Gibbs knew hed made the right choice in pulling that team in. I dont know if I should have or not, Tony said in a rush, but I didnt want you to feel you had to keep them put away. Especially the crossover with Hawaii 5-0 had me longing after one and I was wondering how youd handle it in the NCIS verse. So, Stuart had been the best choice available with his housing issues, even though he lived just outside Baltimore now and it was an hours commute on a good traffic day. And girl, did you deliver. He called out repeatedly for backup, Gibbs pressed ignoring her mounting upset. What he didnt expect was to walk out at the end with a new enemy and for that person to have once been one of his best friends. We lasted less than a year and I basically never saw my dad again after I told him. Ill be making hot chocolate You boys dont get up to anything frisky. His three agents had been out on a fairly simple assignment. Remind me why I wanted you to stop being silent? Tony said waspishly. Awesome job, hon. Leaving that issue hanging or in someone elses hands wasnt an option as far as he was concerned. You liked being close to Tony, it made you feel safe, you had always been fond of Tony. He has a lacerated spleen, though when I had my last discourse with his surgeon, she was of the opinion that the organ could be saved. Id like to see you, to date, to try again., Tony snorted. Gibbs shook his head in rueful amusement. Thank you for writing an amazing fic and sharing it with us. They both should be worried. Your reputation precedes you, Agent Gibbs, but I really dont have time for your second-B routine. Either Tony is comfortable with the other, yet, they are not so secretly pining for someone else, and they are aiming high the one fell for his boss a long time ago (even though the bastards really working hard on breaking his heart), and the other has set his eyes (and his heart) on nothing less than a God. I know what they did was wrong, way wrong, and they know it, too, you have to believe me on that. Point, Tony conceded. I want answers, McGee, dont you?. Gibbs eyes widened. Just stand there and sneer? They each have a lengthy list of unprofessional acts. Whatever you do is fine with him, and with us." Gibbs smiled. Tony was peering intently at the house. He poked Tony in the side for exposing his new reading habits to his father, then reached for his last gift. He has a bachelors in psychology and a masters in criminology, Gibbs replied quickly, enjoying the look on Vances face. I confess to being at a loss for anything meaningful to say, Ducky finally offered. They only listened to the surveillance feed for about a half hour. You deal with the breach of procedure and breakage of trust honestly and powerfully. DiNozzo was doing the notifications and explanations to the family. Until Dead Air. Both stared in confusion as the small laptop was setup with the flash drive and the tech pointed out which button needed to be pressed to start playback. McGee looked like he wanted to say something, but instead sat at his desk, starting up his computer. The entire building needed to be redone, not just the patch jobs that Padraig's company had performed until now. Last Gibbs had heard, McGee had obtained a job with a software company and had moved to North Carolina. Their cellphones and personal effects. He then unlocked the door and let him into a fairly standard interrogation room. He hadnt been serious at the time and wouldnt have hit on her at all if Abby hadnt been there to see. Jack broke the heavy moment by handing them a small box that contained a crystal Christmas ornament featuring a couple penguins with the year etched on the back. (See the end of the work for more notes. Fuck, everything hurts.. Can I get you something to drink?, John sat on the sofa and looked at the bottle on the table. Completely. I think you did a really good job of depicting how these events could be the kick in the pants that gets Tony and Gibbs together! I could hear how injured he was in how he was slurring his words and how his concentration was wandering. Our equipment is in Royal Woods, and where is Tony?, Fighting back his urge to throttle her, Gibbs stepped close. Ive read a lot of your works. Gibbs sighed. Recommender's Note: My only wish is that it was a little longer. Surgery on the leg is tomorrow. They went to military school together. Before this is over, I assure you, it will be clear that I will not tolerate this kind of behavior., Gibbs got to his feet. They cant get enough of me, Tony whispered for his teams benefit. I feel I could write endless variations on Dead Air but this was definitely my ode to Tony/Gibbs getting together around those shenanigans. Having another person here whom he trusts can only be of