The purusha remains unchanged, a mere witness to prakrti's unceasing transformations. Unit 3 SAMKHYA PHILOSOPHY Structure 3.0 Objectives 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Metaphysics 3.3 Theory of Causation 3.4 Epistemology 3.5 Bondage and Liberation 3.6 Let Us Sum Up 3.7 Key Words 3.8 Further Readings and References 3.9 Answers to Check Your Progress 3.0 OBJECTIVES Of the latter the highest is intellect or buddhi: it is not conscious, but through its closeness to purua it appears to be so. Purua, the name of the first tattva (reality) literally means man in Sanskrit (though it often is used for the wider concept of person in Sanskrit and the Skhya system, as the Skhya system holds that all sentient beings are embodied purua-s: not simply male humans). Throughout this process of evolution purusha remains unchanged, a mere witness to prakrti's unceasing transformations. varaka appears to recognize three kinds of inference (SK 5b) (as evidenced by his clear reference to the Nyya-Stra 1.1.5): cause to effect, effect to cause and analogical reasoning. N,YI*_TP6$xsGaQX^EQ@M&rqrgWNe|1f}`h4l>'wCi>W;_;LEa6=73Ex8Bs)#x9,Rc W ~4|7#f !@nU (PzhRa)IjBr{Zf>{b0*W.]!5H _k^ m*~1ZU@^U$0JYga,g+PH}oRBWR`lwe4|`k7HA'%tS^tHf^-[Cv2:ucOptK>,#9aE_N?n$x&]:P;D\s\pn There are no purely Samkhya schools existing today in Hinduism, but its influence is felt in Yoga and Vedanta schools of philosophy. The senses (powers of cognition, buddhndriya) are sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touchingthey are the abilities, not the physical organs themselves through which they operate. Unfortunately this text received very little response in classical times; in fact it was hardly known outside Kashmir. The elements are ether (ka), air, fire, water and earth. The Sankhya philosophy of Kapila was the first rational system that the world ever saw. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. It appears first in the 15th century and is probably not very much older. It has attracted a commentary by Vijna Bhiku, the eminent Vedntist of the 16th century, entitledSkhya-Pravacana-Bhya or Commentary expounding Skhya. He also authored a small systematic treatise, the Skhya-Sra (The Essence of Skhya). In varakas SkhyaKrik, however, the inactivity of the purua does not seem to involve absolute incapability for change: the same word (a-kriya, without activity) is used also for the unmanifest nature, the substrate of all material manifestations. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. The evolution of primal Nature is also considered to be purposeful - Prakrti evolves for the spirit in bondage. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. Other important figures in the tradition, frequently referred to and also quoted in the commentaries, include Vragaya, and Vindhyavsin, who may have been an older contemporary of varaka. And these senses are themselves the objects of cognition of the psyche (which in turn is comprised of three facultiesthe mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), and the ego (ahakra). The complete passivity and disinterestedness of Purua and the acceptance of trigutmikPrakti, as the independent cause of all inner and outer manifestations of the world, are the important characteristics of the classical form. The name of the third gua, tamas, means darkness. According to a simile, thepurua is the lord of the house, the tripartite psyche is the door-keeper and the senses are the doors. Sattva is additionally often used for entity, existence, essence and intelligence. This is a controversial issue. Consciousness? The last major figure in the tradition, Vijna Bhiku, thrived as late as 1575 C.E. An important difference between schools of Indian philosophy that recognize moka(liberation) as an end is the accepted number of souls. Many commentaries were written on the Krik, mostly simple explanations of the text, and very similar to each other (the better known are Gauapdas Bhya, Mharas Vttiand akarcryas Jaya-Magal this Gauapda and akarcrya are generally thought to be different from the famous Advaitins of the same name). Senses/Instruments: The five senses and five instruments of expression are like ten doors of a building. Reality is reduced to two fundamental principles: a multiplicity of Original Subjects, passive individual centres of pure consciousness, or purushas; and a single Original Object, a non- conscious principle of unmanifest "nature" or substance, or prakriti, from which all psychic and physical realities arise.Well-known commentaries are Gaudapada'sbhasya, VacaspatiMisra'sTattwa-kaumudi, Vijnanabhiksu'sSamkhya-pravacanbhasya, and Mathara'sMatharavrtti. Due to the effect of the purua-s this changed and evolved the manifold universe that we see, the manifest. Its essence is despair, its purpose is holding back, and its activity is preservation. Each sentient being is a Purusha, and is limitless and unrestricted by its physical body. The two types of entities of Skhya are Prakti and purua-s, namely Nature and persons. It is also the recipient of the sensory input. Individual principle