I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. })(window, document);Cookie Policy(function (w, d) { For awhile, I used Ten-four! with another manager as kind of a joke to let her know I got a message, but it doesnt really work with everyone. I also cant stand all caps in emails. I suspect part of the reason for our culture being this way is that we have a fairly open floorplan, so if we were to routinely talk at our desks, it would be disruptive. I am sure we have plenty of equally annoying locutions). In international travel forums British nationals often ask a question about hotels or restaurants or whatever with I require a XYZ to me I require sounds demanding and entitled and always evokes mild hostility in me. I feel like as long as she can make it clear that its a totally normal email phrase that they should feel free to continue using in general and nobodys in trouble, but to please refrain from using this phrase because its her personal preference, that would fall in the line of quirky manager preferences and not annoying stupid pointless manager questions.. I do use IM chats for quick questions. Please Advise.. Want more FREE revisions? I sometimes wish I could use 10-4 in emails (to mean recieved and understood). var loader = function () { Some dont want to take any responsibility. And finally: you will be intimated, meaning you will be informed. It sets my teeth on edge. I think we all just laughed and said, Theyll be OK, grandma. And please let me know when his lawyer gets here. person: call me at (phone number) . I also accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Zelle as payment, let me know if you have any questions. No errors on these teapots. I dont think you do actually need a closer every time, whether you mean a final sentence or something more like sincerely. Especially with people in the same office, and especially when it gets deep into an email exchange, I see a lot of messages like this: And thats the whole message, and nobody thinks its rude, because those two people have already emailed each other 20 times that day and theyre not bothering with Dear Jane and Sincerely anymore, or a sum-up sentence at the end or anything. OP, Alison gave some pretty solid advice here. I know you wrote this years ago but a google search for ITP and Mthfr gene brought this up. My bosss boss would end certain emails to me with that phrase. 2. More popular! I have no clue and no inclination to do anything else. It was generally used when copying someones boss to point out said mistake (and maybe even copying ones team members as well). I feel like I am being summoned. Please advise. I wouldnt mind this. Thank you !! Ok, I know its old but Being English, I wish we would adopt wee because it is such a warm word. We have enjoyed serving you for the past five years. i really like it and never considered that it could be seen as condescending! I have used the kindly requesting bit. Perhaps that had something to do with the fact that she was always out of the door exactly at 5pm, at that time it is always daylight here, and even though she kept promising she would come in for a night shift once to get an understanding of what it was like, she never followed through on that promise. I tend to think that sometimes when we become sensitive to these types of things there are more issues at play. For example if a person has not done something huge, dont tell them they did. 1) Using the royal we when clearly asking for a specific person in the group to help. + Read the full interview, I believe its going to smooth business communications", I am really satisfied with the answer and turnaround time. So I explained the situation and stated quite plainly what I wanted her to do. Watch the video and let me know which one you prefer! Can you please clarify? In social settings the phrase fix a plate as in the wife should fix a plate for her husband at buffets makes me see red because it is so integral to subcultures where women are subservient. I have done that one. So I just associate it with management instructions. As you read through them ask yourself two simple questions: 1. My boss uses this and tells me to use it. Thats how I use it too. for some reason i picked up the phrase from there and now i find myself using it all the time, in texts and facebook messages and tweets. If I have to remind you again, it wont be so friendly. i especially like using it when i need help and ive always thought of it as kind of polite way to ask for help, likely from how i was introduced to it. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Three reasons to sign up for our newsletter: More than 100,000 users already registered. Let me know when you are free in this week to discuss Let me know your convenient time in this week to discuss grammaticality I was shocked. Feel free to let me know in the comments! I do this too most of the time! She did not last very long in that job anyway. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. And if more emphasis is needed, you could throw in a Please at the beginning. Ive never heard sleeps in the US. It can be At my job only see it used where the person isnt at their regular desk. I have had people say thanks for all you do, which is really nice once in a while. It is now on your side of the line. Your feedback helps us improve our service. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. The result is now that my partner and I needful each other all the time. There are a lot of things that I wish someone would have told me about at the very beginning especially email etiquette. Please tell us why you are closing your account: Discover why 883,973 users count on TextRanch to get their English corrected! or 2. But she would write EmilyG, there is no copier paper left, do you know where to order some? I picked up the doubt thing from a really awesome math professor I had in college who would ask does anyone have any doubts? after going over something on the board. As a general rule, I think e-mail should be read with Hanlons razor in mind and should always be interpreted as though the writer meant well, unless proven otherwise. (Or would it? Very special me. Came to say the exact same thing. Earlier today I used it, as I was supposed to send a part out on a specific flight. People do notice that. I usually use Can I help the next person?, I thought it was the sentiment you had a problem with and was very confused. Thats the way I use it too. Labyrinthine One of my coworkers uses VR. BTW, this reminds me of a former peer who frequently signed off with Thanks in advance, or even used her own acronym, TIA! Oh, The Eyes! I was just thinking about do the needful while reading this! This is why I learned to use Would you like to know more (about this)? especially in conversation but it works for emails too. I regularly use please advise and reading this question made me so upset! I have to admit Im looped in on a lot of emails that make me think, Uhhhh . Another is when I get an email that contains only call me. That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. This will save me on average X amount of time per day. I think it takes work to infer anything other than whats written in a work email. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. I admit that Im sometimes inclined to send a not-so-gentle reminder by the time Im sending the xth reminder. I thought, Maybe Im wrong? My current manager is really fond of the smiley faces in outlook, so I have a rule button that replies to messages with just a smiley face. Is it yes to option 1, 2, or 3? This is surprising to me that people are offended by please advise. I see it as completely neutral. My brain says this when reading it: You just asked me a question. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! I read it as deferential. Quick is fine, its the gentle. Like Im reminding you in a gentle way, when you know its really not. (We know people are not a statistic, so please let us know about any mistakes). Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. WTF is wrong with you? if you so desire. I admit its hard sometimes giving people the benefit of the doubt especially if they are bratty in person! Are these people abusing the cc feature? Please advise. Which would be annoying. PLease advise wouldnt set me off if it were in the context of we have looked at XY and Z what is your take? Well, often the reminder (friendly, gentle, otherwise) is for something totally annoying and bureaucratic, which no one wants to deal with, which is why they didnt respond in the first place. Write Your Letter Step-by-Step 1 Express your gratitude for the customer's business. I use that a fair amount but I use it collaboration, when Ive formed a plan and want to run it by one or two others because I literally want to know if my plan makes sense. He wasnt wrong. Yes. 6. I think it is more to the point to mix up your word choice, dont lean on one phrase or word excessively. Is it really a good use of their time to work on a solution that will likely be less effective and will end up being thrown away in favor of your solution anyway? I wonder what would happen if you just said no to Can I ask you a question for a few days. I agreed upthread, but since people were disagreeing here, I wanted to +1 the passive-aggressive vibe. So? give you my account number) or a check issued in favor of my person. Could you at least answer me so I know the Chicago office has not been wiped out in a zombie apocalypse or other natural disaster? would not have gone over well. Thank you.. No. I think the world would be a somewhat nicer place if everyone did this. Maybe thats a little too informal for some places, but it generally works for me. At my job, theres generally a designated admin on the approved senders list. I had other people read them and they never got angry from my emails, they said my emails read as clear and matter of fact. I dont use that often, but when I do its because people occasionally read past the question parts of emails or respond to 1 out of the 2 things I need them to answer. But it definitely still sets off a trigger for me! I didnt expect so many people in the comments to agree with the OP but here we are. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. I think in the emails in this discussion the term is almost used out of context due to the monkey see, monkey do concept. The issue is that they want to find a delicate way, which implies I dont think you can handle a straightforward mention that Im still waiting on this. The desire to more delicate than that is what grates. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. Maybe its location based but where I am at, people find my emails abrupt so I have to add the gentler language. The following dates/times (EST) work for me: Monday, 1/24: 11am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 3pm EST. Most of the time its more junior staff and they dont realize the annoying-ness. Hmm, please let me know how to proceed seemed more formal and curt to me. This is great advice! Makes sense to me; Im asking for advice from my boss. It was at that point I realised, it is not my explaining that is the problem here. Please advise. ? LOL I read it as some character from a Disney movie about to break into song. After that I made sure all her emails had double question marks which probably also would drive some people crazy but I didnt care what she thought at that point and hey I got more responses after that. I also like Would love your input for similar situations. Even more frequently, the recipient will forward an email up the chain, unbeknownst to the author. So efficient. Answer (1 of 20): "Let me know where you're at" "Keep me apprised" "Keep me in the loop" "Keep me informed" "Keep me updated" "Advise me when" "Tell me when something changes" To name a few Or speaking whale a la Dory in Finding Nemo. Its quite amazing. me: yes Im in grad school now and definitely retain the as brief as possible email ethos which some of my fellow students really do not, and I wonder if it comes off as abrupt (and Ive always been on the more prolix side of email writing, too!). ", Thanks for immediate response, really awesome application. I tell myself. Please let us know you thoughts on this. RELATED ( 3 ) let me know your favourite. Addressing specific people is key to getting the work done. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? which is so dumb, like Im thanking them for giving me work? ", The most useful app that I have ever found.I truly appreciate your efforts. You need to say, at the end of the sentence, what it is you want both of you do. I think this came up in the open thread recently too. ok, thanks all. Please let us know your preferences is the most popular phrase on the web. Otherwise, youd phrase it as a question or request, like, Id appreciate your input on this. In other contexts, obviously, the words are used more literally. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. Please let me know your thoughts is the only one I have left that appears to be a safe bet. I dont mind it. Do not leave your belongings at the front desk. FWIW, the overuse of the word like is probably the most annoying Americanism. please advise to me is still quite demanding and says. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? Our supplier says it is now y. TIA! which was infuriating. To me the gentle reminder reads as Pease dont be mad at me, but I need to remind you of [xyz]., How about friendly reminder? Prioritize Yourself. Prefer please let me know your preference please advise which one you prefer 20%OFF ,,,, Fresh content for your texts, so you can be more professional. As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. One day I went in to talk to her about a security issue. Especially the stilettos. . Dont read in meaning or tone that isnt there. So I write all my emails in a formal, succinct manner. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { How should I handle your request? That comes off as way more snarky/passive-agressive than please advise. Can I help whos next? is completely ungrammatical to me. Thats probably my own bias, though. The newbies stopped parking there, problem solved. That seems really rude; after all, Im the one who is requesting the call so I should do the dialing. Use plain language. })(window, document); 2023 TextRanch, LLC. ooooo! It does sound stilted, but not bratty and redundant to me. (FWIW, I was hired for job X and ended up doing job Y much more time consuming, and punching well above my pay grade because the work is a PITA, and I didnt know any better. ****ATTENTION: These bases have minor defects and are sold as is. Me too. Please advise. Yep. It looks smart to they forward the email and pass the phrase down Jacobs Ladder. Its the opposite of passive aggressive its direct. I had a calculus teacher who said a combination of the words so um ok yeah every few sentences. No one is demanding that you stop holding up an important project more like, I would like to take my break today at 5 instead of 6. At other jobs you wouldve gotten some serious side-eye for that phrase. I find this thread fascinating. Thanks, No, its not just related to Aspergers! I use please advise or let me know. I want the recipient to know I need a response and that it is not just an fyi. Unfortunately, if I dont use those phrases, I dont get an answer/response. Seems polite, like thanks for reading(? ?I suppose please advise is better than that or whatever expletives I might be thinking. I agree it is affected, cloying, baby talk etc. At my old job, someone forgot and send wrong email to an internal listserv with about 1000 people, she realized the mistake in about 5 mins and quickly sent and apology email and a note to disregard. Tried to get ebay and paypal details in order send an invoice to me. please advise as a declarative statement instead of a question is almost always used passive-aggressively. = Sentence Notice that I switched the Verb and the Subject in the original question. Prefacing the word reminder with gentle or friendly is a feeble attempt to soften the blow. I recieve emails like shipping updates a lot of the time and Ive defaulted to saying Thanks! because I dont know what else to say, even though theres not really anything Im thanking them for. This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. Used passive-aggressively order please let me know which option you prefer, 2, or 3 a lot of emails that me. Let us know your thoughts is the only one I have to add the language. Again, it is you want both of you do actually need a closer every time, whether you a... 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