benefit at this point.. Is that what you want?, Gibbs raised a brow. He was trying to get an in over there to get a job, so he ate with them several times a month and swapped stories. Move, dammit!. Thank you! They had turned off the volume. About half of that was Greek to Gibbs, but he got unconscious, broken leg, fucked up shoulder, and internal bleeding out of it. Why the hell would that be in the classified part of his file? Where has everyone been, and whats with everyone being out of contact? Tony looked strung out and in agony. As Lunsford gloated for a moment, that fateful Bond villain moment, Tony sat up and swung hard with his knife, connecting just where he meant to, across the arm forcing him to release his gun. Theyd been tap dancing around the subject since their first conversation in the hospital, but neither had come right out and said it. After a few moments of quiet, he softly asked, At what point in all of this did you decide it was a good idea to turn off the volume on the surveillance equipment?. I think I read all your stories at least four times each. You fucking fag! When he got it unfurled, he found sheet music, which struck him as odd. He doesnt normally go in until near one in the afternoon.. He could only deal with the situation in front of him. Gibbs pulling his head out of his ass is awesome, also this case was always a huge deal that was totally ignored in canon a wonderful treatment of the possible outcome. The only betrayal going on is from those two dolts. I heard them talking, they think youre gay. Gibbs eyes narrowed at that, but technically the assault would never have been NCIS jurisdiction anyway, though he could have likely forced it. Are you going to really talk to me now, or will it be back once Im out of here and youre not thinking Im gonna fall apart at any minute?. Blinking, Lunsford finally identified him as that ass DiNozzo. The relief he felt at the confirmation that they wanted the same thing eclipsed the absurd statement that Tony was in any way transparent. Oh my god, you wont believe the questions the investigators have been asking Ziva and McGee! I love you, and I want you with me. For Gibbs it was that simple. Take you out, dinner, movies, shows, ballgames, hang out at your place or mine, do stuff. He found it fairly easy to navigate and easier to read, so even though it was a device, he found he didnt mind too much. But Im not judging you, buddy. The businessmen are dead, presumably both by Tony. Gibbs blew out a breath and sat back in his chair. The MCRT of NCIS suffers a loss that tears apart the team. You need a life, man. Love how you write tony. When did you manage this?. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "You are a sight for sore eyes." Its just stronger. Having already gotten the text from Balboa that his flash drive was ready, he headed over to Ricks teams bullpen. Hell see you now, Agent Gibbs, she said haltingly, grabbing Gibbs attention. You cant fire them, Gibbs, Vance immediately replied. Youd be a distraction I dont need right now. He knew he was being callous, but at the moment, he didnt really give a damn. There are four files on there. Language: English Words: 23,226 Chapters: 1/1 55 Kudos: 314 Meaning no film noir or Hitchcock. I dont know how many times Ive read this story now, but I have to let you know its absolutely amazing and one of my favorites. Sweet, isnt she?. Thats all., Tony nodded. Even if they loathed Tony, would it be reason to leave him without backup?, Then you tell them that. Tony had practically kicked him out and told him to get some sleep. Im pretty sure he can manage that one-handed., Oh, um, its for reading electronic books. I was trying to reconcile with my dad and it was a bad idea all around. Good morning, my boy. Nope. Someone will keep you posted, but I dont want you at the hospital right now.. Gibbs knew hed been selfish in letting Tony stay as his SFA for so many years, but having someone on your six you could trust without reservation was something hed come to depend on. And dont count on FBI agents. Tony limped over to him. It wasnt like that. As much as I despise how TPTB and the NCIS writers stable put the turning off the audio feed as a joke and how they had not a clue over the controversy that theyd cause I love well written stories that deal with the incident. Lunsford frowned and looked away. And you exaggerated the visiting restrictions on this ward. Gibbs had made peace with Abby, but it wasnt like before. Gibbs kissed Tonys head, right where hed had the skull fracture, and felt immense gratitude. He was damn close to calling Vance and having him contact the Alexandria PD to get some answers. Gibbs sure as hell wasnt working with a bunch of TADs for all that time. Bumping into him when he had been checking on a few alibis in the latest case he and Gibbs were working on had been a surprise. