Monday, 27 February 2023 23:31. What was the first supposed eternal holy standard that man violated? I happened to tune into your TV program about one month ago and since then Ive never stopped watching you teach and preach in order to continually stir up the same fire for God within me. There is NO such thing as the afterlife There is life and then there is death. in the grave. But I stood faithful. NO they dont and to be matter of fact, lets read verse 14; So he said to her, What is his form? And she said, An old man is coming up, and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the ground and bowed down. The scriptures clearly state that God will be all in all so nobody needs Christianitys heaven to be saved. You either believe the good news or you dont. But I wanted to see a diversity in my ministry outreach. I felt a river of peace, joy, and love over my being. Inside pages are clean. News flash David communicating with the dead is NOT a real thing and thats why its considered an ABOMINATION! In so much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it to me. Hitler tortured his victims but guess what? I am not going to post his videos on this site because they are too long but here are the links if you would like to watch his videos that I will reference for all of my points of argument. My intellect was curious to understand the philosophy and cosmic ability of Jesus. You are a heresy expert! There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. There was only one salvation that day, but I was overjoyed to see it take place. Davids doctrinal beliefs have been subjected to criticism. There were seven miracles of healing that day. We live in a culture that celebrates almost any behavior, no matter how sinful, yet the slightest misstep could be the catalyst of our social and financial ruin. Society, even some . Who do you think you are? David Diga Hernandez shares how to know you have the holy spirit with these 7 simple signs. David does You have used nothing but heresy to justify the man-made creeds and traditions you cling to. 0 views, 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from David Diga Hernandez: What Happens When You Surrender to God #God #HolySpirit #Surrender #Obedience #SpiritualGrowth. He simultaneously attended a Charismatic Church and a Baptist School, which he believes laid the strong foundation for his teachings. We need to honor every type and culture of ministry, even ones with different doctrines. He says to his audience that theyll hear very far-fetched and stretched explanations about the explanation of Luke 16 and then he says that the universalist does a lot of biblical gymnastics to try to get around the very clear meaning of what the bible says David then quotes Luke 16:22-23 which is very interesting because he doesnt even quote the entire passage but he quotes those two scriptures because of the word Hades. It isnt everlasting life, its age-lasting life. And I want to be clear: my story is nowhere near complete. But God created a collaborative work surrounding my life. He has a YouTube Channel with close to 1 million subscribers where he talks about critical topics of the Christian life. YOUR YOUNGER SISTER WAS SODOM, WHO LIVED WITH HER DAUGHTERS IN THE SOUTH. Shortly after preaching my first sermon, a matter of days, I began to receive. Luke 15:11-12 Then He said: A certain man had two sons. Leviticus 16:33-34 And he shall make an atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation, and for the altar, and he shall make an atonement for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation. Men lie, David lies.. Maybe, but ultimately Id guess it would be to serve the greatest cause. You dont think thats an arrogant statement? (LogOut/ I watch you on TV all the time. May God bless you and your family. God created the garden and put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil IN THE MIDDLE of the garden. And you think universalist have a twisted view of morality? David Diga Hernandez, YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL TERRORIST! Humans are ALL naturally bent towards evil and if it wasnt for God holding us back from ourselves, we would ALL do nothing but evil continually. (Note: the word might is NOT in the Greek) and bible translators often added these kind of helping verbs to help perpetuate the lie that Christ will fail at drawing ALL of humanity to Gods salvation. As soon as he spoke those words, both of my friends (standing to my right and left) took off quickly in opposite directions. At all? I sat frozen in a cold sweat. I started listening to his messages for a few months and it has been a great blessing. About that conversion, I wrote this: There was one salvation. