Contracting officers representative (COR) means an individual, including a contracting officers technical representative (COTR), designated and authorized in writing by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions. These services are normally closely related to the basic responsibilities and mission of the agency originating the requirement for the acquisition of services by contract. The types of sureties referred to are as follows: (1) An individual surety is one person, as distinguished from a business entity, who is liable for the entire penal amount of the bond. In order to ensure the survival of our interests, goals, and way of life, it is focused on taking action to safeguard the citizens, residents, tourists, and key assets, systems, and networks from the biggest risk to our country. The Environmental Protection Agency is a United States federal government agency whose mission is to protect human and environmental health. (2) Class II, including, but not limited to, hydrochlorofluorocarbons. 40102(4), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. Small business subcontractor means a concern that does not exceed the size standard for the North American Industry Classification Systems code that the prime contractor determines best describes the product or service being acquired by the subcontract. The national preparedness goal identified five mission areas, in which it groups the 32 core capabilities (the distinct critical elements needed to achieve the goal). The mission assurance strategy provides a framework for risk management across all protection and resilience programs. What is the general status of women in basseri society? Projected average loss means the estimated long-term average loss per period for periods of comparable exposure to risk of loss. Cost sharing means an explicit arrangement under which the contractor bears some of the burden of reasonable, allocable, and allowable contract cost. (4) Awards based on a reserve for HUBZone small business concerns in a solicitation for a multiple-award contract. (See 41 CFR 102-36.40). F.o.b. Consolidation or consolidated requirement, (1) Means a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, a task order, or a delivery order to satisfy-, (i) Two or more requirements of the Federal agency for supplies or services that have been provided to or performed for the Federal agency under two or more separate contracts, each of which was lower in cost than the total cost of the contract for which offers are solicited; or. Unified Command B. What is the definition for "Mitigation" mission area? Every company should have a precise statement of purpose that gets people excited about what the company does and motivates them to become part of the organization. 759, repealed by Pub. User: The five missions areas outlined in the national response framework are prevention,protection,mitigation,response,and. Protection Mission area basically deals with the capabilities to stop or to prevent the threats and violent actions if terrorism. Excess personal property means any personal property under the control of a Federal agency that the agency head determines is not required for its needs or for the discharge of its responsibilities. 20/3 Such a concern is not dominant in its field of operation when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on a national basis in a kind of business activity in which a number of business concerns are primarily engaged. (i) Is the product of original thinking submitted confidentially by one source; (ii) Contains new, novel, or changed concepts, approaches, or methods; (iii) Was not submitted previously by another; and. (2) Affiliates, as used in this definition, means business concerns, one of whom directly or indirectly controls or has the power to control the others, or a third party or parties control or have the power to control the others. Special tooling means jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, gauges, and all components of these items including foundations and similar improvements necessary for installing special tooling, and which are of such a specialized nature that without substantial modification or alteration their use is limited to the development or production of particular supplies or parts thereof or to the performance of particular services. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. For use in the clause at 52.247-34, see the definition at 52.247-34(a). Dollar values and percentages may be used as guideposts, but are not conclusive evidence that a modification is minor; (4) Any combination of products meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this definition that are of a type customarily combined and sold in combination to the general public; (5) A product, or combination of products, referred to in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this definition, even though the product, or combination of products, is transferred between or among separate divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of a contractor; or. The NPG identifies the desired achievements and the goals that have been set. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? General and administrative (G&A) expense means any management, financial, and other expense which is incurred by or allocated to a business unit and which is for the general management and administration of the business unit as a whole. Here are the top best what is the definition for the protection mission area voted by users and compiled by 5 WS, invite you to learn together, (a) A word or a term, defined in this section, has the same meaning throughout this regulation (48 CFR chapter 1), unless-, (1) The context in which the word or term is used clearly requires a different meaning; or. All Stakeholders should be involved in communications planning. Labor surplus area means a geographical area identified by the Department of Labor in accordance with 20 CFR part 654, subpart A, as an area of concentrated unemployment or underemployment or an area of labor surplus. National defense means any activity related to programs for military or atomic energy production or construction, military assistance to any foreign nation, stockpiling, or space, except that for use in subpart 11.6, see the definition in 11.601. Contracts do not include grants and cooperative agreements covered by 31 U.S.C.6301, et seq. Contiguous United States (CONUS) means the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. Adequate evidence means information sufficient to support the reasonable belief that a particular act or omission has occurred. They also include, but are not limited to, such factors as-. (1) PSC 5510, Lumber and Related Basic Wood Materials; (2) Product or service group (PSG) 87, Agricultural Supplies; (5) PSC 9410, Crude Grades of Plant Materials; (6) PSC 9430, Miscellaneous Crude Animal Products, Inedible; (7) PSC 9440, Miscellaneous Crude Agricultural and Forestry Products; (9) PSC 9620, Minerals, Natural and Synthetic; and. Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that contain only hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon. 20/3 means free on board. Common item means material that is common to the applicable Government contract and the contractors other work, except that for use in the clause at 52.246-26, see the definition in paragraph (a) of that clause. Sole source acquisition means a contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source. (9) For use in part 23, see definition at 23.001. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. ?n@3SPfA|-fbiESx_F2Y@Lja2i19JTa3-]nl6-Y ^9\^fU.l/wLu_TS~~weWEIO7o0~I!2>+~9Uo:`:_-n:]=PBP;zzU_g]+ %WjwqG~K'-2$z?g8THt%o _^H6|SC6} Iq_3NGd{~` 4 All advisory and assistance services are classified in one of the following definitional subdivisions: (1) Management and professional support services, i.e., contractual services that provide assistance, advice or training for the efficient and effective management and operation of organizations, activities (including management and support services for R&D activities), or systems. Direct acquisition means a type of interagency acquisition where a requesting agency places an order directly against a servicing agencys indefinite-delivery contract. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment. hmo6 Biobased product means a product determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be a commercial product or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products, including renewable domestic agricultural materials and forestry materials. Protection involves the ability to defend the country from terrorist attacks and natural and man-made calamities. This term is used in conjunction with a physical point to determine-, (1) The responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges; and. Costs identified specifically with a contract are direct costs of that contract. ; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster ( 42 U.S.C. (8) Rankings of bids, proposals, or competitors. Factors to be considered in determining whether a modification is minor include the value and size of the modification and the comparative value and size of the final product. Business unit means any segment of an organization, or an entire business organization that is not divided into segments. It can be safeguard to homeland securities. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area? Architect-engineer services, as defined in 40 U.S.C. The Nation's core capabilities are identified across five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. Other Core Capabilities: Neutral person means an impartial third party, who serves as a mediator, fact finder, or arbitrator, or otherwise functions to assist the parties to resolve the issues in controversy. Direct cost means any cost that is identified specifically with a particular final cost objective. chapter 75, Requirements for Single Audits; an internal institutional risk assessment; or State law. (1) A long-term relationship is contemplated; (2) Most or all of the facilities are owned or funded by the Government; and. (1) Data collected from prospective Federal awardees required for the conduct of business with the Government; (2) Prospective contractor-submitted annual representations and certifications in accordance with FAR subpart 4.12; and. Governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) means a task-order or delivery-order contract for information technology established by one agency for Governmentwide use that is operated-, (1) By an executive agent designated by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to 40 U.S.C. Latent defect means a defect that exists at the time of acceptance but cannot be discovered by a reasonable inspection. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called bids or sealed bids; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called proposals; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are quotations, not offers. Cognizant Federal agency means the Federal agency that, on behalf of all Federal agencies, is responsible for establishing final indirect cost rates and forward pricing rates, if applicable, and administering cost accounting standards for all contracts in a business unit. Component means any item supplied to the Government as part of an end item or of another component, except that for use in. Line item number means either a numeric or alphanumeric format to identify a line item. The data may also include, for example, sales data and any information reasonably required to explain the offerors estimating process, including, but not limited to-, (1) The judgmental factors applied and the mathematical or other methods used in the estimate, including those used in projecting from known data; and. The GPE is located at Requesting agency means the agency that has the requirement for an interagency acquisition. (3) Guarantee future energy and cost savings to the Government. Women-owned small business concern means, (i) That is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and, (ii) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women; or. (1) The Department of Defense is responsible for the system and the total expenditures for research, development, test, and evaluation for the system are estimated to be more than $185 million based on Fiscal Year 2014 constant dollars or the eventual total expenditure for the acquisition exceeds $835 million based on Fiscal Year 2014 constant dollars (or any update of these thresholds based on a more recent fiscal year, as specified in the DoD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System); (2) A civilian agency is responsible for the system and total expenditures for the system are estimated to exceed $2.5 million or the dollar threshold for a major system established by the agency pursuant to Office of Management and Budget Circular A-109, entitled Major System Acquisitions, whichever is greater; or. The term includes-, (1) Government-owned contractor-operated (GOCO) facilities; and, (2) Joint ventures and subsidiaries (domestic and foreign) in which the organization has-. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. (2) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a humanitarian or peacekeeping operation ( 10 U.S.C. Value engineering change proposal (VECP), (i) Requires a change to the instant contract to implement; and, (ii) Results in reducing the overall projected cost to the agency without impairing essential functions or characteristics, provided, that it does not involve a change-. See for the designated entity for establishing unique entity identifiers. This type of code is known as a NATO CAGE (NCAGE) code. Contracting office means an office that awards or executes a contract for supplies or services and performs postaward functions not assigned to a contract administration office (except for use in part 48, see also 48.001). What is the definition for the protection mission area? -` F'c]aY1]/]1M7/_19UK.#myfu>7m7{,70nxmG=|S bb{lo,g(+,JhyoC!3[m%(dRp2d:Q((`+ ~^WP^ikNsz6Rw1]z*~M}TX=vti Small disadvantaged business concern consistent with 13 CFR 124.1002, means a small business concern under the size standard applicable to the acquisition, that: (1) Is at least 51 percent unconditionally and directly owned (as defined at 13 CFR 124.105) by, (i) One or more socially disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.103) and economically disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.104) individuals who are citizens of the United States; and, (ii) Each individual claiming economic disadvantage has a net worth not exceeding $750,000 after taking into account the applicable exclusions set forth at 13 CFR 124.104(c)(2); and. (1) Technologies that use renewable energy to provide light, heat, cooling, or mechanical or electrical energy for use in facilities or other activities; or. Governmental functions normally fall into two categories: the act of governing, i.e., the discretionary exercise of Government authority, and monetary transactions and entitlements. (3) Women-owned small business (WOSB) concern eligible under the WOSB Program means a small business concern that is at least 51 percent directly and unconditionally owned by, and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by, one or more women who are citizens of the United States (13 CFR part 127). (2) An identifier assigned by a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to entities located outside the United States and its outlying areas that the DLA Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Branch records and maintains in the CAGE master file. State Government is the next level of government that responds to an incident when it has the potential to expand beyond the capability of local jurisdiction. 3502(8) used or operated by a Federal agency, or a contractor or other organization on behalf of the agency ( 44 U.S.C. Recovered material means waste materials and by-products recovered or diverted from solid waste, but the term does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process. The EPA regulates the manufacturing, processing,. Indirect cost rate means the percentage or dollar factor that expresses the ratio of indirect expense incurred in a given period to direct labor cost, manufacturing cost, or another appropriate base for the same period (see also final indirect cost rate). (2) Unless otherwise agreed, the point where title for goods passes to the buyer or consignee. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area? Design-to-cost means a concept that establishes cost elements as management goals to achieve the best balance between life-cycle cost, acceptable performance, and schedule. 1067k), including a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education, as defined in Section 502(a) of the Act ( 20 U.S.C. Performance is substantially in labor surplus areas if the costs incurred under the contract on account of manufacturing, production, or performance of appropriate services in labor surplus areas exceed 50 percent of the contract price. Building or work means construction activity as distinguished from manufacturing, furnishing of materials, or servicing and maintenance work. Final indirect cost rate means the indirect cost rate established and agreed upon by the Government and the contractor as not subject to change. (1) The Contractor has entered all mandatory information, including the unique entity identifier and the Electronic Funds Transfer indicator (if applicable), the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, as well as data required by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (see subpart 4.14), into SAM; (2) The Contractor has completed the Core, Assertions, Representations and Certifications, and Points of Contact sections of the registration in SAM; (3) The Government has validated all mandatory data fields, to include validation of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Protection in mission area means: Mitigation mission area means reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. (2) In this context, the term does not mean that the source has the sole capability of performing the research. 5122). This definition is a policy determination, not a legal determination. C. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. (2) That permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations. Forward pricing rate recommendation means a rate set unilaterally by the administrative contracting officer for use by the Government in negotiations or other contract actions when forward pricing rate agreement negotiations have not been completed or when the contractor will not agree to a forward pricing rate agreement. It usually is measured by the net proceeds from the sale or other disposition of the asset, or its fair value if the asset is traded in on another asset. (1) Means a subset of consolidation that combines two or more requirements for supplies or services, previously provided or performed under separate smaller contracts (see paragraph (2) of this definition), into a solicitation for a single contract, a multiple-award contract, or a task or delivery order that is likely to be unsuitable for award to a small business concern (even if it is suitable for award to a small business with a Small Business Teaming Arrangement) due to. The TIN may be either a Social Security Number or an Employer Identification Number. Direct costs are not limited to items that are incorporated in the end product as material or labor. The term includes Automated Clearing House transfers, Fedwire transfers, and transfers made at automatic teller machines and point-of-sale terminals. Performance-based acquisition (PBA) means an acquisition structured around the results to be achieved as opposed to the manner by which the work is to be performed. 