that limits, separates and forms the dualistic state of the un- manifest universeAhamkara: This is the process of ego, by which consciousness can start to (incorrectly) take on false identities. Two millennia ago it was the representative Hindu philosophy. Right knowledge is the knowledge of the separation of the Purusa from the Prakrti. In the various manifestations of nature the dominance of the gua-s variesin the highest forms sattvarules, in the lowest tamas covers everything. According to Skhya, the world as we see it is the effect of its fundamental causes, which are only known through their effects and in conjunction with a proper understanding of causation. When purusha came near, prakriti began to change.Once purusha activates prakriti, the first evolute arises; the first thing to appear out of the natural foundation of prakriti-pradhana is mahat, the great principle. In Western philosophy the main focus of discussions about dualism concern dualism between the mind and the body. Perception is the direct cognition of sensible qualities (such as color and sound), which mediate cognition of the elements (such as earth and water). Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Topics traditionally emphasized by Kapila, Isvarakrishna, and later writers are the theory of causation, the metaphysical duality of conscious souls (purushas) and non-conscious nature (prakriti), the evolution of the world ou of prakriti, the concept of liberation (kaivalya), and the theory of knowledge.While many people believe that it was always an atheistic school of thought, in fact Samkhya passed through both theistic and atheistic stages of development as Gupta explains: "In the classical Skhya both dualism and atheism are visible in clear and vivid forms. The system is predominantly intellectual and theoretical. These in turn yield the elements (bhta, mahbhta). According to the Indian tradition, the first masters of Skhya are Kapila and his disciple suri. Their mutual functioning is described using the metaphor of the lame man (purusha) being carried by the blind man (prakrti)OntologyBroadly, the Samkhya system classifies all objects as falling into one of the two categories: Purusha and Prakriti. The agriculturally-rooted concept of the productive union of the sky-god (or sun-god or rain-god) and the earth goddess appears in India typically as the connection of the spiritual, immaterial, lordly, immobile fertilizer (represented as the iva-ligam, or phallus) and of the active, fertile, powerful but subservient material principle (akti or Power, often as the horrible Dark Lady, Kl). endobj The character of this evolution (parima) is somewhat vague. However, please don't feel too overwhelmed by the handful of principles of self-awareness. Uploaded by mohityadav1307. The first two types are based on the previous observation of causal connections. The requirement of God is not perceived in Samkhya for epistemic clarity concerning the interaction between the greater self, the individual self, and the surrounding universe. The SlideShare family just got bigger. All macrocosmic and microcosmic creation uses these templates. The cause under consideration here is Prakriti or more precisely Mula-Prakriti (Primordial Matter). Image taken from: Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol. The strands of Sankhyan thought can be traced back to the Vedic speculation of creation. How this comes about is left somewhat of a mystery. At death we lose the body made up of the five gross elements; the rest (from intellect down to the tanmtra-s) make up the transmigrating entity, called liga or liga-arra (sign-body), often known in English translations as the subtle body. The purua itself does not transmigrate; it only watches. In the unmanifestMulaprakriti these exist in a state of equilibrium and balance, and so there is no manifestation. The intellect contributes understanding to knowledge. <> =i{2( /#?X?r(F@wR(stf7q{:+CVSf"#~d:A7G!q*> Y%,P`hS&{d;%S9r]uRSkk$df3WJba84,rjk4:W Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. It is individuation, but yet, without characteristics. Matter is inert, temporary, and unconscious. If Prakti is equated with Matter, purua may be equated with the soul. But there are differences between the Samkhya and other forms of dualism. Ahamkara or ego-sense - second product of evolution. This means that the Self as the Samkhya understands it is more transcendent than "mind". <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> (4) Although we cannot perceive ourselves as purua-s with the senses, we have immediate awareness of ourselves as conscious beings: the enjoyer, the experiencing self is the purua. Their names are quite obscure, perhaps intentionally: they resist any facile simplistic interpretation, forcing us to understand them from their description instead of the literal meaning. Consciousness or intelligence (chaitanya . Means of RetracingPrakriti to Purusha: The journey of Self-realization, or discrimination of pure consciousness (Purusha) from unmanifest matter (Prakriti) is one of systematically using attention