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. From that moment on, my ministry had a clear direction. I guess David doesnt understand the biblical teaching of the few and the many for he would not make a comment so littered with ignorance if he did. Im not even sure I know what youre even talking about at this point but in the end God will be all in all and thats really all that matters. It is CLEAR that David doesnt have a clue what the purpose is for the judgment of God and how scripture uses fire as a metaphor to describe how fire destroys things of little value and refines things of much value. After listening to your sermon, your life walking with the Holy Spirit, God is using you to minister to me and HS reminds and gives me the desire to go back to have intimacy with Him in lock closet. Its a lie inserted into the church to control Christians through fear. He has an uncommon grace to guide believers into closeness with the Holy Spirit. His theory has a few problems and the first is that the words breath, wind, and spirit all have similar meanings and/or applications. The word prison as it appears in 1 Peter 3:19 comes from the Greek word phylak not the Greek word tartaro which was itself erroneously linked to the Greek MYTHOLOGICAL teaching of Tartarus. The ones he entrusted with his business he takes them on a special cruise only reserved for them. Healings, Salvations, lives changed, lives rededicated because David heard, listened, learned, lived and loved our GOD! For more content, search for my sermon, "How to Know You're Spiritually Mature - 5 IMPORTANT Signs," on YouTube. Samuel himself was NEVER brought back from the dead because he was dead and just as the cloud disappears and vanishes away, so he who goes down to the grave does not come up. who had no idea what the power of God was like, would have trouble standing, as they approached nearer to the site of our undercover meetings. Tuesday, 28 February 2023 06:32. Luke 14:16 Then He said to him, A certain man gave a great supper and invited many. As for universalist rolling their eyes, Id rather roll to the Ezekiel 16:43-55; But first, because you have not remembered your youth but have angered me by doing all these evil things, I will fully repay you for all of your sins, says the Sovereign Lord. Jesus NEVER literally preached to spirits in some pagan afterlife. When all things have been completed, Jesus Christ himself will be subject to the Father after Christ subjects all things to himself which will ultimately result in GOD BEING ALL IN ALL! If the Gospels are a record of the life and ministry of Jesus, then the Book of Acts is a record of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. THERE IS NO SUCH SCRIPTURE! 1 Corinthians 6:2 says that the SAINTS will judge the WORLD so is it so far fetched and stretched that these same SAINTS are those who are wise that will serve as ambassadors of Gods judgment that will ultimately lead the world to learning righteousness? The true test is life because it is in life that we go through storms and go through many trials and tribulations. Behind a large concrete wall, among the poles of an unused tetherball court is where I first began to pray for the sick. The first thing you said was, You dont get the idea of hell. I look forward to becoming a healing revivalist that will carry the burning touch of God all the days of his and also impact peoples lives. 25 Truths about Demons and Spiritual Warfare: Uncover the Hidden Effects of Demonic Influence. Pay close attention to how each line of the English words in the KJV are linked to the corresponding Greek word that it was translated from. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God is JUST but to be just requires God to do that which is RIGHT! David proclaims that he wishes that universalism were true but David is a liar and he spends over 70 minutes in his 2 part video series supposedly debunking universalism to prove it. Lets Pray to Unite (not divide, humilty over pride). Luke 16:1 He also said to His disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. In 2015, David met a woman who would later become his wife. Praise God, thank you, Jesus, for your servant, Pastor David for he touches the hearts of people. Luke 12:16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. Anyone that has ever had to keep a camp fire or a fireplace lit knows this. We say that God is all-knowing and all-powerful so arguably there should be nothing in the created world that is smarter or more powerful than God. Christ suffered for OUR sins (the sins of all humanity), the just (Jesus Christ) for the unjust (sinful humanity) for him to bring us to God. Davids definitions of Sheol and Hades are actually correct and that can easily be proven from the scriptures however, his definitions of Tartarus and Gehenna are extremely bogus. It is the way of eternal death with punishment.. And if you've been in the ministry for any amount of time, you'll get the same said of you. David, being as inconsistent as he is now flips (pun intended) back to his favorite bible translation to quote Genesis 21:33; Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the Lord, the Eternal (Hebrew `owlam) God. Hell is not even biologically and scientifically possible. When people criticize others, in whose shoes they have not walked, they themselves are criticizing God in those people. He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy. I first saw the Man of God on Sid Roths Its Supernatural, and I was glued! You dont get the idea of hell. Your email address will not be published. People like you need to a hell because its the only thing that makes you feel special. In Matthew 25:41, we read that aionios fire has been prepared for the devil and his angels but who are devils messengers? If my neighbor starts eating dog feces shall I then believe that eating dog feces is a real thing? I wanted it to be a hard thing to prove, so that I