McGowan, Katherine Andrews, Miss Cornelia I. Thayer, Mr. J. google_color_text = "000000"; .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{} The passenger did not survive Lockyer, Edward Trant, Miss Jessie google_color_url = "000000"; Thomas, Assad Hervonen, Hildwe Dyker, Adoff Richard, Mr. Emile (Staten Island Advance/Jillian Delaney) "Titanic: The Exhibition" is located at 526 6th Ave., just a couple . Two more lifeboats, Collapsible Boats A and B, were in the process of being removed from their location on the roof of the officer's house, but could not be properly launched. Duran, Miss Asimcion Compton, Mrs. A. T. Bonnell, Miss Caroline Carr, Ellen Lingrey Mr Edward Murphy, Norah Dahl, Mauritz Last lifeboat leaves but over 1,500 people are left on Titanic. Torfa, Assad Healy, Nora Peter, Catherine Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Dyer-Edwardes embarked at Southampton with their daughter, the Countess of Rothes, and niece, Gladys Cherry. Wreck Commissioners' Court: Proceedings on a Formal Investigation Ordered by the Board of Trade into the Loss of the S. S. W. Garzke et al. Anderson, Alfreda Risien, Samuel Denkoff, Mito Howard, Mrs. Ellen T. The Titanic Historical Society, Inc. (THS), established in 1963, is the premier source for Titanic and White Star Line information. Aspland, Felix Reeves, Mr. David Wells, Miss J. Baxter, Mrs. James Drachstedt, Baron von Fortune, Mr. Charles Get the free Adobe Reader here. Payne, Mr. V. Humblin, Adolf Though their employers travelled in first class, this servant was given second class accommodations, as their services were not needed while their employers were on board. Aldworth, Mr. C. Conolly, Kate Mitkoff, Mito Kate Phillips gave birth to a daughter, Ellen Mary "Betty", on 11 January 1913. Naked, Waika Titanic's keel is laid and construction officially begins. Moran, Bertha Hemming, Norah Gilinski, Leslie OLeary, Norah Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr. A lifeboat with Titanic survivors approaches the RMS Carpathia on April 15, 1912. Andrew, Mr. Edgar 9928 in stock. Many of the unused tickets that survived, whether they were for the westbound passage or the return eastbound passage, have become quite valuable as Titanic-related artifacts. Rothschild, Mrs. M. Lines, Miss Mary C. Tikkanen, Juho Front Cover, First Class (Saloon) Passenger List for the RMS Titanic of the White Star Line From Southampton to New York via Cherbourg and Queenstown (Cobh), Departing Wednesday, 10 April 1912, and Sunk on Sunday, 14th April 1912, Commanded by Captain E. J. Smith. Stengel, Mr. C. E. H. Kennedy, John Tannous, Thomas A single-person berth in first class cost between 30 (equivalent to 3,200 in 2021) and 870 (equivalent to 92,000 in 2021) for a parlour suite and small private promenade deck. Ostby, Mr. E. C Aronsson, Ernest Axel A. Olsen, Carl Nenkoff, Christo Coleff, Peyo Bryhl, Mr. Curt Holverson, Mrs. A. O. Williams, Mr. R. N., Jr. Twekula, Hedwig Carpathia arrives in New York with 705 survivors from Titanic. Carter, Mrs. Lillian A few hours later, on 15th April, the vessel sank, tragically claiming the lives of over 1,500 passengers and crew. [28], To compete with rival shipping company Cunard, the White Star Line offered their steerage passengers modest luxuries, in the hopes that emigrants would write to relatives back home and encourage them to travel on White Star Line ships. Pears, Mrs. Thomas [1] Partway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912, resulting in the deaths of 1,503 people. Peuchen, Major Arthur West, Mrs. Ada She gave birth to a son, Lontine Pauline Aubart was the mistress of. Baclini, Eugene Laleff, Kristo Snyder, Mr. John Isham, Mrs. A. E. Doodle, decide, and demolish your way out of history's greatest events--the perfect book for fun and educational summer reading! 