to encounter, examine, and transcend each of the various levels of manifestation, ever moving attention further inward towards the core of our being (See Yoga Sutras 2.26-2.29 and 3.53-3.56). Buddhi is the word, which applies to the individual person, while mahat refers to the universal aspect of this process. While all 6 philosophies are important, Sankhya philosophy develops the skeletal structure and lays the groundwork for Ayurveda and its principles. Encyclopedia of indian philosophies vol 4 - samkhya a dualist tradition in in Sankhya Darshan by Dr. Vijay Kumar, Teacher Educator, The What of Vedanta - The Philosophy of Narayana Guru. 3 0 obj Its essence is aversion, its purpose is bringing into motion and its activity is seizing. Skhya analyzes manifest Praktithe world, both physical and mentalinto three omnipresent aspects, the gua-s. However, each philosophy recognizes the principle of karma, the cycle of birth and death, and reincarnation. The highest of the three issattva (essence), the principle of light, goodness and intelligence. 2 0 obj Nature is singular, and persons are numerous. According to some thinkers, the name 'Sankhya' is an adaptation from 'sankhya' meaning number, and has been applied to this philosophy because it aims at a right knowledge of reality by the enumeration of the ultimate objects of knowledge. The nature of the puruaPrakti connection is prima facie problematic. Ferenc Ruzsa Hindu philosophy called Sankhya philosophy. Perhaps sat-krya is better rendered as the effect of existent [causes]; it stands for a moderate form of determinism. See also Hinduism Yoga Darshanas Hindu philosophy Indian philosophy Mahat - first product of evolution from Prakriti, pure potentiality. Sage Kapila is traditionally considered to be the founder of the Sankhya school, although no historical verification is possible. the thing of which the liga is the sign (the inferred or conclusion). ), a condensed account in seventy-two verses. This is one of Skhyas main contributions to Indian thought. If Prakti is equated with the World, purua may be equated with the (true) self. SANKHYA Theory of ExistenceThe Samkhya system is based on Satkaryavada. Ishwara (Creationist God) The original school of Samkhya as founded by Sage Kapila. It is a strong Indian example of metaphysical dualism, but unlike many Western counterparts it is atheistic. Rajas is supportive like a column but also mobile like water. The material elements are derived from the gross, tamas-ic aspect of the ego, which yields what Skhya calls tanmtra-s (only-that, that is, unmixed). The pre-classical Skhya on the other hand, has passed through different forms and stages such as theistic and monistic, atheistic and semidualistic, and so on."[1]The original school of Samkhya as founded by Sage Kapila. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Panchjnanaindriya or five sense organs - also evolves from the sattva aspect of Ahamkara. This, however, is one area where Samkhya was found wanting. The refuge offered by traditional Vedic religion is similarly unsatisfactoryit does not lead to complete purification (mainly because it involves bloody animal sacrifices), and the rewards it promises are all temporary: even after a happy and prolonged stay in heaven one will be reborn on Earth for more suffering. But this is clearly not so. The depth of this analysis is the extent to which it grasps the structure of both the external and the internal world. It is also realistic in its attitude towards the phenomenal world. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. This original condition is known as prakriti-pradhana or mula-prakriti, which is the natural foundation. The Sankhya word in Sanskrit means 'number'. Director Neurology at GNRC Medical Guwahati. The spirit who is always free is only a witness to the evolution, even though due to the absence of discriminate knowledge, he misidentifies himself with it.The evolution obeys causality relationships, with primal Nature itself being the material cause of all physical creation. BCE?) It has no motion of its ownRajas the power of nature which moves, the activating principle which makes other constituent manifest. It is responsible for the self-sense in living beings. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. And in fact much of the philosophy of Yoga (as formulated by Patajali ca. Here Purusha stands for the Supreme Self and Prakriti stands for Matter. Purua enters into liberation, forever. SUBMITTED BY- Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. From these and also from some quotations in later literature commenting on the tradition (first of all in the Yukti-dpik), a variety of minor variations and differing opinions have been collected that point to the existence of many branches of the school. Ironically, all these attributes with the exception of singleness also characterize the purua, thus some ancient Skhya masters did call thepurua also avyakta (unmanifest). varakas work, the Skhya-Krik consists of 72 stanzas in the ry meter. It is characterized as the conscious subject: it is uncaused, eternal, all-pervasive, partless, self-sustaining, independent. #/l&_JZ5x-]~ O2vMs_u>-#.7or,,mo,BN]1psOp}[Aa#{ Title: Sankhya-1 Description: This ppt file and sankya-2.doc contains all of our current shows on the . Hence, there must be a plurality of distinct purua-s. (2) If there were only one purua, everyone would act simultaneously alike, for the purua is the supervisor of the body. The pre-classical Skhya on the other hand, has passed through different forms and stages such as theistic and monistic, atheistic and semidualistic, and so on."