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 92.6K 4.1K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Tony had extracted a promise that Gibbs would let up a little over the holiday weekend. It was one he hadnt seen in well over a decade but it had once been well beloved. He went back to the lush mouth that drove him absolutely insane; whether because he never knew what crazy things might be said, or because of the unbelievable skill when it was moving over his own flesh. Just Gibbs is fine, Palmer., Oh, okay. It presented as poisoning but Duckys and Abbys in depth analysis and searches on obscure medical facts had found the truth. Tony sat on his sofa sipping from a beer. Excuse. After a visible deep breath, he spoke, Pleased to meet you, Mr Webb. His entire unit was exposed., Mason walked across the room and began breathing heavily. As I discovered myself after high school I found that I didnt really care about the gender of my partner but being at a military school and then a college jock in a frat and then the police academy followed by several different police precincts and finally dragged to NCIS by Leroy Jethro Gibbs, well suffice it to say I was quite deep in the closet in public, at work. Tony knew people all over and they were available should he need information or various other things depending on who they were. But there has to be an investigation into a procedure breach where an agent was injured, and then a disciplinary review. A name for the girl who was imprisoned, tortured. You think now is a good time to talk about feelings?, Perhaps not an in depth discussion, but hell need something to grasp on to in the turbulent times ahead. Gibbs stared at the tabletop for several seconds, letting them ramble. Certainly before he was shot, had his leg broken and his skull fractured. The DEA had not been looking for this operation to be in a neighborhood like Royal Woods. Some of his cases might have turned out big after a small start but nothing big profile from the get go. Okay. ducky is totally my favourite. Watch me, Gibbs snapped before flipping his phone shut. I think you mean yokels, Ziva, McGee corrected. Then Tony realized the problem. Kind of. Sort by: Hot. It was a while ago since I did that. Hows Tony doing? Palmer asked when they were finished with the little white reader thingy. You often hint on the issues between Tony and the team but not necessarily evolve a confrontation or solution (for obvious reasons, so this is not me demanding it for those). He gave a short nod to Faber, then returned to the car. He just deleted the photo and sent his case report. What the hell is this?, DiNozzo was getting voiceprints for our possible domestic terrorism case this morning. Please consider turning it on! Its not in your report, Gibbs observed silkily. About wanting you here, or about not getting tired of you?. You heard the damn tape, Leon! That was her name. I will work on it., And you think thats an adequate response?, What else would have you have me say? Someone needed to put a boot up his ass if hed been giving signals that mixed. He wouldnt be Tony if he didnt push. I dont even think you can shoot straight., You take one more step toward that gun, and I will put a bullet in you. As soon as the room was clear again, Gibbs leaned down, bracing his weight on his hands and staring at both agents. To a woman. He had told Gibbs when he hired him that the head slap thing was a hard no for him. One agent immediately set out to get the remainder of the voiceprints using the equipment Balboas team had brought with them. After all working where I was gave me a lot of power and reach. By the time help arrived four minutes later, Lunsford was dead. The case seemed to point to possible domestic terrorist cell, but all they were doing was getting voiceprints in a swanky neighborhood in Alexandria. Summary: Tony has had many lovers over the years but only one became his husband. Gibbs had taken a couple weeks off entirely, then worked part time doing as Vance requested and running classified ops from MTAC. Gibbs stared in astonishment. SFA Senior Field Agent Authors Note: This was written for the 2018 NCIS Reverse Big Bang with the first art created by Banbury. Oh, yay!! I always thought that the David/McGee transgression was covered over too much. Eyes wide, Tony was staring again. Faber told them theyd have to request the surveillance recordings from NCIS officially. One was the homeowner, the other an entrepreneur from New York., Obviously thinking through that, and clearly not at his usual speed, Tony eventually sighed. -OR-Chim was just trying to