712 people survived the sinking of the Titanic out of 2,208 aboard. Titanic Passenger List of Second Class. Bjorklund, Ernst Carlsson, Julius The Dream and then the Nightmare, Known for decades as "The Unknown Child", body number 4 was initially identified after the disaster as two-year-old Gsta Leonard Plsson (1912). Van de Velde, Joseph [17], On the ship, a Lithuanian priest, Father Juozas Montvila, also perished during the sinking. Titanic Passenger List; Titanic Crew List; References; Titanic in Black and White. Angheloff, Minko Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Crossing 23 July 23-30, 1913 Last survivor who didn't lose any relatives in the sinking. In addition to large numbers of British, Irish, and Scandinavian immigrants, other passengers were from Central and Eastern Europe, the Levant (primarily Syria (Lebanon today)), and Hong Kong. Caram, Maria Hocking, Miss Nellie Davies, Mr. Charles Nirva, Isak Calie, Peter Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the sinking of Titanic, dies aged 97. Lifeboats filled and lowered. Search the complete database of Titanic Passengers and Crew Information. John Harper, a well-known Baptist pastor from Scotland, was travelling to the United States with his daughter and sister to preach at the Moody Church in Chicago. Quick, Miss Phyllis West, Mr. E. Arthur Danbom, Ernest Karun, Franz Herman, Miss Kate Asplund, Johan Christmann, Emil THS is the original and largest Titanic society in the world. Angle, Mrs. Emanuel, Ethet Stoyehoff, Ilia Radeff, Alexander Nasser, Mr. Nicolas Thayer, Mrs. J. Joseph Ismay, Chairman, White Star Line. Case, Mr. Howard B. Simmons, John Michel Sr. died in the sinking and photographs of the boys were circulated throughout the world in the hopes that their mother or another relative could identify the French toddlers, who became known as the "Titanic Orphans". Omont, Mr. F. Sutehall, Henry Crosby, Miss Harriet The sinking of the RMS Titanic is one of the greatest disasters in maritime history. Panula, Juho Gronnestad, Daniel D. Godwin, Frederick Scrota, Maurice Barbara, Catherine Garside, Miss Ethel Following the disaster, newspapers around the nation and the world rushed to print lists of both the lost and the survivors. Flynn, John First Officer William Murdoch and his recovered letters at Titanic: The Exhibition. Hickman, Mr. Leonard Crossing 24 August 13-20, 1913 Lemberopoulos, Peter Wazli, Yousif This talk presents a chronology of the Olympic Class, from conception and construction to disaster and discovery. The RMS Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 110 years ago after it hit an iceberg. Titanic search form Search RMS Titanic passenger and crew lists. Reynolds, Harold Young, Miss Marie, Abelson, Mr. Samson Dimic, Jovan google_color_link = "0000FF"; Keane, Miss Nora A. Jensen, Svenst L. Crossing 20 May 14-21, 1913 Moussa, Mantoura Frederick Woodford, Greaser, Titanic crew. Titanic Paperback - 4 May 2021. Burns, Mary Wende, Olof Edvin Fahlstrom Mr. Arne J. Anderson, Anders Raise the Titanic is a 1980 adventure film produced by Lew Grade's ITC Entertainment and directed by Jerry Jameson.The film, written by Eric Hughes (adaptation) and Adam Kennedy (screenplay), is based on the 1976 book of the same name by Clive Cussler.The storyline concerns a plan to recover the RMS Titanic due to the fact that it was carrying cargo valuable to Cold War hegemony. Lindablom, August Ross, Mr. J. Hugo Although several people managed to reach this lifeboat, three died during the night. Peacock, Treasteall Johanson, Oscar Holten, Johan The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. Send Email (preferred): Meek, Annie L. This list is not authoritative. This is a reproduction from an original complete with the same colour covers; includes Titanic's (future) scheduled sailings and the listing . Oreskovic, Maria Lundin, Olga Abelseth, Olaus Daly, Eugene Pelsmaker, Alfons de Harknett, Alice Youssef, Maria Bracken, Mr. Jas. Tonfik, Nahli Below is the complete Titanic passenger list. Pain, Dr. Alfred Along with brother Edmond (19101953), were the only children rescued without a parent or guardian (known as the. Peterson, Ellen Elias, Joseph A. google_ad_client = "pub-6514739865278330"; Dennis, William . H. Dodge, Mrs. Washington Titanic People Explorer. A. [41], Eight passengers are listed on the passenger list with a home country of China, from the hometown of Hong Kong, with a destination of New York. Foley, William When Fifth Officer Harold Lowe and six crewmen returned to the wreck site after the sinking with an empty lifeboat to pick up survivors, they rescued surviving passengers from Collapsible A, but left the three dead bodies in the boat: Thomson Beattie, a first-class passenger, and two crew members, a fireman and a seaman. Hankonen, Eluna Futrelle, Mr. J. McKane, Mr. Peter D. Aks, Leah Johnson, Mr. A. Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin Goldsmith, Emily A. Titanic People Explorer. The ship's musicians travelled in second-class accommodations; they were not counted as members of the crew, but were employed by an agency under contract to the White Star Line. Peterson, Johan Laroche, Mr. Joseph Last remaining American survivor; Last living survivor with memories of the accident. [63][64] They are also included in the list of crew members on board RMS Titanic. Some people reached boats but died before being rescued. Kelly, Annie K. del Carlo, Mr. Sebastian Roebling, Mr. Washington A. Moch, Mr. Pkdtp E. Butler, Mr. Reginald Larnder himself claimed that as a mariner, he would expect to be buried at sea. Sharp, Mr. Percival Mirko, Dika Boulos, Sultani Sage, William The Titanic is one of the most famous ships in history: leaving England on April 10th, 1912, it was only on the water for three days before it collided with an iceberg and sank on April 15th, 1912. Anderson, Carla Hold, Mr. Stephen Marechal, Mr. Pierre MacKay, George W. Carran, Mr. J. P. Titanic (1997 film) Titanic. [40][8], In 1997, Ray Hanania, a Palestinian American journalist, watched the Titanic (1997) film and noticed some background characters saying yalla, meaning "hurry" in Arabic. Hosono, Mr. Masabumi Mannion, Margareth Skoog, Anna Additional information. Dental records later identified him as 13-month-old, Elias, Leila Salloum. Jusila, Mari Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and Manservant Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton Allison, Mr. H. J. Allison, Mrs. H. J. Van Impe, Jacob Hanna, Mansour Stewart, Mr. A. Kiernan, Phillip Carter, Mrs. William E. + servant Moore, Mr. Clarence + servant Drew, Mrs. Lulu B. Parr, Mr. M. H. W. Crossing 11: May 15-22 1912 Hakkurainen, Elin Silvey, Mr. William B. First Class Passenger List Leitch, Miss Jessie Harder, Mr. George A. Nicola, Elias You can also buy these in my Titanic Bundle along with Titanic Passenger Tickets, a PowerPoint, and muc. Plotcharsky, Vasil Ford, Mr. E. W. Barkworth, Mr. A. H. Included in this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, listed as both passengers and crew. [8], According to Bakhos Assaf, mayor of Hardin, Lebanon, 93 passengers originated from what is today Lebanon, with 20 of them from Hardin, the highest number of any Lebanese location. Evans, Miss E. Kantor, Mrs. Miriam Description. Chibnafl, Mrs. E. M. Bowerman Hervonen, Helga Hodges, Mr. Henry P. Crossing 26 September 24-October 1, 1913 Astor, Mrs. J. J + servant Pears, Mr. Thomas Van der Planke, Leon Hipkins, Mr. W. E. Rogers, Mr. Harry The White Star Line.<br><br>For the first time in history, the names of all passengers who went on the Titanic were published in open and free access. Wright, Mr. George Useher,Baulner Doyle, Elin Warren, Mr. F. M. Hillstrom, Hilda Derkings, Edward Goodwin, Augusta Father Byles gave his homilies in English, Irish, and French and Father Peruschitz gave his in German and Hungarian. Lingan, Mr. John Anderson, Erna Nicholls, Mr. Joseph C. Three other ships followed in the search: the cable ship Minia, the lighthouse supply ship Montmagny, and the sealing vessel Algerine. Passengers are colour coded, indicating whether . Denbou, Mr. Herbert Rosblom, Viktor On other liners, the steerage-passengers would have been expected to bring their own food. Passengers [] First Class []. Samaan, Youssef Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth Tunquist, W. Salander, Carl Everett, Thomas J. Anderson, Samuel Jenkin, Mr. Stephen PDF. Misseff, Ivan Spedden, Mr. Frederick O. Coleff, Fotio Nicholson, Mr. A. S. [53], The ship found so many bodies 306 that the embalming supplies aboard were quickly exhausted. Died of health complications he suffered due to the sinking; Gracie wrote one of the first accounts of the sinking by a survivor. Traveled using alias: Baron Alfred von Drachstedt; transferred from second to first class. Naked, Maria Cannavan, Pat Person, Ernest Dantchoff, Khristo Fortune, Miss Mabel Ware, Mr. William J. [9], Some of the most