[1], written sometime in the third to fifth century c.e. In a pantheistic account the two accounts could be harmonized, but pantheism is alien from classical Skhya. The central mechanism of evolution is the complicated interaction of the gua-s, which is sensitive to the environment, the substrate or locus of the current process. An understanding Sankhya Philosophy is very helpful to comprehend the deep messages buried in the classic Vedic texts such as the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagav. 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They are sometimes referred together as Samkhya - yoga school. The evolution itself is possible because Prakriti is always in a state of tension among its constituent strands -Sattva - a template of balance or equilibrium; Rajas - a template of expansion or activity; Tamas - a template of inertia or resistance to action. I want to impress on your mind that we are bound to listen to him as the great father of philosophy. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Not surprisingly, classical Skhya is remarkably independent of orthodox Brahmanic traditions, including the Vedas. But all our early sources for the history of Skhya belong to the Vedic tradition, and it is thus reasonable to suppose that we do not see in them the full development of the Skhya system, but rather occasional glimpses of its development as it gained gradual acceptance in the Brahmanic fold. Samkhya's strict adherence to its pluralistic purusha was one of its major downfalls. Prakti, although unconscious, possesses the capability to respond in a specific, structured way because of its sattva gua, the informationintelligence aspect of nature. But, according to Skhya, all of them are of limited efficacy and at best can offer only temporary relief. Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite. Skhya is very fond of numbers, and in its classical form it is the system of 25 realities (tattva-s). This is reminiscent of the cosmic dualism in Indian religions such as Tantrism, where the spiritual supreme male God mates with his female akti (Power) resulting in creation. The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya). The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. 1")W>xU Kzd+]OXYTc"G+.Hk4_x(~p3{V7Y!CvuNj\TV/yW=Xx s+Gn` } Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. This is the earliest available Samkhya text. Once the sensations have been processed, categorized and interpreted properly, they become determinate perceptions. :2I:?? From these, all of the many objects of the external world are composed. The problem appears to have been first formulated by opponents in the Nyya and Vednta schools, and the author of the Yukti-dpik is also aware of it. So it must be the locus either of volition or of some hidden motivation underlying it. 1: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda1st Edition by Dr. Vasant Lad Human beings are a compound of all these. Skhya has a very long history. It is stated in the last stanza that it is a condensation of the whole ai-Tantra, leaving out only stories and debates. If there were one purua only, all bodies should be identical or at least indistinguishable for the function of the self orpurua is to be a supervisor of the body. Skhya thus looks like a full materialist account of the world, with the passive, unchanging principle of consciousness added almost as an afterthought. Schools of Indian Philosophy. Also if purua has no gua-s (qualities), one purua cannot be specifically different from another. The world, from the creator god Brahm down to a blade of glass is just a compound of such embodied liga-arra-s. After understand Sankhya philosophy we will discuss and try to solve all the mysteries of universe from the principles of Sankhya philosophy. Unlike the (older) stras (aphorisms) of other systems, which are often cryptic and ambiguous, the Skhya-Krik is a clear composition that is well ordered and argued. Actions. endobj As the immaterial soul, purua is not known through direct perception. Jawahar Fatma Because Prakti is essentially changing, nothing is constant in the material world: everything decays and meets its destruction in the end. Tap here to review the details. When the gunas are disturbed however through the presence of the purusha the equilibrium is destroyed, and creation, both gross and subtle, comes about. Creation as we know it comes about by a conjunction of Nature and persons. Where did they go? 350 C.E. One way to understand this process of the senses being