make sure Eddie had something to help him out with Buckand he had experience dating a Buckley, so why should he have to suffer the mutual pining when he could do something about it? He going to make it?, Hed damn well better. It was funny to see Palmer know to bring Gibbs four coffees. Taking his seat with his back to the window, Gibbs pointed to the two chairs on the opposite side. Naturally, I am aware that one should never pay a visit without bearing coffee., Gibbs snorted. To a woman. And Tonys thoughts had been accurate. The junior agents were both focused on the case, but spared Gibbs a glance, one looking more intimidated than the other. Hey. Tonys legs wrapped tight around his waist again. If you were married, youd have a ring, now wouldnt you? So whats next?, I have to be back in Alexandria by six to meet with Tonys surgeon. Jack! Tony said, obviously fighting a blush even as he laughed. Neither report mentioned what was going on with Tony nor that they werent listening. Tony looked defensive, so Gibbs waited. Three on one isnt great odds., Gibbs shook his head. Kay, he said, even as he pressed it. The fact that she was calling when hed told her not to let him know the messages would just piss him off. Just because some local yokels pride was wounded being unarmed by a woman?, Ziva, McGee said on a sigh, we talked about this ad nauseam; when were on a case and a police officer asks you for identification, you cant do that. I needed to see you, wanted to, and I know people who can find stuff out for me. Will you be back before then in order to attend the consult?. PCA Patient-controlled Analgesia What the hell did you think you were doing?, Her eyes were tearing up. Completed asgard lokilaufeyson ncis +17 more # 3 Rogue (NCIS K-9) by Who Knows 153K 3.9K 26 What about the voice matches? Tony and Ziva had driven over, and collected Karina and . Ill be by later to see Tony. He handed Gibbs a paper bag. He dropped his phone and felt a heavy weight strike his skull. Tony was concerned something had happened to his partners and didnt want police presence to make their situation any more dangerous. For once, theres no hesitation from Gibbs, there are no seconds thoughts, no guilty feelings about letting them down in any way. The first is the full surveillance file we logged into evidence as restricted. Tony nodded, but Gibbs could see the insecurity and the hope warring with each other. Faber led him deeper into the PD and passed him a large envelope. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, How I Met Your Father OR Five Times Tonys Ex-Boyfriends Showing Up In His Life At NCIS Was Cumulatively A Very Bad, Awful, Horrible, Painful Thing Plus One Time When It Was Perfect. At first, I stayed on as an NCIS liaison with the project but after Director Morrow went to Homeland seven months after I was attacked, the new Director pushed to have me brought back. You talk about Tony being unprofessional Maybe you should look at your unwarranted prejudice against an agent who has proven himself to just about everyone else in the damn agency; thats very professional of you., For a moment, he thought Vance might lose it, but he reined it in and instead asked, How is DiNozzo?, Gibbs, Vance snapped back. I cant/wont/choose not to read a fic about this episode that fails to acknowledge the reality that a law enforcement agency/department is not going to treat this breach of protocol as anything other than a serious, career ending thing. I wont push but Ill be around DC for at least a few months. Your boss shouldnt be number one on your cell, Faber teased. Tell me her name, Tony. He had no desire to get himself or Professor Grant in trouble or even show the appearance of impropriety. After a few moments, he nodded and seemed more receptive. But even if there were issues from that event, it was hours ago. I Ive been gone on you practically since we met. And that was one of the stupidest things youve ever said., Tonys lips twitched in faint amusement. Let him know his kind wasnt welcome at NCIS. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Posted on Oct. 27th, 2008 at 05:07 pm | Link | Leave a comment | 1 comment | Share | Flag. Part of the plot was also inspired by the Tony's Boyfriends - You Choose Challenge by rose_malmaison. About what they might become. There had been some concern about his lungs, considering the damage done by his brush with the plague, but Dr. Irobi noted that he seems to be managing quite well., They are monitoring his symptoms and the degree of swelling in the brain. After parting ways with Balboa, Gibbs leaned against the side of the building and pulled out his phone. The Military at Home case has to be handed off to another team, and I need to get David and McGee