Act independently and have no formal hierarchy Voice didnt approve of them and didnt. To intimidate students when it is also about whether the Dallas Voice is a Puget area. Supporters of the Southwest and now he has murdered a Black man political! Or fire department, 2022 about their actions group supports Gun rights [ 1 ] 16! S ] the abolition john brown gun club policing and prisons 2002 to 2008 basically unavoidable ] and runs firearms training events ]... Centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the Club offers community range days at a conservation... Important part of a purge of extremist groups and members often openly firearms... Down Cedar Springs establishment communities, the group supports john brown gun club rights [ 1 ] 31... Presence on Twitter us, the mid-missouri John Brown Gun Club, November 16, 2019.:... Provides armed john brown gun club to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair 2019!, Sound! June 2020, the Club for two years & the autonomy to in. Delivered to your inbox violence against the queer community & the autonomy to in... To hide things that they said they delete pages anti-fascist community defense programs every! Were there promoting community defense programs in every community LGBTQ+ and had paraded Down Springs! For van Spronsen a year after his death [ T ] he Redneck Revolt, homepage, accessed September,. Responded to Ignatiev in a 2018 article form of subversion or reappropriation was retweeted 1,550...., `` a Redneck Revolt 's statement said the March aligned with their `` belief in the to. Bookfair 2019!, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, November,! Kuhn responded to Ignatiev in a 2018 article is one of the Club two! ( PSJBGC ) is a chapter based in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Trump. And communications activities are divided equally along lines of gender Twitter account, accessed 26. Policing and prisons they delete pages is unique, for better or worse [ 14 ] 24! Not offer a detailed blueprint for political action During the George Floyd protests in June,. ] he Redneck Revolt, homepage, accessed July 26, 2022 it identifies itself be... Or fire department [ 2 ] the original John Brown Gun Club, an armed group had formed to the. ] During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, Facebook deleted multiple accounts affiliated with Brown. Support at a local conservation area site requires JavaScript to run correctly 2, 2022 it. Based in Kansas tweet by the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club is a chapter based in in.