prominent members of the American social elite made the trip: real estate builder, businessman, and multimillionaire Colonel John Jacob Astor IV and his 18-year-old pregnant wife Madeleine were returning to the United States for their child's birth. Padro, Mr. Julian (The search terms it uses are terrific) 8. Nosworthy, Richard C. Sincook, Miss Maude + servant Mr. T. Lewy, Mr. E. G. Kimball, Mrs. E. N. Paulsson, Paul Titanic People Database Encyclopedia Titanica 1996-2023 Permissions and licensing, Copyright 1996-2023 Encyclopedia Titanica, RMS Titanic Passengers and Crew Complete List. Ivanoff, Konio It was lowered around 12:45am as believed by the British Inquiry. 20 lifeboats are installed on Titanic, four more than the Board of Trade regulations required. Crossing 7: January 10-17 1912 Each ship left with embalming supplies, undertakers, and clergy. Andrew, Mr. Frank The biggest ship in the world at the time, it tragically sank in the North Atlantic in 1912, after hitting an iceberg. Collyer, Mr. Harvey Cook, Jacob The closest ship to respond was Cunard Line's Carpathia 58mi (93km) away, which would arrive in an estimated 4 hourstoo late to rescue all of Titanic's passengers. Jos. Argene del Carlo was pregnant while on board the Titanic. Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. Titanic was seen exclusively as a luxury liner. Spencer, Mr. W. A. Pernot, Mr. Rene Wick, Mr. George D. Klasen, Hilda McCaffry. Compton, Miss S. P. Crossing 16: August 29 September 5 1912 Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B. Moen, Sigurd H. When she reached the open Atlantic on 11 April 1912, the Titanic carried 2,208 people however many more travelled on her: on the delivery trip from Belfast to Southampton, and on the short journeys to Cherbourg and Queenstown. 1310 lines (1310 sloc) 41.9 KB Kink, Louise Later ships such as Minia found fewer bodies, requiring fewer embalming supplies, and were able to limit burials at sea to bodies that were too damaged to preserve. Carlson, Mr. Frank Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M. Berglund. They, along with Joseph's pregnant wife Juliette, were travelling to Joseph's native island of Haiti. Rugg, Miss Emily Hyman, Abraham Abbott, Rosa Meo, Alfonso Astor, Mrs. Madeleine Talmage (ne Force), Bjrnstrm-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hkan, Candee, Mrs. Helen Churchill (ne Hungerford), Duff Gordon, Lucy Christiana, Lady (ne Sutherland), Flegenheim, Mrs. Antoinette "Tony" (ne Wendt), Leslie, Lucy Nol Martha, Countess of Rothes (ne Dyer-Edwardes), Sandstrm, Mrs. Agnes Charlotta (ne Bengtsson), Mrs. Winnifred Vera van Tongerloo (ne Quick), "Passenger List and Survivors of Steamship, "Social Class and Survival on the SS Titanic", "This story is no longer available Washington Times", "Seven Famous People Who Missed the Titanic", "Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More National Geographic Kids", "Pastor John Harper and the Titanic Story", "Lawrence Beesley Celebrated Titanic Survivor", "Name Hoffman, Charles Content: Male aged 32. Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows Bottom row left to right: Edith Haisman, Ruth Blanchard, Louise Kink Pope, Eleanor Shuman. Nasr, Mustafa This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 21:13. Smiljanic, Mile Passengers who boarded at Cherbourg, France on 10 April before the ship's onward journey to Queenstown are not included . Brito, Mr. Jose de Graham, Mrs William G Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L. Sawyer, Frederick She gave birth to a daughter, Margaret, sometime in 1912. The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, killing over 1,500 people on board, including famous passengers like financier . Only 750 people survived. Crossing 10: April 3-10 1912 Waelens, Achille The passenger survived Vassilios, Catavelas Van der Planke, Emilie Mallet, Master A. Khalil, Zahie H. Smith, Mr. J. Clinch Peacodc., Treasteall Molson, Mr. H. Markland Of the remaining 150 unclaimed bodies, 121[56] were taken to the non-denominational Fairview Lawn Cemetery; 19[57] were buried in the Roman Catholic Mount Olivet Cemetery, and 10[58] were taken to the Jewish Baron de Hirsch Cemetery. 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