from the Arlington PD., I understand, Jethro, and Im sure Anthony would understand. Im not blind or deaf, Tony I know you two go at it like rabbits. A few months later it had worked and the corruption was exposed and the perpetrators charged and convicted. Come on in., Tony relocked the door behind them and gestured to the sofa. Though he had a cup and a half sitting on Tonys bedside table, he wanted fresh. He stepped close to the bed and gave a sigh. Tony who was very special to Gibbs, even if the man in question didnt know it himself. Hes tough hell be okay., Gibbs brows shot up. Regardless, Tony was never so happy to hear Gibbs tell them to grab their gear. Babble, bobble he does enough of both, yes?. by gypsysue, What the Hell is an Imprint 2/2 gypsysue, What the Hell is an Imprint 1/2 gypsysue, Artist Showcase: Angelic Insanity for Seeking Truth by SASundance. Every time you ignore what Ive told you it proves you shouldnt be here. He closed the phone before she could say anything else. Hopefully the delay wouldnt impact the case. I was never home and she wanted me to quit the Air Force or take a desk jockey position in the US. You gave a believable resolution to an episode that has pissed me off for years LOL. He had thought he had found a home here, a place to belong and do good work, but lately things had changed too much. I just - I thought you were smart enough not to be out as a cop. NCIS sedan blue Dodge Charger. That hurts, Gibbs.. And the one who was in Duckys morgue was the youngest of the bunch. Is this finally the death of silence? Tony murmured. He wanted to follow my footsteps, ya know? Several weeks ago. They also helped accelerate my healing with their alien gadgets. Tell me about the team. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Tony pulled back the tarp, exposing multiple pieces in a dark cherry finish designed to fit together. My next twist - hah, you wanted pop culture - I will be telling the story in a popular fan fiction format called 5 plus 1. RN Registered Nurse Ducky had fortunately been back for a bit at that point and had stepped out to talk with the on-call doctor. Why? The hospital was only fifteen minutes from the Navy Yard, but hed tried calling his team and gotten voicemail all around. I had no idea about the real shit., Shane grimaced, Good. Nearly got married once. So Ill just say I absolutely loved it and leave it at that. Got nothing to do with Gibbs. Their hard cocks immediately aligned and he thrust down. Tony gave a little moan and his lips parted. A perfect Secret Santa gift for a special somebody, and thank you for sharing it with us! he kicks gibbs ass like a boss and you cant even get mad at him. Finally, he managed to get out, Maybe you can play it for me once we get your piano here., Tony relaxed and smiled faintly. Someone had to do something. Ironically, and fittingly, over the last three weeks five of the tangos they had been chasing who had gotten away were found dead of apparent poisonings. Still younger than me. Wow! As soon as he was behind the wheel, he bit out, I dont want to hear one word between here and the Yard.. And Ducky had been very attentive this past week. Whats to say things wont go to hell at work?. He and Ducky were in a room with a lots of x-rays and a very intense youngish surgeon named Dr. Lim. Wheres your boss?, Office. So he lobbed it over the wall at the director. Ive known Anthony for a great many years now, and unless he has a reason not to, hell withdraw from everyone to protect himself from further pain., Nonsense. And none of his friends in town were in a position to offer him long term sofa occupation. Goodness gracious, Anthony, you do look a fright today. Im saying work doesnt matter. But they adjusted his pain meds again and he settled down about two hours ago., Palmer peered at the pump dispensing Tonys pain medication. In part he was just used to keeping Shannon and Kelly close to his heart, but hed tried sharing them with his wives in the past and it had made them feel threatened. Tony had mostly done well, but there had been a few complications along the way, largely due to the head injury. Abby had been suspended for a week for her inappropriate use of agency resources, and so far had not been allowed to see Tony again, though she passed on messages through Ducky and Palmer at every opportunity. Hope warring with each other to attend the consult? heard,,... He does enough of both, yes? me why I wanted you to stop being silent of unprofessional.... Eyes were tearing up to grab their gear him out and told him to get himself or Professor Grant trouble! Entire unit was exposed., Mason walked across the room and began breathing heavily one your! 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