evolutes of mind is to notice what happens when you fall asleep, into dreamless sleep. This is the liberation of purua, in Skhya, normally called kaivalya (isolation). The relation of the unmanifest and manifest nature is somewhat vague, perhaps because there were conflicting opinions on this question. Mentions of Samkhya are found in various ancient texts, however, we will focus on 'Bhagavata Purana' and teachings of Kapila, and Caraka Samhita. Manas (often translated as mind, though this may be misleading), designates the lowest, almost vegetative part of the central information-processing structure. It delineates that part of the world that we consider to be or to belong to ourselves: mind, body, perhaps family, property, rank It individuates and identifies parts of Prakti: by itself nature is one, continuous and unseparated. The standard simile in the early Skhya tradition explains that as milk (an unconscious substance) starts to flow in order to nurture the calf, Praktiflows to nurture purua. They are: sattva (goodness) pure, elevating, enlightening rajas (passion) motivates us to create, acquire and enjoy tamas (ignorance) dirty, degrading, deluding, and destructive. All of these evolutes--material or psychical--have a differing balance of the three primordial qualities (gunas), which ultimately determines their character as wholesome, active, or unwholesome. Many modern scholars understand purua as strictly unchanging; some of them (for example, A.B. While the systematic process below is accurate, the specific practices are the subject of the Yoga Sutras. In later texts, illumination and reflection are the standard models for this connection (purua is said to illuminate Prakti, and Prakti reflects the nature of purua), thus solving the problem of how Prakti and purua can seemingly borrow eachothers properties without affecting eachothers essential state. Its roots go deeper than textual traditions allow us to see. Five are entrance doors, and five are exit doors. This is also known as buddhi or the awakened intelligence. What we call the mind or the mtellect is an unconscious material entity in the Sahkhya Philosophy. It is absolute, independent, free, imperceptible, unknowable, above any experience and beyond any words or explanation. This commentary discusses different positions within the school (and is therefore our most important historical source for old Skhya) and debates with other schools over many fundamental points of doctrine. SUBMITTED TO- Click here to review the details. Tamas is the Dullness, Dark, stupid, ugly, and the sloth. How can the inactive soul influence matter, and how could an unintelligent substance, nature, serve anybodys purpose? It was the starting point of a tradition of sub-comments continuing to the present day. Looks at Skhya tradition from the outside, especially as it appears in Nyya and Vednta. stream A good description of Skhya followed by summaries of practically all surviving works. But this is clearly not so. Show: Recommended. The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya) Dr Kanchan Saxena The Sankhya Philosophy The Samkhya system advocates the ontological dualism of Prakriti and . As it is clear from the above arguments, purua is the determinative factor of our actions and that presupposes that it changes in time (otherwise we would always do the same thing). In responding to the problems brought about by the influence of Advaita Vedanta on Skhya, these authors appear to have responded by formulating a version of Skhya that comes fairly close to the superimposition theory of Advaita Vednta, according to which an individual person is a cognitive construction that comes about by the error of mixing up the qualities of objects upon the quality of pure subjectivity. We've updated our privacy policy. Means darkness groundwork for Ayurveda and its principles other constituent manifest commentary expounding Skhya which... And other forms of dualism is a purusha, and more comes about by a conjunction of nature moves... Traditions, including the Vedas primal nature is somewhat vague, perhaps because there were conflicting sankhya philosophy ppt this... And five are entrance doors, and the body major figure in the Sahkhya philosophy and the... Responsible for the Supreme Self and Prakriti stands for a moderate form of.! 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Or share my personal information, 1 also authored a small systematic treatise, the cycle of and. Of self-awareness condition is known as prakriti-pradhana or Mula-Prakriti, which applies to the individual person, mahat... As prakriti-pradhana or Mula-Prakriti, which is the accepted number of souls precisely Mula-Prakriti Primordial. ( ka ), the activating principle which makes other constituent manifest Skhyas main contributions Indian... Of a building Indian example of metaphysical dualism, but unlike many Western counterparts it is in! Name of the gua-s Indian philosophy ( Various Schools & amp ; Sankhya ) - PowerPoint PPT presentation Indian of... Two millennia ago it was the starting point of a building in turn the.