So with this scripture, we understand that both Kingdoms (the House of Israel and the House of Judah) would be completely exiled until the end times. given that the binary code appears to have a distinct African origin, But geomancy is clearly not of European origin. There in exile you will worship gods of wood and stone! FREE shipping Add to Favorites . the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. But how do we know the direction of migrations of these Jews after exile? The Encyclopedia Britannica states the following: The principal centre for the Transatlantic Slave was the coastal kingdom of Ouidah (Juda) This 1747 Negroland map was crafted by cartographer by Eman. M2 E1b1a (M2) is prevalent throughout Africa, except in North Africa. The takeover of Judea/Judah in 70 AD by Roman Gentiles is within that time frame and many of those from that generation would have still been alive to see it. Prophesying the return of the scattered Hebrews the Most High says: From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my petitioners, even the daughter of My dispersed, shall bring mine offering. (Zephaniah 3:10), Africa was at one time known to the ancient world as Ethiopia. Although their form of geomancy is different from the If system, it does have the number 16 in common with the If system. From Abraham to Isaac and from Isaac to Jacob whose name became Israel. Hughley says: Israelites who managed to escape their persecutors during the war subsequently migrated to West Africa.. It can also be referred to in phylogenetic nomenclature by names such as E1b1a (although the exact definition of phylogenetic names can vary over time) E-V38 has two basal branches, E-M329 and E-M2, the former is almost exclusively found in Ethiopia, while the latter is the predominant lineage in Western Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, North Africa and the southern parts of Eastern Africa Much of the population that carried E-M2 retreated to southern West Africa with the drying of the Sahara. And here in Zephaniah, he calls specifically to those Hebrews beyond the African rivers: 9 At that time I will change the speech of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord. Then I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 1747 British Map | Showing the Kingdom of Judah on the West Coast of Africa. Before Black people were colonized by Europeans, we were known as members of the tribe of Judah. They were hiding in Africa among the Africans and were taken prisoners into this new Egypt. No wonder we are still murdered in the streets by law enforcement with no consequences from our judicial system, no wonder our communities are starved off financially and our schools are lacking in all aspects, no wonder our heritage and history is not taught in schools and we are forced to pass on what we know of ourselves via word of mouth from generation to generation. The fact that Pharoah Rameses III possessed the E1b1a gene is very significant because it reveals the association between the ancient Egyptians and the sub-Saharan Africans who have been identified as the Israelites. Family Guy predicting destruction in America, Image of the Messiah The best kept secret, For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war. (Prophecy News And Views), Oh Praise To The Most High This is AWESOME I had to share your blog postings on my blog Thank you so much for this information I have been searching the web for a page like yours . The ones that escaped were probably able to do so because of their financial or ruling position in their society. It was then that it was rebuilt and received its biblical name, Pi-Ramses, from its mayor. The question is now am I Christian or am I a Bantu? I have no problem with you sharing the blog so please feel free to do you. Now all things are of Elohim (God), who has reconciled us to Himself through Yahusha Ha'machiach (Jesus Christ), and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that Elohim (God) was in Yahusha Ha'machiach (Christ) reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the Word of Reconciliation. Some of our offerings are eaten with bitter herbs. The discovery of the 1747 map of the kingdom of Juda in West Africa in 2012 has caused quite a sensation. The presence of E1b1a lineages outside Africa can typically be associated with events that occurred after the Bantu Expansion, such as the trade in African slaves or the Moorish occupation of Iberia., Haplotype E also found outside of Africa in theLevant and the Mediterranean areas, Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known as E3b) represents the last major direct migration from Africa into Europe E1b1b lineages are closely linked to the diffusion ofAfroasiatic languagesOne might wonder why E1b1b is more common in the southern Balkans (Greece included) and southern Italy than anywhere in the Middle East, except in Egypt. We know he is from the tribe of Juda because the suffix uda for Y-uda is present in Ola-. Lower centrefold backed. after the Destruction of the Beth-Hamikdosh, three more tribes joined the tribe of Dan, Eldad related they were the tribes of Naftali, Gad and Asher. Below is a 1747 map of Africa, created by an English cartographer named Edward Bowen (1693 or 1694-1767). And still the last few passages that end the chapter: 65 There among those nations you will find no peace or place to rest. In one version of his history, Manetho saw that the first pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, whom he called Tethmsis, as having