knew it was God. His emergence as a spiritual leader has seen him in demand to deliver his teachings around the world, filling out stadiums wherever he goes. God has an order to His salvation plan yet Christianity teaches that if you dont choose Christ in your earthly life, you will spend an eternity separated from God is some pagan hell to be tortured in real fire for all eternity. I am not going to go into a lot of detail about what heaven is because Ive already written on that subject, but heaven is a spiritual realm, it is not a literal physical kingdom with streets of gold, pearly gates, and God sitting on a literal throne. There are no varying degrees of hell and there is most certainly no purgatory. Now, even if we are redeemed, I think God says there is still a price to be paid for our sin. Take vacations and relax. Everything about me was about Jesus. David believes that this everlasting fire is synonymous with the pagan hell that Christianity has preached from its pulpits for centuries but David errs. He travels all around the world preaching the gospel of salvation through Jesus and ministering the Holy Spirit's power and presence. The chairs were metal. Comments are turned off. May Our awesome Lord use you mighty even these last hours. FOREVER AND EVER? The witch told Saul in verse 13 that she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth and in verse 14, we read that this spirit had the form of an OLD MAN Remember that spirit is INVISIBLE so Saul PERCEIVED (that is, thought in HIS OWN MIND) that this old man envisioned of by a witch to be Samuel. They had no idea what hit them, as they picked themselves up from the floor with very confused looks on their faces. This is the stupid theology of Christianity that I am trying to point out and David clearly has no clue what he is talking about. To be dead is not a change in location it is the absence of life. I would watch videos and documentaries of the great generals of the faith. To add more books, click here . Witches are known to have the ability to access false spirits otherwise known as DEMONS so Saul requests that she bring Samuels spirit back from the dead. How can David and all of Christianity believe they are saved when they dont even believe that Jesus Christ was even dead? What a person thinks becomes the driver and primary influencer of all actions. or thousands astray or part of the movement that led millions astray What would you say to God? Go out and do so. Therefore look! invitations to speak at other youth events. But before my ministry was ever expressed on platforms, it was cultivated through discipleship and private devotion to the Lord. The leaders of Christianity teach that God has created man with an immortal soul (which by the way is totally unscriptural) and since man has a so called immortal soul, God will punish the wicked and unbelieving populations of the world with REAL FIRE for all eternity. Money is required to fund and maintain ministriesthats just a fact. He only recently passed away, but his impact continues to this day. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever (not forever but beyond). Ministryhood came naturally for him because it flows in the family. There is no logical or scriptural justification for David to assume that the grave is really the afterlife. David says, The only reason that we are offended by the thought of hell is because we are not offended enough by sin. Understand this truth, and your prayers will carry heaven . In this encouraging message, David Diga Hernandez shows you 5 ways the Holy Spirit helps you to walk in your divine purpose. 2 5.1 Probabilidad y mtodos de conteo (Valor 55 puntos) Instrucciones: En esta tarea, se trabajar con la introduccin a la probabilidad. I dont mind criticism at all but what you provided was far from criticism. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. I sobbed tears of joy, as the perfect love of God dispelled all fear. 1. The YouTube channel David Diga Hernandez gets more than 3.22 000 000 each month. So David thinks that necromancy is an actual real thing simply because the PAGAN NATIONS practiced it? In the BEGINNING (thats time), God created the heavens and the earth Does it say, in the heavens and earth, God created the beginning? Is money the God or Jesus? There is nothing spiritual, loving, reasonable, or logical about torturing people with real fire. Circumstances allowed me the opportunity of meeting Pastor Benny. Based in Southern California, David travels worldwide to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry. The Bible truth is still true despite the instrument using it. How in the world do you know that David? Today, Dr. David Jeremiah surveys New Testament prophesies about the rise of this . The devil never dragged literal angels out of a literal heaven during some war in heaven. Dont get the idea of who is david diga hernandez is because we are not offended enough by sin million subscribers where he about... And go through storms and go through many trials and tribulations fund and maintain ministriesthats just a fact he!, learned, LIVED and loved our God but his impact continues to this day tree the... Does you have the holy Spirit offended enough by sin Truths about Demons and SPIRITUAL Warfare: Uncover the Effects! 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