153(2)). Advertisement (Select all that apply.) Inspection means examining and testing supplies or services (including, when appropriate, raw materials, components, and intermediate assemblies) to determine whether they conform to contract requirements. It does not include shift premium, i.e., the difference between the contractors regular rate of pay to an employee and the higher rate paid for extra-pay-shift work. These projections may include rates for such things as labor, indirect costs, material obsolescence and usage, spare parts provisioning, and material handling. Classified information means any knowledge that can be communicated or any documentary material, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, that, (i) Is owned by, is produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States Government; or, (ii) Has been classified by the Department of Energy as privately generated restricted data following the procedures in 10 CFR 1045.21; and. The definition for the protection mission area is secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters. Cost realism means that the costs in an offerors proposal-. Bid sample means a product sample required to be submitted by an offeror to show characteristics of the offered products that cannot adequately be described by specifications, purchase descriptions, or the solicitation (e.g., balance, facility of use, or pattern). If the contractor receives the termination notice after the date fixed for termination, then the effective date of termination means the date the contractor receives the notice. Particular areas (such as the rainforest in Fatu-Hiva) often feature biodiversity and geodiversity in their ecosystems. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. User: She worked really hard on the project. Explore by Region IUCN works to establish best practices and standards that maximise the effectiveness of protected and conserved areas and advances justice and equity in conservation, including the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. Interagency acquisition means a procedure by which an agency needing supplies or services (the requesting agency) obtains them from another agency (the servicing agency), by an assisted acquisition or a direct acquisition. Score 1 User: Which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for federal disaster assistance? The shield allows the defender to hold the area without being hit with the attack. Humanitarian or peacekeeping operation means a military operation in support of the provision of humanitarian or foreign disaster assistance or in support of a peacekeeping operation under chapter VI or VII of the Charter of the United Nations. (ii) To a significant extent, its use in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product. For construction contracts that have been completely terminated for convenience, it means the entire contract, notwithstanding the completion of, and payment for, individual items of work before termination. Solicitation means any request to submit offers or quotations to the Government. For use in the clause at 52.247-29, see the definition at 52.247-29(a). The shield can also be removed. Contracting means purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining supplies or services from nonfederal sources. (ii)The source of such services provides similar services contemporaneously to the general public under terms and conditions similar to those offered to the Federal Government; (2)Services of a type offered and sold competitively in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace based on established catalog or market prices for specific tasks performed or specific outcomes to be achieved and under standard commercial terms and conditions. (ii) Has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public; (2) A product that evolved from a product described in paragraph (1) of this definition through advances in technology or performance and that is not yet available in the commercial marketplace, but will be available in the commercial marketplace in time to satisfy the delivery requirements under a Government solicitation; (3) A product that would satisfy a criterion expressed in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition, except for-, (i) Modifications of a type customarily available in the commercial marketplace; or. endstream endobj 535 0 obj <>stream Effective date of termination means the date on which the notice of termination requires the contractor to stop performance under the contract. Shipment means freight transported or to be transported. It does not involve a process of valuation. (2) That part, subpart, or section applies to the word or term when used in that part, subpart, or section. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) indicator means a four-character suffix to the unique entity identifier. F.o.b. HUBZone means a historically underutilized business zone that is an area located within one or more qualified census tracts, qualified nonmetropolitan counties, lands within the external boundaries of an Indian reservation, qualified base closure areas, or redesignated areas, as defined in 13 CFR 126.103. er- 1 : a particular piece of ground or extent of space often set aside for special use a picnic area a waiting area 2 : the surface inside a figure or shape especially : the number of unit squares equal to the amount of space the surface covers a circle with an area of 500 square meters 3 : region sense 2a a farming area 4 What is the definition for the protection mission area? (10) Other information marked as Source Selection Information-See FAR 2.101 and 3.104 based on a case-by-case determination by the head of the agency or the contracting officer, that its disclosure would jeopardize the integrity or successful completion of the Federal agency procurement to which the information relates. (2) Separate contract as used in this definition, means a contract that has been performed by any business, including small and other than small business concerns. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. Deal directly with the attack risk of loss health and the goals that have been set reasonable allocable... Of another component, except that for use in the national response framework are prevention protection... 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