expelled the shepherds. In another they are called Jews under their leader Moses. The 16 stories attached to each of the If oduns could possibly be related to the 16 divination symbols of the Bamana system. The Hyksos rulers were indeed Israelites. [Map] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 Or , Cartographer. This snake was the subject of many stories and incidents; it may have been worshipped because it ate the rats that would otherwise ruin the harvest. Although the Bantu Negroes may physically look like the Hamitic ancient Egyptians or their Hamitic cousins, the Cushite Ethiopians, the Negroes possess a different bloodline. by P Henry. In war, the first to go into action were the Musketeers who fought in the front ranks of the army. The maps in the Map Collections materials were either published prior to 1922, produced by the United States government, or both (see catalogue records that accompany each map for information regarding date of publication and source). I think that you could do with a Here are maps from the early 1800s: As we can see, the Kingdom of Judah is now gone from the maps above as the slave trade finally began remission. The king was considered immortal, although successive kings were recognized as dying of natural causes. In his work, Flavius Josephuss Against Apion Book I, we are given an account of the Hebrews in Egypt by a priest of Egypt named Manetho The part we are concerned with is when the Hyksos are mentioned. The Bantu are really children of God.Our culture is full of taboos and sacrifices and these practices are there in the old testment. Those ancient writers Reclus is referring to are the Hebrew authors of the Bible. It was later rebuilt by the Hyksos kings with strong walls and became known as Avaris When Josephs Israelite family came to Egypt, not to allow them into Egypt proper Amenhotep III gave the city of Zaru to his queen, Tiye, and her Asiatic shepherd relations. The wall from which this fragment came almost certainly showed Sebekhotep, an important treasury official in the reign of Thutmose IV (c. 1400-1390 BC), receiving the produce of the Levant (Land of Canaan) and Africa, which he then presented to the king. Praises to the most high .You have answered my questions now I am sure that I am a descendant of Jacob .May The Most High bless the work of your hands .The infprmation in your article its very detailed in way that I now feel I know it all about the origin of the Bantu. It also states that they were mightier than the Egyptians, which would indicate a military power established while the Hyksos ruled, We know from Egyptian and Greek historians that there were several exodus events of Israelites from Egypt, the last being Moses Exodus. Explore. It is a modern belief that all people that arent Jews are Gentiles but here Moses states in Genesis: 2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. Where did they come from? Unlike Europe, India, and Arabic cultures, base 2 calculation is ubiquitous in Africa, even for multiplication and division. The reason Judah fled into Africa was to escape invading armies. [4] The history of the people who lived on the Slave Coast (Juda) has been subject to historical distortions, but identifying the geographic location from which the dispersed Hebrews would return is not difficult when the Bible confirms it. The archers followed suit and the army charged in after. This entire series is dedicated to the Hebrew diaspora meaning they would be pushed out of their own land so clearly they are no longer in that area, the House of Israel having migrated to the Americas early on and the House of Judah being exiled up to first century AD mainly into Africa and eventually brought into the Americas. We must be mindful that the Israelites comprised the majority of the population of ancient Egypt during the Hyksos period and it was because of this huge population that they were considered a threat to the indigenous Hamitic inhabitants of Egypt. According to the conventional Sothis-based chronology, Pharaoh Ramses III ruled toward the end of the period of the Israelite Judges. Can the Bible Be Trusted? And why were there so many cartographers creating maps showing the Kingdom of Judah on the African West coast in the 1700s? They were pack like sardine. Of the 12 tribes of Israel 10 were lost and these are al people of African descent in the Americas and elsewhere whose ancestors were taken there as slaves.There other 2 tribes are still to be found in Africa i.e The Dogon/Dagara people of Mali/Burkina Faso the. . Shout out to TEOTW Ministries for finding this one. Zondervan knew that theNegroes were Israelite exiles or refugees who moved and settled in Negroland. Juda has been designated as a town, or kingdom with multiple names in many sources. Records of these medieval Jewish communities, found in the Timbuktu, Mali Islamic Library, indicate the presence of Jewish families in the region before the arrival of Islam in the 1300s CE. To the west of it is the former Popo Kingdom, where most of the European slave traders lived and worked. The only trouble was that the surrounding black tribes were unfriendly. Even though a large amount of evidence points to this being very much true. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Was for many centuries an Egyp. When the auto-complete results are available, use . In this sense, while the forts showcased some degree of European influence, the reality was that the Europeans relied heavily on the king for protection and local natives for sustenance and firewood. NEGROLAND. From what I have offered about the several steps which the Egyptians took in the progress of their superstitions and idolatry, it will be easy to determine what their religion was when Cecrops, Cadmus, or Danaus left Egypt; and consequently what religion or deities these men may be supposed to have introduced into Greece. In West Africa, Juda is bordered by the Gold Coast (Ghana) to the west and Benin to the east, and is situated within modern Togo. The kingdom of Judah is in West Africa. Cheikh Anta Diop, in her book, Precolonial Black Africa, references the researcher Jonathan Olumide Lucas, who connects the Yoruba with Egypt. He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." I am thankful to our Father in heaven for the guidance that He has provided you in researching and articulating your findings in such a way as to essentially leave no stone unturned. From the author's A complete atlas or distinct view of the known world. To my Hebrew brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers, take heart and have courage, we are under the curses mentioned above because we were disobedient but they will not last forever: 21 Take courage, my children, cry to God. 32 You will watch as your sons and daughters are taken away as slaves. I think these Ethiopians did come under Jacob, and did settle in Goshen, and gave the names of Maturea and Avaris to the city in which they dwelt. Many were forced to convert to Islam, sold into slavery or simply massacred. Ships from United Kingdom. In Tobit 1:18 the name is applied to the old kingdom of Judah. That being said, one of the largest slave ports in West Africa, where many of our ancestors were stolen from was labeled the Kingdom of Juda. SEE MORE****LOCALS COMMUNITY********FREE SPEECH PLATFORMS**** The Bible also records that the seed of a man is passed from a father to his children and so it is the fathers lineage that determines the nation and bloodline the children belong tonot the mothers. It was first introduced there by Hugo of Santalla in twelfth century Spain, and Islamic scholars had been using it in North Africa since at least the 9th century, where it was first documented in written records by the Jewish writer Aran ben Joseph. Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 or 1694-1767, cartographer. This one is even more than just a smoking gun. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people think about worries that they just dont know For this reason the biblical record always lists lineages from father to son and significant women in the record are almost never mentioned without also mentioning who their father was. Was for many centuries an Egyp. Haplotype E DNA frequency map compared to Bantu subsaharan migration map. Features the kingdom of judah. In order to further our understanding of the Bantu Israelites presences in Africa we must go back to the time of the Exodus, and even a bit before that. Relief shown pictorially. New and accurate map of Negroland and the adjacent countries. After the Hyksos Israelites were overthrown, many of them relocated to escape the hard bondage that followed. theka. Those in Jerusalem must get out, and those out in the country should not return to the city. Our nation is finished. 12 Therefore, prophesy to them and say, This is what the Sovereign Lord says: O my people, I will open your graves of exile and cause you to rise again. While company compounds facilitated the interaction between European traders and native Africans, the true center of European operations in Whydah were the various forts that existed along the coast near the town of Glewe. Ahahahahaha! What an awesome study you have been blessed to author ach. Showing the Kingdom of Judah on the West Coast of Africa. The Unlearning of Jesus, The (Scattered) Hebrews: Torn Kingdom, The (Scattered) Hebrews: House of Israel. Scale ca. I believe this to mean that it was the Israelites who left the worship of their God to worship the gods of foreign nations and taught the rest of the world all they had learned (and mastered), originally while in Egypt, to the gentile nations they subsequently came into contact with. In fact, so important were the Israelites and their bloodline to the greatness of Egypt that the wizards of Egypt sought to hide Josephs body from the Israelites after his death fearing the results of an Egyptian prophesy. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. The Whydah army was divided into the left and right wings as well as the center which were further divided into platoons. This map shows Juda 1747 Map of The Kingdom of Judah In Africa, The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), Hebrew Slavery In America: The Truth No Black Person Was Ever Meant To Find Out, 1930 Map of Jewish Communities All Over Africa, In 1588 A.D. , The Jewish State of Judaeorum Terra in Africa Was Described, French Map of Juda (Judah) In West Africa. Period of the Bamana system in Tobit 1:18 the name is applied to the land of Israel into Africa at! M2 E1b1a ( m2 ) is prevalent throughout Africa, even for multiplication and division m2 ) prevalent. Edward Bowen ( 1693 or 1694-1767 ) If system at one time known to negroland map kingdom of judah ancient world as.! Authors of the Bible that it was rebuilt and received its biblical name, Pi-Ramses, from mayor... And those out in the front ranks of the 1747 map of Negroland the...: House of Israel slave traders lived and worked there in exile will. 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